Invincible from the start

Chapter 186 Don't Eat Things From Strangers

Chapter 186 Don't Eat Things From Strangers
Su Heng took the wordless tombstone from the ghost ghost king, looked carefully, and soon discovered a problem, that is, the wordless tombstone is quite similar to the original list of gods, and they have a common similarity, that is, there are no words on it. ...

This important discovery is no less than that people have to open and close their eyes every day...

"Great Emperor, this thing needs to be instilled with spiritual power to play its role. The more spiritual power is instilled, the greater the effect will be." Ghost Ghost King explained faithfully, thinking silently, it is best to use all the spiritual power. They are all used up, and then I will be at my mercy, killing you...

The ghost ghost king was full of negative energy in his heart, and he was still smiling on the surface, with a courteous look on his face.

Holding the tombstone without characters, Su Heng tried to instill spiritual power. The tombstone without characters soon emitted a burst of soft white light, and the white light spread outwards quickly. Gradually, the entire Jiangzhou City was enveloped in white light.

Su Heng felt that the spiritual power in his body was draining very fast, unprecedentedly fast. This feeling was like taking a ladle of water from the boundless ocean. You know, it was all fine sand before...

After a while, the wordless tombstone began to change, and the tombstone began to shrink, slowly turning into a white paper.

Seeing this, Su Heng couldn't help but pay attention to it. He remembered that the book of life and death was transformed from a piece of mural, and directly became a blue book. Now this white paper seems to have a good origin.

The ghost king was also dumbfounded. He heard from the ancestors in the evil ghost world about this wordless tombstone. In the three thousand nothingness world, no one can open it with only his own spiritual power.

But now, the wordless tombstone is obvious, and it has already shown its prototype...

Then why were the ancestors so sure that no one could open the wordless tombstone?Could it be that the ancestors have a problem?I heard that there is a shortage of resources in the clan recently, what purpose did the ancestors want to achieve?Ghost King couldn't help but frowned...

Holding the white paper in his hand, Su Heng continued to observe, pouring spiritual power into it desperately.


The white light stopped in response, and Su Heng also stopped instilling spiritual power. I just felt that this white paper has been completely unlocked, but I don't know if there will be some colorful illustrations on it after opening...

With a little anticipation, Su Heng moved a little... Curiously, he opened the white paper, and the ghost king on one side also stretched out his head. This problem that has plagued the clan for countless years has finally been solved today, and the secrets inside will also be revealed. show out.

Su Heng opened the white paper, and the Ghost King's eyes were fixed on him. Then he was disappointed, because it was blank and contained nothing. The only change was that the wordless tombstone became a wordless book...

That's right, the wordless book, why is there no words? Ghost King still knows it is called the wordless book, because these four big characters are written on the cover of the white paper...

What the ghost ghost king saw was blank, which doesn't mean Su Heng couldn't see it either. He saw a few neat big characters written on it, and those words turned into an ethereal voice and came into his mind: "Do you want to become stronger?" ?”

Su Heng was stunned for a moment. When he saw this line of words, he seemed to have some kind of inexplicable connection with this Wordless Book.

As long as you want to, with a move in your heart, you can feed back the words you want to it.

Want to get stronger?Su Heng thought about this question for a while, and he felt that he was already very strong, and he didn't need to be stronger. Invincible would only become more and more lonely.

Therefore, Su Heng firmly expressed his thoughts to this wordless book, no!

Wordless scripture: "..."

Su Heng didn't know why, the Wordless Heavenly Book suddenly stopped moving, and he shook it in his hand, but there was no reaction.

"You must become stronger!" This time there was a movement in the Wordless Heavenly Book, and it was the same as before, except for the line of words, another ethereal voice came into my mind.

"This is for you, eat it, and you will become stronger." The wordless book didn't wait for Su Heng to reply, and rushed to say something. Dazzling white light, after the light dissipated, a bright red fruit appeared on it, looking fresh and delicious.

"Great Emperor, what is this?" Ghost King stared straight at the fruit that suddenly appeared.

Su Heng glanced at the ugly monster: "The fruit that makes people stronger."

The ghost ghost king looked envious: "That's a good thing, this wordless book is really extraordinary, it really is a god."

Su Heng glanced lightly at the Ghost King and sighed in his heart. Ordinary people are ordinary people after all, and they can't experience the troubles of the strong at all. Only after reaching a certain level can they experience the loneliness brought by invincibility.

"Great Emperor, eat it quickly and see if it can really make people stronger." The ghost king was eager to see through it, wondering what would happen to the fruit after eating it.

Su Heng shook his head: "I won't eat it, will you eat it?"

This Wordless Heavenly Book looks a bit weird, Su Heng clearly remembers a famous saying, don't eat things given by strangers...

"Are you really giving it to me? I'll eat it! Great Emperor, give it to me! I want it!" The Ghost King's eyeballs never left the fruit. The fruit seemed to emit a tempting fragrance that stimulated his nerves. If it wasn't for the slight lucidity in his spiritual consciousness, he might have already started to rob him.

"Oh, here you are." Su Heng handed over the fruit readily.

After seeing it, the Ghost King immediately took it and stuffed it into his mouth. The fruit was not too big, so he swallowed it in one gulp.

The ghost ghost king who swallowed the fruit suddenly felt a surge of spiritual power in his body, as if it had increased many times in an instant, and it was still growing, growing every minute and every second, growing crazily. He felt that if this continued , he will be invincible.

Ghost King quietly felt the changes in his body. The spiritual power brought by the fruit seemed to flow continuously, and it also helped him transform his aptitude. Some problems that he couldn't understand before suddenly understood at this moment, and he was stuck in the bottleneck of cultivation for countless years. He also had a sudden epiphany, and, looking up at the world, he found that there were flaws everywhere, and he could find the weaknesses as quickly as possible, and break them easily.

Ghost King looked down at Su Heng. Similarly, there were flaws and weaknesses everywhere.

It turns out that this person is so weak?
Ghost King was suddenly a little disappointed. He thought he was a great emperor, but he was so weak, just like the mortals he had seen before, and he couldn't arouse his interest at all.

This Wordless Heavenly Book is indeed a fetish. Only I deserve such a good thing. For the sake of the fruit you gave me, let me leave you with a whole body...

Ghost King glanced at Su Heng lightly. His eyes were extremely indifferent. At this moment, he regarded everything as a dog, like a saint standing on the highest place between heaven and earth, looking down at all living beings. He slowly raised his hand without rushing. When he started, he suddenly wanted to see how this man was struggling before he died.

Suddenly, a black and white light struck, and the ghost ghost subconsciously glanced at it. The light was very close and looked like a flaw. He wanted to block it, but he no longer had the consciousness...

At this time, Su Heng was continuing to study the wordless heavenly book with his head down, without looking at the Ghost King who turned into ashes, and said to himself: "Sure enough, you can't eat things from strangers..."


 Sure enough, votes are required, and if you don’t ask for them, you won’t give them, so gentlemen, let’s count the votes...

(End of this chapter)

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