Chapter 189
"Amitabha, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. We cannot resist it. We can only resign ourselves to fate." Lingshan, Tathagata looked at the Buddhas below and sighed. Outside Leiyin Temple, the Buddhas sat cross-legged and watched In the ravine in the sky, countless stars were burned by the sea of ​​flames. They all looked solemn. When they heard the words of the Tathagata, their faces changed drastically. In their hearts, the Buddha Lord Buddha has always been omnipotent. They all survived, this is the first time I heard such a helpless tone from the Lord Buddha, as if he didn't even have the intention of resisting.

Even the Lord Buddha bluntly said that the world is a catastrophe, so what should we do?

All the Buddhas sat together, a little confused.Heaven and Earth Great Tribulation, these four words came out from the mouth of the Lord Buddha, and they carry a lot of weight.

This is so good, I was still meditating and chanting scriptures a second ago, and suddenly realized the meaning of Zen, why did the world suddenly suffer a catastrophe?

This change was too sudden for people to adapt to.

Different from other Buddhas, Jin Chanzi looked very calm. He was wearing a white monk robe, which was as white as snow and free from dust.

Jin Chanzi stood up, out of everyone's sight. At this moment, no one paid attention to him. He walked around the spacious square in front of the temple, around the huge Buddha statue, and walked to the corner of the back mountain under the kind eyes of the Buddha statue. , sat down, took out the purple gold bowl, and the figure of the Peach Blossom Demon gradually appeared.

"Hey, stinky monk, why did you let me out suddenly? Didn't you say that the longer you stay outside, the faster you die?" The Peach Blossom Demon was still dressed in the same dress, the pink gauze skirt was floating in the air, and the wind blew When it comes, there is a faint fragrance.

Jin Chanzi looked at the Peach Blossom Demon floating in mid-air, his figure was not real, and every moment, the remaining spiritual power in his body was constantly passing away.

"The heaven and the earth are calamity, maybe in the next moment, we will all die here." Jin Chanzi's tone was flat, and he looked at the Peach Blossom Demon with a gentle smile, with a flat expression, as if he was talking about a trivial matter in his mouth.

The Peach Blossom Demon was taken aback, subconsciously looked up at the sea of ​​fire in the gully, and immediately understood what was going on, but her face showed no fear, she looked at Jin Chanzi with an aggrieved look: "Oh, so it's Because I'm about to die, let me come out to see the scenery, monk, I didn't expect that the person who died with me in the end was you, a monk, so sad..."

Jin Chanzi smiled: "I once thought that if I could have stopped Venerable Kassapa in the ancient battlefield, or let you go in advance, maybe you would be happier now instead of being bound Therefore, suffer these hardships."

After hearing this, the Peach Blossom Demon was rarely serious. He was not looking at Jin Chanzi. He turned his gaze away and said softly, "Actually, you were right not to let me go. Maybe when you let me go, Kyushu really wanted to have one more murderous person." The big monster..."

Jin Chanzi was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while and was about to speak.

The Peach Blossom Demon didn't give him a chance to reply, pointing to the scenery in the distance of Lingshan, said with a smile: "Monk, the scenery of your Lingshan is really nice, the only pity is that this place is occupied by a group of you stinky monks."

Jin Chanzi walked up to the Peach Blossom Demon, watched the distant scenery with her, and sighed: "Things are different, people are different, Lingshan is still the same as before, but Buddhism is not the same Buddhism anymore."

The Peach Blossom Demon glanced at Jin Chanzi: "You monk is really annoying sometimes, can't you talk well, it's so unpredictable, how can I understand it."

"Peach Blossom."


"If the great catastrophe has not come, the westward journey will definitely continue. At that time, I will enter the reincarnation platform of the Buddhist gate. I am afraid that I will not remember you on the westward journey. I can only wait for my return from the westward journey. The merits and virtues are complete, and then I will rescue you. ..."

"Well, I'll wait for you... It's best not to remember me for the rest of your life, so as to save you from listening to your stinky monk chanting scriptures and Zen every day. Kyushu is so big, and there must be many good-looking brothers. When I come out, you must go see it." Look, you can save yourself from being stared at by your stinky monk every day..."


On a piece of land far away from Lingshan, with cliffs and cliffs, Yushu sat there, looking at the sea of ​​flames in the sky, his eyes were a little confused.

"Princess, the edge of the cliff is too dangerous." Meng Yi Zhujian stood aside, looking worried.

He was ordered to escort Yushu back to the capital, but he didn't know why, all kinds of accidents would always happen along the way, he and the soldiers below had already separated, leaving him alone to protect the princess, but he couldn't figure it out, why He has not yet left the territory of Beiqi royal court, and what he sees every day are these mountains and rivers, as well as the green grasslands, galloping sheep and horses...

Yushu smiled when he heard Meng Yi's words: "When the catastrophe comes, why not talk about danger or not? Maybe, in the next moment, you and I will be buried here."

Meng Yi was confused. The princess often said some strange words, which he couldn't understand.

