Invincible from the start

Chapter 185 Wordless Tombstone

Chapter 185 Wordless Tombstone (Please Subscribe!)
"I ask, you answer." Su Heng stood in the air, face to face with the Ghost King. Although he looked directly at this ugly face, his expression was very calm, because he had seen many ugly monsters and was used to them. The most typical one is the Dongfang ghost. Emperor and ghost king...

These two can compete for the first and second positions of ugly value...

At this time, the Ghost King looked at the man in front of him in a daze. Is this ants in the Kyushu Realm talking to him?He hasn't reacted much yet, wondering if he heard it wrong.

The ghost ghost king looked carefully and made sure that there was no one else nearby. This ant was indeed talking to him, and his attitude was extremely arrogant. The most important thing was that he actually held his blood moon sickle with that dirty hand. The Moon Scythe is the treasure of their evil ghost world. Before he was born, this ghost weapon accompanied every generation of the evil ghost world. The first in line heir is naturally qualified to control the Blood Moon Scythe.

Ghost King looked at the young man in front of him and wanted to laugh, wanting to laugh at his ignorance. It seems that the evil spirit world has not come to Kyushu for so many years. People in Kyushu have forgotten the fear of being dominated at the beginning.

This ant actually dared to touch his Blood Moon Scythe with his dirty hands, how would he kill him later?

Ghost King frowned, and began to think...


Ghost King only heard a crisp sound, and came back to his senses. He saw the man in front of him, and he actually split the Blood Moon Scythe, the treasure of the evil ghost world, into two halves. Treasure, the Blood Moon Scythe just broke...

Is this really the blood moon sickle in my hand?What the hell is this a fake Blood Moon Scythe? Does that old guy at home have a bastard who gave me the fake one and actually wants me to come out and die?

Su Heng, who had cut off the blood moon scythe, didn't feel anything, but saw that the ghost ghost king had been silent, and felt that he should be given a little deterrence.

The ghost ghost king still didn't react from the bewilderment. He raised the stick without the sickle, looked at it carefully, and confirmed that it was really the sickle of the blood moon, not the stick he used to hide in the room at night. I was cut off by this Kyushu native...

Looking at the broken Blood Moon Scythe, Ghost King remembered the benevolent eyes of the old father in the Evil Ghost Realm, and told himself very carefully that even if he collected all the spirit weapons in the Three Thousand Void Realm, the Blood Moon Scythe would still be the same. This is one of the top spirit weapons. It is impossible for someone to rely on manpower to destroy this treasure of the evil ghost world. If there is one, then first find a way to save your own ghost life, or Let's recognize another father honestly, I don't mind being a father...

Why can't I feel a single wave of spiritual power in this person, but he can easily cut off my blood moon sickle?At this time, the Ghost King seriously looked at the extremely handsome man in front of him again. Well, he was just a little handsomer than himself. In the world of evil ghosts, he was well-known for his good looks...

The most important thing is that this person obviously has no spiritual power fluctuations, but he has a feeling of trembling. He feels that if he moves, he will definitely die the next moment. He believes in his intuition, which is very accurate. This not simple, Can't be messed with, can't be messed with...

"Whatever you want to ask, I will tell you everything I know and what I don't know..." Ghost King squeezed out a smile, trying to make his smile look contagious. The kind old father in the evil ghost world used to I told him that there is a saying in the Kyushu circle that people who reach out and don't hit smiling faces...


The Ghost King had a swollen face and a look of grievance. The reason for Su Heng's beating was very simple. He was too ugly when he smiled...

In fact, Su Heng didn't have much to ask, except for occasional gossip in his mind, such as how many evil spirits there are in the evil spirit world, what is the ratio of male to female, whether there are any special hobbies, whether they last long, how long they can last at a time...

But I am the world-famous Emperor Fengdu, so naturally I can't gossip like this, so I started asking questions from the world of evil spirits, and slowly came up with what I wanted...

Ghost King is very honest, he didn't even try to resist, he was very honest, he said everything he should say and what he shouldn't say, even what kind of underwear his old father likes to wear...

