Invincible from the start

Chapter 188 You want spiritual power, I have it

Chapter 188 You want spiritual power, I have it

The Nether Ghost King is lying on the beam of the house. He just wandered into the sky, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and had a dream. In the dream, he was working very hard, wielding a hoe, and working in the field. He looked enviously at the silly son of the landlord's house opposite him. Hug, followed by a group of dog legs, that is the life he yearns for...

Then he saw a vague figure, who seemed to be his old father, coming from a distance, and said to him: "Son, go back and inherit the family property..."

The Nether Ghost King opened his eyes, woke up from his dream, and his old father was gone, but he saw the Great Emperor, an existence that could stand on par with his old father...

The Nether Ghost King remembered what he had just heard from the Great Emperor, and wanted to send him to inherit the family property, but he had no family property to inherit. He seriously doubted whether he had done something wrong. The Great Emperor wanted to kill himself. Send', it is very likely to send his life away...

Misunderstandings came and went quickly, and the ghost king quickly realized that he didn't want to kill himself, but killed the ghost king whose name was only one letter different from his own, because he looked very similar to that ugly monster , so now I have to send myself to the evil ghost world to inherit the family property.

The Nether Ghost King was a little confused, he felt that this was a bit wrong, what does it mean to look like that ugly monster...

Su Heng did what he said, without any hesitation, let alone reluctance, he directly sent the Nether Ghost King to the Evil Ghost Realm, and at the same time let Zhong Kui accompany him. Li Taibai saw that his good friend Zhong Kui who had just met was going, and followed If he wants to go, he is quite worried about the Nether Ghost King...

Su Heng didn't plan to go to the world of evil ghosts. As a great emperor, how could he do everything by himself? He decided to train these subordinates well, but in order to prevent them from going to the world of evil ghosts and meeting powerful characters , was beaten to death, and gave Zhong Kui a jade tablet. This jade tablet is the same as the one given to Dongfang Nian. It is divided into ten palms, and each palm contains [-]% of his own strength.

Zhong Kui, holding the jade card, also heaved a sigh of relief. Before this, he couldn't beat a ghost king. If he went to the base camp of the evil ghost world, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to survive several rounds of torture. Now he has a gift from the emperor. Don't worry about the jade card, he will be the only one who will destroy others.


In Jiangzhou City, Su Heng witnessed the Nether Ghost King, Zhong Kui, and Li Taibai entering the crack leading to the world of evil spirits.

At this time, the thick black mist was gone in Jiangzhou City, and there were only some ghosts guarding the opening of the crack.

Because all the ghosts from the evil ghost world came to Jiangzhou City one after another, there was no one in the city, only the ghosts of the underworld and some children of the exorcist family.

"That's the Great Emperor of Fengdu. I didn't expect him to be so young." Several children from demon-killing families from all over Kyushu gathered together. They entered the world for experience, and the first stop was Jiangzhou City. However, their strength was meager, and they seemed a little overwhelmed .

But this can't stop the young people's enthusiasm. Most of them come to Jiangzhou City with the intention of killing demons and killing demons and becoming famous. Nothing can stop their determination to kill demons and demons. After a lot of time, after killing some companions in succession, everyone immediately became honest...

"I heard that this great emperor was very talented in his early years. Later, his spiritual energy recovered and he got a chance. Now he is invincible in Kyushu. I can only look up." A gray-clothed boy watched from afar, with a hint of admiration in his tone .

"Well, talent and chance are indispensable in the cultivation of the world, and my talent is not bad, but what is lacking is chance." A handsome young man in white, with a face like a crown jade, gently swayed a folding fan in his hand, With her sleeves fluttering, she stood there and sighed.

The gray-clothed boy looked at the white-clothed boy curiously, and said, "I've heard about it for a long time, saying that brother Zhang is very talented, and his only flaw is his bad luck. Could it be that brother Zhang's luck is really bad?"

The boy in white nodded: "That's right, it's really bad..."

The boy in gray became even more curious after hearing this, and asked, "How bad is that?"

The boy in white sighed: "I don't know, sometimes when you get unlucky, you may lose your life..."

Boom ——————

A burst of thunder suddenly sounded, and with this loud noise, a ravine was opened out of thin air in the cloudless sky. The ravine was hundreds of feet wide, and behind it was a starry sky like a sea of ​​fire. The stars seemed to be burning and boiling in the sea of ​​fire.

Su Heng glanced at it, and it seemed that the three thousand void realms were behind the gully, but for some reason, this void realm that had been hidden in the thick fog was now surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, and the fiery red sea seemed to be burning for a long time. Every star, every world.

Now that the sea of ​​fire appeared in the sky above Kyushu, a gully was opened. It was obvious that the realm of Kyushu, like those stars, had fallen into the sea of ​​fire and was burned by the sea of ​​fire.

"In this world, the aura is enough, but I don't know how pure it is." In the void of the sea of ​​fire, a voice sounded, the voice was not loud, but everyone standing below could hear it clearly, as if they were close to their ears. side.

"Forget it, just find someone to try." The voice in the sea of ​​fire continued to sound, and countless flames began to circle, forming a swirling flame, and a pillar of flame as thick as a stone pillar protruded from it, and the pillar of flame turned into a The big hand of the flame stretched out towards the bottom. That big hand seemed to have a kind of magical power. With a light hook in mid-air, hundreds of monks rose up from the sky uncontrollably. Their expressions were dull, floating in the air. at every turn.

"Brother Zhang!" In Jiangzhou City, the gray-clothed boy looked shocked at the white-clothed boy next to him who floated up and moved towards the big hand in the sky.

Brother Zhang is really unlucky, Kyushu is so big, a total of hundreds of monks were selected, and Brother Zhang was one of them, really bad luck...

The gray-clothed boy thought of what the white-clothed boy said just now. At this moment, he really saw it...

Su Heng was also in Jiangzhou City, looking curiously at the big hand that turned into flames. He hadn't moved yet, wanting to see what the big hand was going to do next.

Lie Yan hooked lightly with his big hand, and randomly selected one of the hundreds of monks. The chosen one was the boy in white...

A flame like a rope bound the boy in white, and the spiritual power in the boy's body surged towards the big hand along the flame.

"Well, the spiritual power in this world is not bad. Just pick one with such pure spiritual power. It's worth using my secret method. By then, absorbing all the spiritual power of these people will be enough to make up for the loss of using the secret method." .”

Everyone in Kyushu heard this voice, but when these words came to their ears, they sounded so harsh. In the eyes of the owner of this voice, they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, a group of ants , can only still be at the mercy of him.

Since the recovery of spiritual energy, Kyushu has experienced various hardships. Every time, they are almost in a disadvantaged position. All kinds of ghosts and snakes come to Kyushu to visit when they have nothing to do, and then they are hanged and beaten in various ways. Fortunately, there is an invincible The emperor of Fengdu in the world always stands up at the most critical moment every time, making the people of Kyushu feel how happy it is to live under the emperor's crotch...

At this time, Su Heng took out the green jade hairpin, and looked up at the big hand in the sky.

You want spiritual power, I have it...

As long as you hold the other end of this jade hairpin, I will give you as much spiritual power as you want...

(End of this chapter)

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