Invincible from the start

Chapter 194 Invasion of the Mountain and Sea Monster Clan

Chapter 194 Invasion of the Mountain and Sea Monster Clan
"Great Emperor, I, I, I..." Sha Wujing opened his mouth wide and faltered for a long time, his face flushed red.

Su Heng was quite worried when he saw it. The honest man's mood fluctuated too much, and he comforted him: "Although I know you are very happy, don't be so excited..."

Hearing this, Sha Wujing became even more excited, he didn't want to be a cook, even if it was a cook in Fengdu, it would be awesome if word spread...

But he is a person with dreams, he is not a cook, he finally took a breath, and immediately said: "Thank you for the kindness of the emperor, but I am here in the underworld, hoping that the emperor will allow me to meet Liuli."

"Liuli?" Su Heng was a little puzzled. After thinking about it, he didn't seem to have heard of it.

Sha Wujing blushed, and began to stammer again: "Great Emperor, I had a fate with Liuli back then..."

"Liuli itself is a glazed cup in heaven, which was broken by me later, and after many experiences along the way, there was a marriage between me and her. Over the years, I have been estimating the time and waiting for her. This time happened to be when she was reincarnated, so I want to beg the emperor to let me take a look and see which family she will reincarnate to."

Su Heng understood what Sha Wujing said, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this honest man has a lot of tricks, and he also knows the loli nurturing plan, so he really knows how to play...

When it comes to the cultivation of loli, Su Heng couldn't help but think of the brothers Houyi and Kuafu, the pair of love brothers, and then the two blossoms...

Su Heng stared at Sha Wujing again, feeling melancholy in his heart, honest people are destined to get married, is this still an honest person...

"Go, let him take you there." Su Heng waved his hand, pointing to the errand on the side, the errand knew it, and led the way ahead after hearing it.

After Sha Wujing saw it, he quickly thanked him, and with a happy face, he followed the errand to the Reincarnation Platform, where there were rows of ghosts waiting to be reincarnated, and the soup made by Hong Yiluo with the branches of the Yin-Yang tree was handed over one by one. For these ghosts, if they want to reincarnate in the six realms of reincarnation, they must drink this soul-forgetting water in advance, and forget everything in life.

Hong Yiluo has never been happy. She can help others forget everything in life, forget troubles and sufferings, forget love and love, but she can't, even if she can, she is not willing to forget, she is always waiting for that person, Never give up, year after year, endlessly waiting...

Sha Wujing went to find his marriage, Su Heng waved to Judge Cui in the distance, and motioned him to take the fish in front of him and roast them...

Judge Cui looked at the judge pen in his hand: "..."

Since he came to the underworld, he has been doing two things every day, one is roasting chicken legs, brushing seasonings on the chicken legs with a judge's pen, and the other is following Old Man Yan to learn how to deal with affairs, because he has an upright personality and does everything well. They all pay attention to fairness and clear separation of rewards and punishments, so they were awarded the post of judge. They deal with all kinds of strange incidents in Fengdu every day. For example, he also encountered the same problem that stumped Zhong Kui back then. How to judge?
Now, Judge Cui has started his third job, grilling fish...


Sha Wujing left the underworld contentedly. He saw his colored glaze and remembered the family he was reincarnated in. He was going to move there, guard the colored glaze and grow up, and then...

Thinking of what happened next, various weird smiles appeared on Sha Wujing's honest and honest face...

He wanted to go back to Liushahe first, to clean up briefly, but on the way, he met a monkey with black hair, which looked familiar.

Liu Er just came back from Liusha River, he rushed to Liusha River deliberately, but he didn't see Sha Wujing, and Zhu Wuneng's previous persuasion failed, he was very uncomfortable, why the road to revenge is so bumpy, if it doesn't work, he just Being able to hit Lingshan with a stick alone, it is bound to turn Lingshan upside down and relieve the hatred of the past.

But what I didn't expect was that I didn't meet him when I went there, but I met Sha Wujing when I came back.

"Old Sha, where have you been?" Liu Er looked at Sha Wujing, with a lingering joy on his simple and honest face.

