Invincible from the start

Chapter 187 I will send you to inherit the family property

Chapter 187 I will send you to inherit the family property (please subscribe!)

Ghost King died peacefully without any pain. Su Heng, who witnessed his death, felt no wavering in his heart, and even wanted to laugh...

Su Heng continued to look at the wordless book in his hand.

"Have you already felt the benefits of becoming a strong person? Do you want to become stronger? I know you want to, but I'm tired and I need to rest. See you next time." Rows of words appeared on the wordless book, and As before, another voice came into Su Heng's mind.

You can already feel the benefits of becoming a strong person...

When he saw this line of words, Su Heng subconsciously raised his head to look at the position of the Ghost King just now...

When he looked back again, there was no movement in the Wordless Book of Heaven, and he was lying there quietly, no matter how Su Heng fiddled with him, he didn't respond. He tried all kinds of postures, back and forth, but there was still no response.

Su Heng gave up and continued to study this wordless book, and glanced at the cracked passage in Jiangzhou City that connected to the evil ghost world. Suddenly, he thought that there was only one word difference in the names of the Nether Ghost King and the Ghost Ghost King. They are all very similar, and they are all equally ugly. The ghost king said before that he was the first heir to the evil ghost world. Now that he is dead, can the ghost king be allowed to go to the evil ghost world to inherit his family property?
Then find a way to trick all those people from the evil ghost world, let Zhong Kui lead people to guard them, and send them all to the eighteenth floor of purgatory, where they will be served by mountains of swords and seas of fire every day to arouse their resentment, so that the ghosts of the underworld can practice faster .

The more Su Heng thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, so he turned around and left without much hesitation, and later told the Nether Ghost King that there is a family property waiting for him to inherit in the Evil Ghost Realm...

If the Nether Ghost King refuses to agree and dare not go to the Evil Ghost Realm for fear of death, then Su Heng feels that such a salted fish is no longer worth living...


Not long after Su Heng left, there was a new movement from the crack leading to the world of evil spirits. Along the perimeter of the crack, clear and fine lines cracked like spider webs, and many broken stones collapsed and scattered. A crack protruded from the bottom, anchored to the rubble, and a black-haired monkey crawled out of it.

The monkey has black hair, six ears, a faint black mist around its body, a pair of eyes as red as blood, and a lotus lantern hanging on its waist.

Liu Er twisted his neck, stretched his waist, his furry face was huddled together, and his face was fierce, which gave people a feeling that this monkey was very irritable. He patted the lotus lamp on his waist, but there was no movement. The lotus lamp and the outside world His contact has been temporarily sealed by him.

Liu Er raised his head and glanced at Dongfang, he decided to go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace. He heard that the East China Sea Dragon Palace had the Dinghaishen Needle, and he wanted to borrow it from the Dragon King...


The East China Sea Dragon Palace has always been in a calm state, never causing trouble, and honestly stayed within the three-acre area of ​​the East China Sea. The new Dragon King sang and drank every day, drunk and dreaming. Some ministers in the Dragon Palace below felt that the Dragon King had no dreams, but He himself thinks this is called great wisdom and foolishness. The first two dragon kings really have dreams, and then?

Therefore, a really smart Dragon King should be like this, obey the emperor's order, just stay in the Dragon Palace honestly, don't go jumping around on land, lest you don't know how to die.

Just like the old Dragon King who died before, even if he wants to find his body to show his filial piety, he can’t do it now, because the last time Prime Minister Gui passed by there on purpose when he went to Fengdu, and he came back and said that he didn’t know what happened to the place where the old Dragon King died. , the weeds have grown tall, and the corpse can't be found...

"Your Majesty, there is a monstrous monkey who calls himself Six Ears and asks to see you." Prime Minister Turtle walked over with a new tortoise shell on his back.

He likes the green tortoise shell very much. Last time he went to Fengdu, he took Zhou Feng’s black boat. Since he didn’t have any extra spiritual weapons, he had to use the original turtle shell as a spiritual weapon. He was naked on the way back. , quite uncomfortable...

Fortunately, the new Dragon King is not bad, and directly rewarded a new tortoise shell, which is very green. In the circle of turtles all over the world, the green tortoise shell represents the top luxury, the greener the better, only in this way can Bringing out their noble blood is not something ordinary little turtles can compete with...

"Legend." The Dragon King sat on the dragon chair, squinted his eyes, and lazily poured a mouthful of wine into his mouth. Often, little monsters from the monster clan would come to ask him to see him, because they had to pass through the East China Sea, and if they wanted smooth sailing, they naturally had to please them. He, so usually those who come to see him are actually here to give away the baby, and he is used to it.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea, my name is Liu Er. I want to borrow your Dinghai Shenzhen Needle when I come to the East China Sea this time." Liu Er, who followed Prime Minister Gui, saw the Dragon King of the East China Sea. He didn't even have the most basic etiquette. .

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was taken aback. Normally, the little monsters who came to see him came to give away treasures. This was the first one who came to him to beg for treasures, and he was so arrogant that he wanted the Zhenhai Artifact of East China Sea as soon as he opened his mouth.

Liu Er glanced at the Dragon King of the East China Sea, didn't say any more nonsense, just frowned, the hair on his whole body stood on end, and he let go of the spiritual energy all over his body, a fierce and violent breath exploded in the Dragon Palace, shaking countless seawater in the East China Sea to flow back , the waves tossed.

This demon monkey is not easy!
The Dragon King of the East China Sea is not stupid, he can tell at a glance that this monkey is powerful, and there is no one in his Dragon Palace who is his opponent, but he is not afraid, and stares directly at the monkey: "Monkey monkey, this Dinghaishen needle is my East China Sea needle." How can I give you the treasure of the Dragon Palace to suppress the sea casually, although your strength is far superior to mine, and there is no one in my Dragon Palace who is your opponent, but if you want to grab it hard, I will go to Fengdu to ask the Great Emperor to decide."

"Maybe you don't know, but you can go out and inquire about it. I, the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, was photographed by the Emperor Fengdu, and even my position as the Dragon King was personally granted by the Emperor. If you dare to touch me, you will not give the Emperor face, and you are beating the Emperor." face, you should think about it clearly."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked serious, and he was full of confidence when he spoke, and he was full of pride...

Liu Er looked at the calm and composed Dragon King of the East China Sea, and couldn't help but fell silent. He was full of ambition at the beginning and went to the world of evil ghosts to hone himself. Thinking that the first road to revenge after re-entering the world is so bumpy...

"This is a dragon ball I got elsewhere. Would you like to exchange your Dinghaishen needle?" Liu Er thought for a while, then took out a bead the size of half a fist from his bosom. The Dragon King's eyes lit up when he saw it.

These are dragon beads, just like the relics of Buddhist eminent monks, but dragon beads are even rarer and rarer. He actually doesn't even have one in the East China Sea Dragon Palace. If he can get it and cooperate with the cultivation method of Dragon Palace, the progress of his cultivation must be rapid... …

"I'll trade with you!" The Dragon King of the East China Sea thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind.


In Jiangzhou City, Su Heng found the Nether Ghost King. The Nether Ghost King was used to lying on the beams in the underworld. As long as he didn't lie down for a day, he would feel sore all over his body. So after escorting Zhong Kui and Li Taibai back, he went Immediately found a beam with a good view, wide and thick, and could see the outside scenery from a distance, and then lay down on it with a face of comfort...

Looking at the ghost king lying on the beam, Su Heng said lightly: "I plan to send you to the ghost world to inherit the family property."

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(End of this chapter)

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