Invincible from the start

Chapter 176 Peach Blossom Spring

Chapter 176 Peach Blossom Spring

Just when a group of bigwigs continued to advocate Su Heng, and when Yuanshi Tianzun was still contemplating and terrified, an exclamation attracted everyone's attention again.

I saw that old guy who was still advocating the origin of all things and agreeing that this is a piece of ordinary jade has been sucked in by the peach blossom forest...

"Amitabha, the extremes of things will be reversed, its shape is not a beast, and it will be condemned by heaven..." Qijie said to himself, and he couldn't help but think of listening in his mind. He really deserves to be a spiritual beast of heaven and earth. ...

Then I thought of the group of people in the underworld, as if this thing could never be reversed, I couldn't help but look at Su Heng next to me, and took a breath, the Great Emperor is the Great Emperor, with luck like a rainbow, suppressing all things, so terrifying...

At this time, the old guy had already appeared on the boat, his expression flustered, he opened his mouth and shouted, his whole body seemed to be restrained in place, unable to move, and the boatman who was driving the boat didn't seem to notice either, Just continue to sing folk songs, continue to swing the oars.

"It's really extraordinary that such a vision can be born in Tianmen." This time, everyone realized that this matter was not simple.

Everyone gathered around, frowning, and watched with great interest...

In the vision, the boat turned a corner, and a river appeared in front of it. The river was not rushing. The boatman steered the boat steadily and went straight down the river. The peach petals on both sides of the river fell off one after another and floated on the river.

At the end of the peach blossom forest, a hill appeared in front of it. The mountain was also full of peach blossom trees. The breeze was blowing gently, blowing the branches and leaves. Just looking at it from a distance, it was very beautiful. There was a cave at the bottom of the hill, and there was a faint light in the cave.

The boatman continued to steer the boat, and slowly passed through the hole. There seemed to be a hole in the hole, and some clouds and smoke could be seen drifting far away.

Could this be the Peach Blossom Spring?
Like everyone else, Su Heng watched intently. This is such a beautiful scene outside, and what kind of fairyland on earth is inside.

However, after the boat passed through the hole, the scene behind it suddenly disappeared...

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere became quiet again...

Qi Jie raised his head and looked at the crowd, he knew that it must be a bad feeling to suddenly disappear below, so he touched the chicken legs in his arms and found that there were not many of them, after thinking about it, he decided to forget it...

"Look, it's moving again!"

I saw that the vision on the jade wall moved again, it was still the peach blossom forest, the same stream, and the boatman driving the boat, still singing folk songs there, but the old guy who was sucked in earlier was gone. up.

The boatman sang a folk song, and when he got excited, he made the same movements as before, raised his head and roared loudly, and then another old guy was sucked in...

The old guy also appeared at the bow of the boat, standing there, unable to move, but he had to be much calmer, after all, he had seen that scene before, but he was still a little nervous, in Kyushu, he is a powerful party, the world can go Yes, but when he got here, he found that he couldn't move, and his entire fate seemed to be in the hands of others.

"Everyone, there is something wrong with this vision." Master Tongtian raised his eyebrows, and he found something was wrong.

The person next to him turned his head and took a look, wanting to rant, do you still need to talk about this nonsense?But after thinking about the strength of the two sides and comparing them, forget it...

Su Heng didn't speak, he has been observing silently, especially when the boatman roared just now, he obviously felt something was wrong, this is a special method, directly breaking the space by shouting.

This method is very strange, and the mystery in it is blunt and difficult to understand. If you want to learn to understand it, I am afraid it will take a lot of time, it may be hundreds of years, it may be thousands of years, it may be tens of thousands of years, it may be forever...

But Su Heng took a look, felt it, changed it, and then he knew it...

Su Heng looked at the vision, and with a movement of consciousness, his thoughts became clear, and he disappeared in place, appeared in the vision, and stood beside the bow.

Yuanshi Tianzun and others were shocked when they saw Su Heng disappearing suddenly and reappearing inside. The emperor was sucked in?
Then they discovered something was wrong again, why was the emperor able to move?

Su Heng stood at the bow of the boat and looked at the boatman. The boatman was also a little confused. There was a look of doubt in his eyes. He scratched his head and thought about it carefully. came in...

Forget it, one or two are the same, don't think about it, the boatman shook his head, and continued to swing the oars, anyway, the few that came in are all the same, when you get on his boat, just stay there and don't even think about moving.

The boatman smiled triumphantly, glanced casually at Su Heng, and then...the smile gradually disappeared, and a bewildered expression appeared again...

Su Heng stood on the bow of the boat, walked back and forth, and at the same time turned his head to look around. This place is indeed very nice, with fresh air and picturesque scenery, but there are two old men standing next to them, all staring at it with dazed faces. Myself, a bit of a spoiler.

"Go ahead, leave me alone." Su Heng glanced at the clear river, then turned his head and smiled at the boatman.

The boatman was silent for a moment, then continued to row the oars.

The boat went down the river, and reached the end of the peach blossom forest, passed through the hole, and passed through the clouds and smoke.

Su Heng squinted his eyes slightly, and saw the scene behind this. When the old guy came here before, when the picture suddenly disappeared, he had guessed that this peach blossom garden had a superficial appearance, and there might be another hellish picture behind it.

Those outside are used to confuse others and make people relax their vigilance, but when they enter, they are surprised. Inside is a wide and flat land, with rows of bamboo fence huts juxtaposed in piles. There are many people standing on the shore, indifferent looking at myself.

After the boatman leaned the boat on the shore, he smiled at Su Heng: "Young man, you are very courageous, but it's a pity that when you come to this Peach Blossom Spring, it's useless to be bold."

Following the boatman's words, many people came out from behind the hut, everyone was wearing strange clothes, they were carrying a sedan chair, and a man in a white robe sat on the sedan chair. Pale as snow.

"Old Zhou, why are there two people here? With your cultivation, can you summon two people at the same time?" The white-robed man looked at the boatman with a puzzled tone.

The boatman named Lao Zhou chuckled, he took off his bamboo hat, and he also had white hair, and said with a smile: "Master, I didn't call this man, he ran in by himself, and I don't know what method he used, but Kyushu It’s so big, it’s inevitable that there will be some strange people, anyway, no matter how many tricks you have, coming here, isn’t it just at your mercy?”

The white-robed man nodded after hearing this, hummed, then stood up, half-bent down, and untied his belt with both hands...


A new start, ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you...

(End of this chapter)

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