Hearing this title, Sha Wujing froze for a moment, looked at the evil black-haired monkey carefully, and exclaimed: "Six ears!"

Remembering the six ears, Sha Wujing sighed with emotion. Many things happened in those years, which were unforgettable for everyone. When I think of them, I still feel that they are vivid in my mind.

"Liu Er, I haven't seen you for so many years... Sigh, I just went to the underworld to meet Emperor Fengdu and deal with some private matters." Sha Wujing sighed softly.

After hearing this, Liu Er couldn't help but twitch...

"Old Sha, come with me, go to Lingshan, and seek justice from Tathagata." Liu Er looked at Sha Wujing seriously, with firm eyes, and he hoped that the honest Monk Sha hadn't changed.

Sha Wujing didn't even think about it after hearing this, and shook his head directly: "Sorry, I just want to stay in the Liusha River to raise fish, everything is fine, I'm really not interested in fighting and killing."

After Liu Er heard this, disappointment appeared on his face. One said he wanted to raise pigs, and the other said he wanted to raise fish. They are really bastards!
Liu Er squinted his eyes and glared fiercely at Sha Wujing, but in the end he didn't make a move, turned around and left without saying a word. He wanted to go to Lingshan alone to rescue the brothers who were imprisoned in the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda , This is his knot.

He felt that Sha Wujing had changed, he was not so honest, and when they met, he said that he had just returned from the underworld and met Emperor Fengdu, what did he mean, a demonstration?Let yourself have scruples?Hehe, he also said that he is an honest person...

Seeing that Liu Er was gone, Sha Wujing's originally relatively happy mood also lost a little bit. He was one of the people who witnessed it with his own eyes, watching the senior brother beat his sworn brother to death with a stick , At that moment, he felt that the senior brother seemed to be crazy...

"Huh? Big...Brother...?!" Sha Wujing, who had just returned to the Liusha River, saw a familiar figure standing there with golden hair and his back to him, so familiar.

Until the monkey turned around, Sha Wujing was even more sure that this was his elder brother, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong.

"Junior brother Sha, accompany me to Lingshan. Our brothers and sisters have been separated for so long, and it's time to get together again." Sun Wukong looked at Sha Wujing, his eyes were very calm, without the trace of rebelliousness before.

Sha Wujing was stunned: "Are you going to Lingshan to take revenge?"

Sun Wukong shook his head: "No, it's going west."

"Junior Brother Sha, believe me, I did so much back then, and I don't want to fall short. This time Lingshan resumes its journey to the west. This is an opportunity." Sun Wukong looked at Sha Wujing with firm eyes.

After hearing this, Sha Wujing couldn't help nodding his head. The elder brother's words always made him let go of everything, and he still asked, "Eldest brother, will the Tathagata believe us?"

Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes slightly: "I have a way to make him believe us."

"Okay, big brother, I'll go with you, go to Lingshan, go westward, this time, I will continue to bear the burden for you." Sha Wujing became serious and nodded seriously.

Knowing each other for so many years, Sun Wukong didn't say any words of gratitude, and left directly. Sha Wujing followed behind silently, but before leaving, he looked into the distance, with some reluctance in his eyes, that was the reincarnation of Liuli The place of rebirth seems to be missed again this time...


At this time, in the underworld, Su Xiaoxiao came controlling the wheelchair with a serious face, looked at the emperor who was eating grilled fish, and said: "Emperor, there is news from Dongfang Nian that the mountain and sea monsters have collectively manifested and invaded the earth. Mountain, with the intention of taking root in Tushan, Dongfang Nian and Tushan are unable to support each other, so they ask us for help."

Su Heng was taken aback for a moment, thinking of the old boy Dongfang Nian, who went to Tushan, and there was no one there, and he didn't know if he had fulfilled the bold ambition he made at the beginning, saying that he would make Tushan the master one day...

After thinking about it, he still asked strangely: "Doesn't he have the jade token I gave him in his hand? Still need to ask for help?"

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(End of this chapter)

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