Invincible from the start

Chapter 190 The Cute Demon King Who Wants to Destroy the Void Realm

Chapter 190 The Cute Demon King Who Wants to Destroy the Void Realm

Su Heng's current consciousness has basically covered the entire void realm. Using the voice in the sea of ​​fire as an introduction, he has not let go of every gap, digging three feet to find this thing.

Su Heng is in a hurry now, this thing is a bit powerful, it absorbs spiritual power very fast, and it has not been exploded yet...

Su Heng looked at the spiritual sea in his body, which was like a vast ocean, because of this thing, it has lost the weight of a bucket of water...

It's very heartbreaking. He, Emperor Su, has always ruled the world. He has always taken other people's money. There is no reason for others to take his own...

Taking other people's things by oneself is called general reasoning, and others taking one's own things is called being unreasonable. He hates unreasonable things the most, so he will slap him to death...

And he never took other people's things for nothing, he always borrowed and repaid, and his character was guaranteed. This thing is different, he doesn't know anyone, who knows if he took it or not...

"It's cool, I feel like I can break through as long as I drain your spiritual power. I hope to meet more idiots like you in the future." The voice in Huo Hai Nei kept ringing, the more he spoke, the more excited he was, and he couldn't stop .

Su Heng was not affected, and continued to search in the realm of nothingness. He did not let go of each of the three thousand worlds. Every time his consciousness passed by a world, he would see many local customs and cultures, each with its own characteristics. The values ​​​​of each place are also different, just like he can't understand why men and men embrace each other in some of these worlds, and there are some strange movements. Similarly, people in these worlds must not understand why Kyushu A man and a woman will embrace each other...

At this time, the entire void world is facing a sea of ​​flames, and the people everywhere are really in the heat of fire...

The bosses in every world are very desperate, they all hid in the house and cried out, this is a catastrophe.

There are some big bosses who were scruples about many things and their own image when they were alive, and now they are facing near death. They exposed the ugly side of human nature when they are desperate, and began to do some things that they would not dare to try on weekdays.

For example, a big guy snatched a candied haws from a child playing on the side of the road, put it in his mouth and licked it wildly. He was always curious about what the candied haws tasted like...

For example, expressing his heart like his beloved disciple, on weekdays, moral constraints and constraints have prevented his development. He has always hated this kind of moral constraints before, making him unable to contribute to the growth of the Kyushu population...

For example, give yourself a slap, because no one dares to slap yourself on weekdays, and he really wants to know what pain is...


In the void, a round, fat, ruddy creature that looks like a tumbler sits on a pumice stone. In the realm of nothingness, there are many such pumice stones, floating aimlessly all day long.

The tumbler-like creature has a pair of short legs, a pair of short hands, a pair of watery black eyes are very clean, full of curiosity about everything in the world, ignorant.

It seems that this is a non-threatening existence, and it is also very cute.

However, beside this tumbler, there is a flame vortex, and these flame vortexes revolve around it, and in the vortex, there are countless tentacles-like flames, which connect the three thousand void realms, and countless spiritual powers are fed back along the flame tentacles. , obviously, it is the existence that creates chaos in the Three Thousand Void Realm and makes no one despair...

The tumbler focused most of his attention on Kyushu. He looked at the man, and his heart was filled with joy. He never expected to encounter such a great thing after waking up. This fool even took the initiative to dedicate his spiritual power to himself, which is really great good thing.

With so much spiritual power, it won't take long for another breath, enough for it to break through.

In fact, it is also quite distressed, because it doesn't know why it needs spiritual power, and why it wants to break through. It obviously doesn't know why, but it still looks for these spiritual powers everywhere, which is very contradictory.

It only knows that this is the second time he wakes up. When he woke up for the first time, he saw a big fat man holding an ax and slashing around in the void...

At that time, the three thousand void realms were all connected together, but the fat man took an ax and split them into 3000 yuan. Then the fat man was exhausted and went to a place called Kyushu Realm, and finally created Kyushu with his own body. , At that time, it saw many pebble-like things flying out from the Kyushu Realm, and landed on the three thousand worlds. At this point, every world began to undergo earth-shaking changes, and there was a thing called life. s things.

At that moment, it also understood a thing called creation, but it also understood the same principle. With creation, there must be destruction. Therefore, a strange idea arose in its heart, which was to destroy these three things. thousand worlds.

