Invincible from the start

Chapter 184 The Summoned Evil Ghost

Chapter 184 The Summoned Evil Ghost (for Subscription)

In Jiangzhou city, in the east, in the market.

Li Taibai came one step ahead, Yujian was in the sky, standing on the sword, watching the tombstone surrounded by thick fog with cold eyes.

The tombstone stands in the center of the market. Li Taibai has good eyesight and can clearly see the overall outline of the tombstone. It is a wordless tombstone, without an inscription, standing there empty. It looks like a crack in front of it. The fog overflowed, and these evil spirits seemed to come from here.

Li Taibai observed carefully, and found that there was another person beside the tombstone, a young man who seemed to be in his early thirties, with disheveled clothes and wild hair.

"How did this man get in?" Zhong Kui rushed after him. He frowned and looked at the man with great doubts in his heart. The tombstone has been surrounded by black mist and protected tightly. Neither he nor Li Taibai could do it. Enter, how did this person who appeared suddenly enter?
Li Taibai shook his head, he didn't know, he just continued to observe the man.

The man was sloppy, his behavior was a little different from ordinary people, and he seemed to be very emotional. He half-kneeled in front of the tombstone, looking a little crazy. He raised his hands and pressed the palm of his hand against the tombstone without words, and the spiritual energy in his body poured in quickly Inside the tombstone, with the infusion of his aura, more and more black mist overflowed from the opening in front of the tombstone.

The man looked even more excited when he saw this, and he shouted loudly: "Use my spirit as a medium to open the gate of hell and summon the gods of the evil spirit world to come to Kyushu, come out, and destroy this evil world! Hahaha... "

"Are you calling me, mortal?" An indifferent voice came from the opening of the crack, and an evil breath came out immediately, and the thick black fog quickly gathered together, changing into various shapes, gradually , a figure appeared, a man in a black robe with a pale face and blood-red eyes. He was floating in the air, holding a sickle in his hand. The tip of the knife was blood-red. The curved sickle looked like a blood moon.

Seeing the man in the black robe, the man shouted: "I am willing to sacrifice my life, and ask the Lord to destroy Kyushu and kill everyone in this world!"

"Hehe, weak mortals, mere ant-like lives, what is there to sacrifice? I am the King of Ghosts, and I refuse your request from an ant. However, we are very interested in the Kyushu Realm and the Evil Ghost Realm." Ghost King Looking at the man kneeling on the ground expressionlessly, he smiled coldly, waved the sickle lightly in his hand, the bloody scythe flashed with blood, and the man kneeling on the ground showed no signs of life, but his eyes before death contained the meaning of relief , He hates this world, he wants revenge, although he is weak and incompetent, unable to personally kill the enemy, but this is enough, he believes that the gods of the evil spirit world will definitely drag those people from Kyushu to be buried with him.

Since he has no ability to take revenge, then let the entire Kyushu die together...

"Brother Li, this wordless tombstone seems to be connected to another world?" Zhong Kui outside the dense fog looked at the black-robed man with a cautious expression, holding the Heavenly Master Sword tightly in his hand, thinking about the black-robed man just now in his mind. In human terms, ghost ghost king?What does that have to do with the ghost king in the underworld?
"Anyway, let's get rid of this damn thing first."

Li Taibai narrowed his eyes slightly, and dropped from the long sword, his hands continuously changed several handprints, 'Dahe' turned into a blue lotus sword shadow and slashed towards the black-robed man in the thick fog.

The green lotus wards off evil spirits and kills all ghosts. The blossoming green lotus blooms from the sky, and the sword shadow breaks through the barrier of thick fog, turning into countless sword qi and falling down.

"Hehe, is this the power of mortals?" Ghost King looked at the countless sword qi playfully, and lightly waved the blood moon sickle in his hand, and a round of blood moon shadow appeared out of thin air, shattering the sword from afar. All Qi is blocked.

When the Qinglian sword energy encountered the shadow of the blood moon, it seemed to be suppressed by a corrosive force, and the green lotus sword energy withered and fell instantly.

"This evil spirit is much more powerful than the one that came out last time." Zhong Kui glanced aside, and confirmed the original guess in his heart again. Behind the crack, every time the evil spirit that came out was stronger than the last one.

