Invincible from the start

Chapter 193 Send Fish to the Emperor

Chapter 193 Send Fish to the Emperor
Gao Laozhuang, as the only big family within a hundred miles, Zhu Wuneng and Zhu Yuanwai are happy all day long. He likes wealth, and the pleasure of holding gold and silver in his hands all day is beyond the reach of ordinary people, especially after the heaven is gone. No one calls him home for dinner anymore, he is happier...

Now he stays in the back mountain all day long, the center of the mountain has been hollowed out by him, and people outside don’t know what kind of scene it is inside. In fact, it’s nothing. He made his fortune by raising pigs. Quite a lot, he raised 30 piglets...

If you want to be rich, you must first raise pigs. This classic saying also came from his mouth. Everyone in the world calls him a big pig raiser.

Every day, as long as he sees these piglets so densely packed that they are almost uncountable, he is very happy, and he can't close his mouth with joy.

But today he is not in a good mood, because there is a monkey, he hates monkeys the most, because monkeys have a lot of things, they are unreasonable, and they like to use their fists...

He is a rich man with quality, and what he hates the most is moving his fists, let alone a monkey who likes to move his fists.

Liu Er stood behind, looked at the densely packed piglets, and smiled coldly: "You are the most desolate one I have ever seen, you are full of gods and Buddhas."

Zhu Wuneng didn't turn his head, and continued to feed the piglets. Looking at the piglets grabbing food, he smiled happily and said, "Aren't you down? Why don't I think it's good to raise pigs every day to get rich, and you don't have to do it like you used to?" That’s what I’m worried about all day long.”

Liu Er did not continue to dwell on this topic, and asked, "Are you willing?"

Zhu Wuneng continued to laugh and said, "What is there to be unwilling about?"

Six ears looked at Zhu Wuneng coldly: "Miss Gao."

Hearing Miss Gao's three words, the smile on Zhu Wuneng's face froze instantly, and the feeding hand stopped in mid-air, and the piglets below couldn't see the pig food, and they all pushed each other impatiently.

Liu Er laughed when he saw it. How can you pretend like a pig, the thorn in your heart still cannot be removed.

"Come with me to Lingshan to seek justice." Liu Er's blood-red eyes shone with a kind of self-confidence.

Zhu Wuneng looked back and shook his head: "Forget it, there is nothing you can do about that stinky monkey being so strong back then, it's better not to struggle, I'm good at raising pigs every day, and now people outside call me a big pig raiser, What a nice name."

"Hmph, don't compare me with that monkey, that trash, for a woman, he deserves it!" Mentioning that monkey, Liu Er's emotions seemed to be a little out of control, his aura surged, and the black hair on his body emitted a thick black mist. He pinched the lotus lantern hanging on his waist with one hand, feeling the urge to crush it.

Zhu Wuneng glanced at the black mist on Liu Er's body, and said calmly: "It seems that you have paid a lot, but this is not enough. You have never experienced the power of the old man like Tathagata."

Liu Er sneered and said: "No matter how strong Tathagata is, I have the confidence to defeat him. There are countless brothers and sisters imprisoned in the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda. I must go to Lingshan to rescue them. You are also of the same family as us. , why don't you want to contribute?"

Zhu Wuneng lazily shook his head and refused: "Don't look for me, I'm not interested, I just want to raise pigs now, I advise you not to go, because if you go, you will die."

Seeing Zhu Wuneng's appearance, Liu Er's heart became even more angry. He clenched his fists tightly and had the urge to pull out the Dinghaishen needle and beat the pig's head to death with a stick. The difference is all rubbish!"

Zhu Wuneng looked at Liu Er coldly: "Yes, I'm trash, and that's my business, Liu Er, don't bother me anymore, get out of here."

Liu Er didn't speak, but just looked at Zhu Wuneng, with killing intent bursting out of his eyes, the thick black mist on his body had already begun to slowly erode his sanity.

Zhu Wuneng was not afraid when he saw it, but said calmly: "I advise you to calm down, don't make trouble for nothing, I dare to stay here alone for so many years, and I don't go anywhere. Apart from not wanting to cause trouble, I am also not afraid of trouble. I'm not afraid that those troubles will come to you, so Liu Er, don't mess with me."

After all, Liu Er calmed down, turned and left without making a move or saying a word. He was going to find his next target, which was Liushahe.


In the underworld, Su Xiaoxiao looked at the Emperor Xianyu who was lying on the white jade bed, and said softly: "Emperor, there is a man who calls himself Sha Wujing outside asking to see him."

Sha Wujing?Hearing this name, Su Heng became a little interested, but after thinking about it, he waved his hand, no see.

"He said that he is good at raising fish. This time, he specially sent some fish to honor you. I just tasted some of these fish, and they are really delicious." Su Xiaoxiao did not leave, and continued talking. This Sha Wujing Naturally, it's a bit special, otherwise she wouldn't have come to report in person, mainly because the fish is really delicious...

Although everyone is a monk and does not need to eat much on weekdays, most people still retain their desire for tongue and tongue, and they still pursue good food, just like the current group of four with chicken legs, who hold chicken legs every day from morning to night. Eat until late.

Especially the tumbler, who is already so fat, I don’t know how to be more restrained, and eats the most every day, but it’s okay, before this guy arrives in the underworld, he is just a child whose brain has not yet fully developed, thinking about destroying the world all day long, Now that he has chicken legs, he doesn't think about those messy things anymore. It can be said that this chicken leg saved the world...