There is no purpose, just want to destroy, very simple idea.

So how can these worlds be destroyed conveniently and quickly?Therefore, it needs to break through and become stronger, so strong that it can destroy the three thousand void realms with just one blow. Although it can do it now, it can't do it with one blow. It is lazy and doesn't want to take a second shot. This time, it takes a hit...

So, it thought of a breakthrough, it began to absorb spiritual power, it needs a steady stream of spiritual power to evolve itself, and then it broke through, and then it hit...

This is its idea, without any distracting thoughts, it was born for destruction, and it was born to stand on the opposite side of creation. According to these people in the nihility world, it is the evil big demon king, the kind who wants to destroy the whole world... …

The big devil always appeared last. At that time, he fell asleep, and he didn't know how many years he had slept. here we go……

"Hey, why is that idiot gone?" The tumbler woke up from the memory, and it found that the idiot who continuously provided him with spiritual power had disappeared...

It immediately began to search, and in this void, no one could escape its pursuit.


It heard a gust of wind coming from behind its ears. The sound of the wind was weird and appeared very abruptly. It had no time to react, and it was blown away by a slap...

Su Heng appeared in the back. When he saw this tumbler-like creature for the first time, he was shocked. He never imagined that this thing was making wind and rain in the back. Cute, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like that kind of villain, or in other words, this is the big villain whose face says that I am a good person and that I am very cute...

However, although this thing is cute, Su Heng still didn't keep his hand, and slapped it directly.

It's so cute, if you slap it, it should die...

Then, Su Heng was shocked. For the first time in history, he was shocked so many times and appeared on the same day at the same time...

This cute thing like a tumbler was not slapped to death by myself...

"Wow wow wow..."

Moreover, the tumbler cried, crying very sadly. Since it was born, it has never been beaten by anyone, because no one can beat it. It has never experienced the feeling of pain. Now it understands that it is called pain, although It hurts, but the heart and body that have always been empty are also satisfied, and there is a sense of happiness...

Perhaps, this is the coexistence of joy and pain...

Su Heng continued to be shocked. I, Emperor Su, have slapped everyone since my debut. I didn't expect that there are people in this world. No, there is a tumbler who was not slapped to death by me...

A different feeling rose in Su Heng's heart...

He had always hoped that he could have an opponent who would not be slapped to death by himself. Now, he finally saw hope. Although it was a tumbler and a big devil who wanted to destroy the world, it won own respect.

Su Heng walked over, helped up the tumbler himself, and made a gesture of touching the dog's head with a smile, which was considered comforting...

The tumbler looked at Su Heng curiously, and no longer felt that this person was a fool, because the strong had won its respect. It turns out that there are still people in this world who are stronger than themselves, and they actually slapped themselves away, amazing sharp……

Moreover, this strong man seems quite kind, maybe, they can become friends.


The tumbler still didn't react, only heard a gust of wind, and then was slapped away...

Su Heng made a serious face, looked carefully, and confirmed that this tumbler is very unusual. It was not luck just now, but it was really resistant to beating. This made Su Heng very happy. Now he is always worried when he makes a move every day. , although he has never practiced, he can still clearly feel that his strength is growing crazily every day. He is very worried that one day he will make a move, and the entire Kyushu will be smashed to pieces by himself...

So he has always been scruples, trying to reason with others, so that he doesn't have to worry about destroying Kyushu with a slap, and he can show the world that Emperor Fengdu is elegant and easy-going, never bullying others...

Well now, with the appearance of this thing, as long as he takes it back, he can vent his depression and irritability every day, and give it a slap if he has nothing to do. This is simply a super resistant sandbag...

"Wow wow wow..." The tumbler leaned on the ground with its short short legs swinging back and forth, and continued to cry, crying very sadly. It didn't understand why humans had so many routines, and they were kind to themselves just now, knowing that they were short He even came over to help himself up, making it feel full of love, but he slapped himself backhanded, it hurt so much, so happy...

"Don't cry, please have a good meal." The tumbler raised his head with tears in his eyes, and saw the gentle smiling face again, looking very sincere, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, while stroking his head, In one hand, he held something that seemed to be called a chicken leg...

(End of this chapter)

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