The man hadn't noticed it before, so it was impossible for him to appear here suddenly, which meant that the man had been hiding in it before, but this time, he probably felt that the end was approaching, so he didn't hide anymore and showed up directly.

Zhong Kui was thinking in his heart when he suddenly saw a white shadow falling down. Li Taibai was shot down by a blood moon shadow, and he quickly caught it.

"Brother Zhong, retreat, I'm not this evil opponent." Li Taibai's face was pale, his sword hand was trembling slightly, there were still a few cracks on the 'Dahe', and he just blocked several moves of the Ghost King, This sword is about to give up.

"Brother Li, you are lonely and wandering all over the world. You can leave, but I can't, because I represent Fengdu's face." Zhong Kui shook his head, with a fearless expression, and walked up to Li Taibai, holding the Celestial Master Sword tightly in his hand, Pointing at the Ghost King from afar.

"Hehe, weak ants always like to struggle like this desperately."

Ghost King glanced at Zhong Kui, and his blood eyes paid a little attention to Tian Shi's sword. The sword had an aura he hated, and his face couldn't help being a little irritable. With a light wave of the blood moon sickle, Zhong Kui quickly swung his sword to block it. There is a rune body protection on the Tianshi sword, and the golden runes are engraved with all kinds of blunt and incomprehensible Daoist imprints, but under the shadow of the blood moon, it looks very weak, just like Li Taibai, it was knocked back by a blow.

At this time, not far away, Su Heng and the Nether King stood on the eaves of a roof, watching from a distance.

Su Heng looked at Zhong Kui, and a scholar he didn't know, who was injured and disabled, and couldn't help shaking his head. Although he was invincible in the world, it was hard to win, but the strength of the following people was really poor, so he didn't know where to take risks It's really embarrassing that a cat or a dog can hang them up and beat them...

A ghost that can't even take a slap from me can actually hang up and beat my subordinates. Is this because I am too strong or my subordinates are too weak...

"Great Emperor, don't you want to help?" The Nether Ghost King stood aside and glanced at Su Heng secretly. He was a little flustered now, because that evil spirit was actually called the Ghost King...

After hearing this name, even he wondered if this guy was his long-lost brother, but he was sure that it was definitely not. He was originally a native of Kyushu, without any brothers and sisters. Farmed and herded cattle, died later, was resurrected in a blood rain and got a chance, originally had the idea of ​​going out to explore the world, but before he came out of the mountain, he met the emperor, was hanged and beaten, and took away The talisman of fate, finally brought back to the underworld and handed it to old man Yan for research, which provided a great role for the research cause of the underworld...

He felt that his whole life was for research...

"What's your relationship with this guy?" Su Heng squinted at the Nether Ghost King. Why was this old ghost so eager to help? According to his understanding of him, this old ghost used to hide when he could.

Sure enough, you doubt me, then I must take the initiative to help and prove my innocence...

Hearing Su Heng's words, the Ghost King immediately said: "Great Emperor, I really don't know him, and I really want to know why he is called the Ghost King, but I think Zhong Kui and the others can't hold it anymore, let me go up and help. "

Su Heng was not in a hurry, he looked at the old ghost curiously, and asked, "Then why are you called the ghost king again?"

This question directly stunned the Nether Ghost King, yes, what am I called the Nether Ghost King?It seems that when I woke up, I felt that I was called the Nether Ghost King. I didn't get this name myself. Could it be that I really have something to do with this guy?

Su Heng glanced at the surprised face of the Nether Ghost King, and had some guesses in his heart. Among the old guys who were shot to death in the ancient battlefield, there was a group of self-proclaimed spirits, who said that the blood rain was their good fortune. , but as soon as the ghost ghost king came out, I always felt that those old guys might have some connection with this void.

"Great Emperor, they really can't hold on anymore." The Nether Ghost King glanced at Zhong Kui, only to see a blood moon turning into a knife light and falling, Zhong Kui and Li Taibai were lying powerlessly on the ground, trying to stand up and resist , It's a pity that he was covered with wounds and was unable to move.

The Nether Ghost King turned his head, but found that there was no one beside him...

When I turned my head to look again, I saw that Su Heng had already appeared in front of Zhong Kui, with a relaxed look on his face, one hand easily holding the cut Blood Moon sickle, and he was looking at it with great interest...

The Ghost King looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, with a startled expression on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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