Chapter 170

In the underworld, Su Heng was still lying on the white jade bed, and the little Yuji next to her was still ruddy. She rubbed her palms and kept a movement for a long time, and her wrists would inevitably feel a little sore...

Su Heng turned his body sideways, and heard the sound of the rolling wheel approaching from a distance. He knew that the chief executive was looking for trouble.

"My lord, a monster appeared in the city of Suzhou and Hangzhou. I don't know what kind of evil method it used to trap many monks. These monks were devoured by him one by one, and their souls were scattered." Sure enough, Su Xiaoxiao's arrival always means something happened.

Su Heng hummed, he didn't have any extra thoughts, it's impossible to move, it's impossible to move in this life, just lying down like this, and there are people serving him, everyone in the underworld is talented, they don't flirt, they like to treat themselves To be honest, the words are super nice, and he likes repeating such days every day.

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at Su Heng, who was unmoved, and she had expected it in her heart, and continued: "This monster's methods are so powerful, if it goes on for a long time and devours these souls everywhere, I am afraid that not many ghosts will come to the underworld to reincarnate. "

Hearing this, Su Heng frowned. According to what Su Xiaoxiao said, if this demon way goes on like this for a long time, it will hinder the development of the underworld. What the underworld needs most is the ghosts of these people after death. Doing so is undoubtedly blocking the fortune of the underworld...

So, how can this be tolerated?
"I'll come as soon as I go, and prepare a pot of warm tea for me."

He wants to have a Warm Tea Demon Slaying Dao...

Su Heng stood up, touched little Yuji's head, and helped her pull her collar. This child doesn't know how to be careful when dressing, and some things can't be exposed. A beast like a river crab, even if he is Su Dadi, he will give up three points...


In the city of Suzhou and Hangzhou, True Lord Taiyin floated in the air. Looking at the monks trapped in the formation below, he smiled with satisfaction. This human nature is greedy. He threw out the treasure made of paper cranes, which attracted countless people. Fighting, even if you enter this formation, you don't know.

Paper cranes contain the seven emotions and six desires. As long as everyone touches a paper crane, a certain emotion in the body will be infinitely magnified.

For example, at this time, a monk in white clothes below, the 'joy' in his body is magnified, and there is always a smiling face on his face, cheerful, holding a spiritual weapon transformed into a paper crane, hugging Tightly, being besieged by a group of monks, beaten to the point of bleeding, still smiling all the time...

True Monarch Taiyin is watching from above, and he is not in a hurry. He will wait until these people are almost beaten and have no strength to resist. He is going to deal with them. He holds a green vermilion hairpin in his hand, which can devour the cultivation of these monks, including their souls.

After trapping the monk Fahai, he went to the security hall, planning to find trouble with the white snake, but the white snake was very clever and threw the green Zhuchai in the opposite direction. He had no choice but to look for Zhuchai. , let them run away.

After getting Zhu Chai, there was the scene in front of him. Under the temptation of the spiritual weapon, many monks fell into his formation one after another, providing him with a steady stream of spiritual energy.

Every time he absorbs these auras, he feels that his strength has improved to a higher level. If it lasts for a long time, who else in Kyushu can fight him?

A demon Taoist appeared in Suhang City, his cultivation base was unpredictable. The government forces stationed in Suhang City immediately contacted some folk demon-killing families, and prepared to join forces to deal with the demon Taoism.

After the convening order was issued, all the monks in Suhang City began to gather towards the prefect's mansion. Because of the fear that the demon way was too powerful, Great Yan Guoshi Shen Gongbao directly sent a few monks from Yanjing City to go to Suhang City in person.

The appearance of the demon way made the atmosphere of the entire Suzhou-Hangzhou city tense, and the streets and alleys no longer saw the scene of people coming and going, and the scene of heavy traffic.

When Su Heng came to Suhang City, he only saw a few scattered monks running around in the city, all of them looked serious and nervous.

"Hey, don't you know that the city of Suzhou and Hangzhou is very dangerous now? How dare you run around? Hurry up and hide."

Su Heng, who had just arrived in Suhang City, was awakened by a scolding. He turned his head and looked, only to see a woman with a gourd on her back standing there. She was fair-skinned, covered her face, and glared at him. Although she was angry, she looked like a human animal. Harmless, especially the gourd on the back, which is almost half the size of her body.

Su Heng stared at this strange outfit for a long time, especially the gourd, which was really big...

"You don't need to thank me, I, Zhou Qiqi, was born in a family of exorcising demons. I am a hero, and I have always roared when I see injustice." The woman who called herself Zhou Qiqi walked up to Su Heng, patted her chest proudly, and looked like a hero .

She felt good about herself, and felt that Su Heng must be looking at her like this to say something thankful.

Su Heng glanced lightly at the lying chest. This is another airport, but with a pair of long legs, it is not useless...

It's just that I'm covering my face in broad daylight, I can't understand it...

When Zhou Qiqi was about to continue talking, she suddenly froze for a moment, looked behind Su Heng, her face changed slightly, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to sneak away..."

Su Heng was also taken aback, and when he turned his head, he saw an old Taoist priest wearing a black robe, with white hair fluttering around, and a pair of eagle eyes staring at this side coldly, the old Taoist priest was walking towards this direction, his aura was like a rainbow, extraordinary .

Su Heng didn't pay much attention, but turned his head again, and couldn't see Zhou Qiqi anymore, so he couldn't help but fell silent...

This is really his grandma's chivalrous spirit...

True Monarch Taiyin was also taken aback when he saw Su Heng. This kid looked ordinary, but for some reason, he always felt a little nervous.

Maybe it's because everyone else ran away when they saw me, but this idiot didn't, so I felt a little different.This is what True Lord Taiyin thinks in his heart. He doesn't think there is any existence in Suhang City that is stronger than him. I believe that after a while, he will be able to suppress the entire Kyushu.

As for what people have said recently about Emperor Fengdu, Buddha Lord Tathagata, Juchan Erjiao and other forces, they will all be hanged and beaten by him at that time.

Although he was full of confidence in his heart, True Monarch Taiyin still did not dare to underestimate Su Heng, even if he couldn't feel the slightest wave of aura on him.

The last time I failed because I was too careless, this time I will definitely not make the same mistake...

True Monarch Taiyin's eyes were firm, because of a carelessness, he was sealed in a black coffin and floated in the void for an unknown number of years. This bloody lesson taught him not to underestimate anyone, no matter who he is, he must go all out.

Therefore, at this moment, facing Su Heng, he didn't feel careless or contemptuous. Instead, he felt that this kid was mysterious and he had to be more cautious.

True Monarch Taiyin has a serious face, he circulates the spiritual energy of his whole body, and various golden runes swim around him, and the green vermilion hairpin in his hand is also floating in front of his eyes. , and shot towards Su Heng.

Just one blow, and you've gone all out!

At this moment, Su Heng calmly raised his hand and grabbed Zhu Chai...

(End of this chapter)

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