Invincible from the start

Chapter 177 3 Raw Stones

Chapter 177 The Three Lives Stones

"Great Emperor, this place is so weird. Okay, why does this man take off his pants..." The old man who came in with Su Heng found that he could move after the boat docked, and immediately ran to Su Heng. He felt that at this moment At this moment, it is the wisest choice to resolutely hug this thigh, especially seeing the action of the white-robed man taking off his pants, he was terrified. In Kyushu, he can raise his head and look at people through his nostrils every day, but Once here, everything is under his control, so he can only be seen with his nostrils...

"Great Emperor, my name is Gao Siqing, please take care of me." The old man was also a well-known bigwig when he was in Kyushu. He was used to keeping a straight face all day long. He hasn't smiled for a long time. Usually, others smile at him. He almost forgot how to smile, and this time he managed to squeeze out a smile, but it looked extremely wretched.

Although there has been no human relationship for many years, and he has never flattered anyone, Gao Siqing knows that hard work and hard work are not as good as hugging his thighs...

Su Heng glanced at this wretched-looking old man, he remembered the old man's name, Gao Siqing, make trouble...

"I didn't take off my pants, it's just that my belt is a little loose." The white-robed man raised his head, with a dark face, and glared at Gao Siqing. Su Heng could also see his appearance clearly. He was dressed in a white robe, and he was handsome and young. Brother son.

Brother Young Master's complexion is pale and his complexion is very bad. It looks like he has exercised too frequently at night and overworked, which has caused him to be a bit weak...

"My lord, people who say such things are generally covering up some shady activities. I often did this when I traveled across Kyushu in the early years." Gao Siqing immediately said to Su Heng, the analysis was well-founded, and he also shared it specially My own personal experience...

Su Heng was a little confused when he heard that, he didn't know if Gao Siqing's frequent words were referring to some shady activities, or referring to frequent taking off his pants...

"Master, the newcomers who came this time are a bit arrogant, why don't you kill them?" The boatman walked to the side of the white-robed young man, and looked at him fiercely, especially Gao Siqing, who stared several times.

Gao Siqing was not afraid, and immediately stared back. Anyway, there is the emperor standing beside him, so it doesn't matter if the emperor doesn't work. Anyway, he can't get out of this ghostly place with his own strength. It's better to stiffen his neck and be tougher.

"Go down." The white-robed young man waved his hand, shouted the boatman away, got off the sedan chair, walked up to Su Heng, and ignored Gao Siqing.

"Let me briefly introduce this place to the two of you. This is the Peach Blossom Spring. It is not within the three thousand void realms. It has jumped out of the shackles of heaven and earth and formed a realm of its own. Although I don't know what means you used to come here, it is a pity. , when you arrive at the Taohuayuan, even if you have supernatural abilities, you won’t be able to use it.” The white-robed young man looked confident.

Then he continued: "By the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Dong Yong, and I am the owner of this peach blossom garden. Since the two of you have arrived here, I will ask you to borrow some spiritual energy from the two of you. As a reward, you two will stay in this peach blossom garden forever." Go inside, look at the mountains and rivers every day, eat and drink without worrying, and be happy and carefree."

Dong Yong?Su Heng's eyes froze, he thought for a while and said, "Then do you have a wife named Xiao Qi..."

Hearing Su Heng's words, Dong Yong was shocked, subconsciously took a few steps back, and then showed an unbelievable expression on his face, and asked, " did you know?"

Gao Siqing on the side saw Dong Yong's appearance and Su Heng's calm appearance, and was amazed in his heart. The Great Emperor really deserves to be called the Great Emperor. Even if he stays in the underworld all day, he can know everything in the world...

"You, how do you know about Xiaoqi? I have searched for her for countless years but have not found her. Do you know her? Please tell me where she is..." Dong Yong looked a little crazy, and his eyes were red.

At this time Dong Yong has changed, he was full of confidence before, and everything is under control, but now he looks like a man who has lost his soul, with pleading and eager eyes, looking at Su Heng.

Su Heng shook his head after looking at it, and he said casually, how could he know where Dong Yong's wife had gone? If he really knew, he probably wouldn't be able to figure it out when Dong Yong woke up. He didn't even know where his wife was. Why, why do you, an outsider, know so clearly...

Seeing Su Heng shaking his head, Dong Yong smiled desperately: "That's right, I don't even remember how many years I've been in this peach blossom garden. I wandered around in this vast void all day, and every time I caught some people in, borrowed Some spiritual power urged the Sansheng Stone to try to find her, but after so long, there was no trace, how would you know..."

Sansheng stone?When Su Heng heard this, he couldn't help thinking that there was also a Sansheng Stone in his own mansion, but it was not called the Sansheng Stone at first, but the Jingxin Stone. He got it from the Changsheng Temple when the mansion was first built, and later changed its name without authorization. Changed to Sansheng Stone.

Now listening to Dong Yong's words, it seems that the real Sansheng Stone has appeared. Thinking of this, Su Heng couldn't help but move his mind...

Originally, he planned to slap Dong Yong to death if he found something was wrong, but now that he heard the word Sanshengshi, Su Heng decided to be more refined and easy-going. Let's sit down and talk about life slowly, and listen to Dong Yong's unhappy things. After hearing it to my heart's content, I smiled at him, telling him that the world needs more smiles...

"What is the use of these three life stones? Why do you want to arrest people? Why do you need spiritual power? Where did those people go?" Su Heng asked a series of questions, Dong Yong paused after hearing this, perhaps because Su Heng mentioned With the word Xiaoqi, he patiently explained: "The three-life stone is also called the marriage stone, which means that three lives are determined by fate. You can see your true love through the three-life stone, past life, present life, and future life. This is the three lives."

"Because it is a strange stone from heaven and earth, it takes a huge amount of spiritual power to use it every time. Over the years, I have used my spiritual power to activate the Sansheng Stone almost all the time, trying to find Xiaoqi's trace, but unfortunately, it has been in vain. But I didn't give up, it's just that I was weak alone, so I thought of the characteristics of Taohuayuan, I can get other people here, and then use their spiritual power to activate the Three Life Stone."

"Over the years, I have invited hundreds of monks to come here one after another. Every time I have borrowed their spiritual power, I will let them live in Taohuayuan until their spiritual power recovers next time. There is no need to worry about eating and drinking here. And stay away from disputes, for a long time, they have no resistance, until now."

After Dong Yong explained in one breath, Su Heng's mind became more active when he heard it. The three-living stone is a good thing. You can discuss it with Dong Yong and borrow it for a while. Anyway, Dong Yong has used it for so long, and it has no effect at all. , maybe the Sanshengshi and Taohuayuan are not acclimatized, and it might be different in my own underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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