Su Heng also understands that this evil ghost world has come to Kyushu before, and at that time it cooperated with the spirit clan on Kyushu. At that time, the evil ghost world even sent troops to help the spirit clan, but the interior was empty, and their hometown was stolen, so they could not withdraw their troops. Going home, this sudden withdrawal of troops is tantamount to directly cheating the Spirit Race, which eventually led to the defeat of the Spirit Race...

Later, the barrier of Kyushu was blocked, and there was no entrance. It was impossible for outsiders to come in. Until now, the barrier of Kyushu was opened again, and all the ghosts and snakes from all walks of life swarmed up, because their ancestors said , Kyushu Realm is really a good place, full of aura, and there are many undiscovered secrets. If they can reach Kyushu again one day, they must find a way to take it down.

The Evil Ghost Realm left a tombstone without words in Kyushu back then, waiting for someone with a predestined relationship. This time, the person with a predestined relationship came, and it was the one who was stabbed to death by the Ghost King...

That person used his spiritual power to activate the wordless tombstone. This tombstone has a mysterious origin, and it connects the Kyushu Realm and the Evil Ghost Realm. gilded.

It's just that I didn't expect that not long after I arrived, I met a father-level...

After the ghost king finished explaining, Su Heng also listened carefully. At the same time, he asked him if he knew the ghost king, and the ghost king shook his head frantically.

Seeing the ghost king shaking his head, Su Heng felt relieved. Since he is not related to the ghost king, there is no point in keeping it, and he has no scruples in doing it...

Seeing the ferocity in Su Heng's eyes, the Ghost King hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill me, I know a secret."

Hearing this, Su Heng froze for a moment, turned his head to look at the Nether Ghost King lying on the eaves, this old ghost seemed to say the same thing for the first time, begging himself not to kill him...

Seeing Su Heng looking over, the Nether Ghost King immediately shook his head, saying that he really didn't know this ugly monster, let alone had close contact with him, and there was no shady deal...

"There is something wrong with this wordless tombstone. It was obtained by an ancestor of our evil ghost world by accident. As long as you instill spiritual energy, you can trigger some unexpected things!" The Ghost King was afraid that the man in front of him would become a beast, and immediately shouted. yelling...

"Several ancestors of our evil ghost world have tried before, but they are not spiritual enough to solve the secret of the wordless tombstone. Your Excellency is invincible, and you will definitely be able to solve the mystery!" Ghost King continued to yell loudly, anyway, the kindly The old father said that when you meet someone who can't be solved, or someone who can hang yourself, then flatter him, flatter him crazy, some people just like this...

But Su Heng insists on justice, and what he despises the most is the sycophants. He prefers the group of people in his own underworld, especially Di Ting, who often likes to tell the truth. He is actually quite worried, because honest people are generally easy to be accepted by others. Bullying, Di Ting is so honest, what should I do if I am bullied in the future...

The ghost ghost king in front of him also looked quite honest, he knew he was invincible before he started fighting, to be honest, he was so embarrassed that he slapped it to death.

The Ghost King secretly observed Su Heng's face, and confirmed that he had no intention of doing anything. He immediately ran to the tombstone without words, moved the tombstone over, and handed it to Su Heng with a smile.

The Nether Ghost King lying on the eaves saw the ghost king's slave look, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, this thing is really embarrassing...

"You help Zhong Kui and the others go back to heal their injuries first." Su Heng turned his head and glanced at the Nether Ghost King. He almost forgot just now that the injured Zhong Kui and Li Taibai had been meditating with their eyes closed.

Zhong Kui burst into tears when he heard this, the emperor finally remembered me...

"Okay, Great Emperor, don't worry and leave it to me." The Nether Ghost King who was lying on the eaves stood up, raised his chest, raised his head, grabbed Zhong Kui and Li Taibai one by one, and left.

What a shame...

Holding the tombstone without words in both hands, the Ghost King looked at the back of the Ghost King, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes...

"Great Emperor, this is the wordless tombstone. It's a very magical thing. I hope it can catch your eyes." The ghost ghost king bent over, followed by shouting the Great Emperor, showing great hospitality...


PS: I think it’s necessary to check it out. I won’t talk about the monthly pass, because many people don’t even vote for free recommendation votes when they read books, and they have a conscience...

(End of this chapter)

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