"General, do you believe in reincarnation?" Yu Shu turned his head and looked at Meng Yi, that sweet smile was so tender that Meng Yi was stunned.

Meng Yi couldn't help but think of that night, sitting on the slope, looking at the night scene in the distance, the princess asked himself the same question. At that time, he couldn't answer it, and he didn't know how to answer it. Now he still can't answer it.

"General, in the last reincarnation, I was still Yushu, and I was still a princess. I had to bear too much for my clansmen and made me give up everything. This time, I don't want to give up again, just let me be like an ordinary little woman." Let's be self-willed for a while." Yu Shu stood up, turned around, and looked at Meng Yi bewilderedly.

"Princess be careful." Meng Yi looked at the bottomless abyss behind Yu Shu, worried.

Yu Shu smiled, took a step back slightly, and then fell backwards.

Meng Yi was stunned, without hesitation, stretched out his hand, and jumped off the cliff.


In the catastrophe of heaven and earth, in Kyushu, all the sects and sects at the top of the pyramid remained silent, and they all sang bad news.

Whether it is the Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace, the Tongtian leader of Biyou Palace, or other sects, the few bigwigs in the sect who have insight into the secrets of heaven are lifeless and silent. Pai didn't see any tricks yet, he just took it as another vision, and he was used to it, and he was still busy with his own affairs.

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the broken gossip tortoise shell in his hand, his face was ugly, he smiled bitterly, shook his head, and sighed to himself: "This is a dead end. Come here, this time I encountered a more serious situation of mortal danger, good fortune tricks people, I just don’t know if the old man, Master, will help.”

Yuanshi Tianzun thought of the reincarnation back then, the old master never intervened from the beginning to the end, he always pays attention to let nature take its course, everything is natural, even if all his apprentices are dead, I am afraid he will not intervene...

"Tianzun, some of the disciples seem to have seen something. Some people are making troubles, and I have temporarily detained these troublemakers." Daoist Ran Deng walked outside and came in. He is the deputy leader of Chanjiao. Second only to Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun was busy with cultivation in the past, and he was in charge of all matters of elucidation and teaching.

In the past, Yuanshi Tianzun would not have cared about these things. He was busy with cultivation and never intervened in these mundane affairs. It was just that he experienced the mysterious disappearance of the Twelve Golden Immortals in Yuxu Palace last time, and he appeared in Tianmen inexplicably. He became more thoughtful, and his mind became more sensitive. At this time, when he heard the words of Taoist Burning Lamp, he couldn't help becoming suspicious, and when he looked at Taoist Burning Deng, he became a little weird...


In Jiangzhou City, Su Heng looked at the big hand that turned into flames, and he didn't feel much. He didn't know that the top big factions in Kyushu were no longer hopeful. He still wondered why there was such a big hand. In this situation, those people didn't react at all. This is a typical loss of not being able to divination...

Su Heng had already moved at this time, and flew towards the sky, feeling a wave of heat blowing towards his face. When he was blown by the wind, it was like being roasted by a raging fire. His body and shape were all gone, but Su Heng was different, he was still able to move freely in the scorching fire wave, and his abnormal movement also attracted the attention of the big flaming hand.

"Interesting, someone can avoid the air-forbidden method I set up." In the sea of ​​flames, the voice came, and became curious about Su Heng.

Hearing this, Su Heng understood that the heat wave just now was actually a kind of spell. For some reason, he didn't feel the power of the spell at all. Maybe it was because the person who used the spell was too weak. ...

"It's rare to meet an interesting person, so I'll crush you to death." In the sea of ​​fire, the voice came again.

At the same time, the big flaming hand stretched out towards Su Heng, as if trying to crush this man.

Su Heng looked at the big flaming hand, and didn't hide or dodge. He just took out the red hairpin, held one end, and stretched the other end towards the big hand.

The distance was estimated very well without any error. When the big hand stretched out, it seemed that it also felt a strong spiritual power from Zhu Chai, and it grasped it subconsciously.

"Hey, why is this spiritual power so pure and strong?" The voice in Huo Hai asked curiously.

"This spiritual power seems to be endless?"

"Strange, who are you and why do you have so much pure spiritual power?"

"Haha, no matter who you are, this spiritual power is effortless, God help me."

"Hey, you're probably a fool. You have spiritual power, but you don't know how to use it. It's for nothing. Is it possible that people in the Kyushu Realm are as stupid as you?"

Su Heng kept silent, allowing the spiritual power in his body to pour into the sea of ​​fire. At the same time, he secretly used his spiritual sense to search for the owner of the sea of ​​fire in the three thousand void realms.

The appearance of this sea of ​​fire is very strange, it can directly burn the entire void world, the origin is very mysterious, this time it came to Kyushu, but Su Heng did not feel the body of this sea of ​​fire, probably hidden in another place.

Su Heng planned to hold him back first, and then find his place.


Today is Monday, the recommendation votes are all gone, all cleared, it's so miserable, please count the votes, thank you...

(End of this chapter)

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