It's a pity that no matter how delicious the chicken legs are, Su Heng also keeps them at a respectful distance. Now that Su Xiaoxiao admires this fish so much, Su Heng was also aroused with curiosity, and nodded: "Then let him in."

Sha Wujing, who was notified, was sitting on Zhou Feng's black boat. He was very honest and didn't dare to move. He didn't have any valuable magic weapons, so he gave Zhou Feng a few fish. Zhou Feng was reluctant at first, thinking that this old boy I don't know the image, so I will find an opportunity to throw him into Wangchuan River in the middle of the day, but after eating a few mouthfuls of fish, I found that the taste is very good, a delicacy that I have never tasted before, so this old boy is also pleasing to the eye.

Zhou Feng ferryed back and forth on the Wangchuan River every day, going back and forth between Fengdu and the underworld. Every time he wanted to entrust someone who was related to the underworld to visit those lonely ghosts, he had to give him a spiritual weapon before he could board the boat. For this reason, His belt is now quite sufficient and bulging, but Zhou Feng is very smart, he handed over half of the spirit weapons collected by him to Chief Supervisor Su Xiaoxiao, and let the Chief Supervisor review them before putting them into storage.

The emperor was not in the underworld all day, or he was lying on the bed all day thinking about the important affairs of Kyushu. He didn't dare to disturb him, for fear that if he disturbed, the emperor's thinking would be confused, and Kyushu would usher in a catastrophe. Then Zhou Feng's crime would be serious. So it's better to go directly to the big manager.

After all, every man has a woman by his side, who can solve many things, ranging from major events to trivial matters...

Zhou Feng actually has a lot of troubles, but unfortunately there is no woman around him who can help him solve them. For example, now, although he stays on the black ship every day, he can collect bribes from these spiritual artifacts, but after a long time, Zhou Feng began to feel a little boring, because He discovered a serious problem, a problem that he had never considered before, that is, he collected so many spiritual artifacts and stayed in the underworld every day, unable to go anywhere, so what is the meaning of this life.

He has done so much and collected so many spiritual artifacts, isn't it just thinking that one day he will be able to return to his hometown, and yell at those who looked down on him at the beginning, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor, now you regret what you did. Is it something, and then pretending to be like that...

As a result, he is still staying in the underworld, year-round, and can't go anywhere. The typical everything is ready, but the bottom is gone...

The black boat docked, and Sha Wujing greeted Zhou Feng, who was still doubting his life, and waved goodbye. He smiled honestly, and carried a basket of fish with his thick arms to the shore.

Under the guidance of Yin Er, Sha Wujing took a sneak peek at the buildings in the underworld. It turns out that this mysterious underworld looks like this, and there are all the delicate and beautiful women in the underworld. He almost lost his eyeballs. Straightforward, but fortunately he was rather indifferent in some respects, and he just admired it, especially when he saw the lingering sound of playing the Guqin while standing on the Naihe Bridge, he was completely stunned, and he was astonished. There is such a beautiful woman in the world?
Sha Wujing put away his thoughts and didn't dare to look around. He has a simple and honest personality, and he is afraid that if he looks at it for a long time, he will no longer be indifferent on his side. Emperor Fengdu who shocked Kyushu.

Seeing the man lying on the white jade bed, and a beautiful little maid next to her, pinching her waist and beating her back, Sha Wujing was envious for a while. Fish farming in the Shahe River, where can I enjoy such a corrupt life.

"Sha Wujing pays homage to the Emperor." Sha Wujing didn't think too much, he put down the basket, and he didn't care about the lively fish inside. He always had that simple and honest expression on his face, with a hint of anxiety in it.

Su Heng carefully looked at the old boy below him. He has a solid body, a simple and honest appearance, and long hair that almost falls to his waist. It is written on his face that I am an honest person. Come and bully me, come and isolate me...

Su Heng didn't know what to say, so he asked, "What's the matter?"

Glancing at Su Heng, Sha Wujing quickly said: "I live in Liusha River, and I am good at raising fish. The fish I raise can be called the best in Kyushu. This time I came here to honor the emperor."

Sha Wujing is an honest man, he speaks slowly, hesitates, and is very nervous. In order to avoid being chased out by Su Heng in the next moment, he hastily took out a big lively fish from the basket, and then took out a big fish from the storage belt. Black Pot, after cutting the intestines of the big fish in his hands, he directly staged a show of boiling live fish...

Seeing Sha Wujing's practice makes perfect, Su Heng was also stunned. This honest man seems to have worked hard...

"Great Emperor, the fish is ready, you have a taste." Sha Wujing was very fast, even the dishes were ready, and they were all taken out of the storage bag, and the delicious boiled live fish was quickly served by him Coming over, a strong fragrance filled the underworld.

Su Heng has been watching from the side, and couldn't help his appetite. He tasted a few mouthfuls and was very satisfied. When he looked at Sha Wujing again, he was much more pleasing to the eye: "Yes, you will stay in the underworld to be a cook from now on... ..."

Hearing this, Sha Wujing was dumbfounded. He had worked so hard to get to the underworld, and after so much hard work, he naturally wanted something, but he never thought of being a cook...


Guys, this chapter is so strong, let's count the votes...

(End of this chapter)

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