Invincible from the start

Chapter 195 Don't You Feel Ashamed

Chapter 195 Don't You Feel Ashamed (Please Subscribe)

Su Xiaoxiao shook her head, she didn't know about this matter, she just said: "The mountain and sea monster clan is a big group, this time there are several big monsters leading the clan to come to Kyushu first, I'm afraid they also want to test one or two, Tu Shan He is known as the Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters in Kyushu, so when they came this time, the first person they looked for was Tu Shan, and they wanted to use Tu Shan to protest."

Su Heng nodded and approved Su Xiaoxiao's words. For the Shanhai Yaozu, he was most impressed by some barbecues he had eaten in Changhen Mountain. The meat was delicious and tender. He still vaguely remembers some delicious food. The teeth have a lingering fragrance, which makes people want to stop, especially the Yinglong family, which is the best in delicacy.

"Emperor, why don't you make a move this time and let Dian Shang go." Su Xiaoxiao glanced at the silent Su Heng, thinking that the emperor of his family was starting to worry about whether to continue to lie down or be forced to go for a stroll. She is actually quite worried about Dongfang Nian. This person always encounters some strange things outside. Every time, the Emperor himself goes over to wipe his ass. Slap him to death...

In order to avoid fratricide in the underworld, she decided to persuade her. It happened that after Dian Shang came back from Buzhou Mountain, he kept clamoring that his newly practiced iron head skill was invincible except for the emperor, so she just sent him to have a look.

Dian Shang’s Iron Head Kungfu was inspired by Gong Gong. At that time, he saw that big bald head hitting Buzhou Mountain with an iron head. The bald head is powerful, if Buzhou Mountain is still there, his iron head skills can definitely knock Buzhou Mountain down without using fists.

Su Heng glanced at Su Xiaoxiao strangely. There is something wrong with this chief executive. Didn't you always dislike yourself in the underworld like a salted fish? You often sit at home and analyze it, and then confuse yourself to go out and do it. Whoever did that turned out to be a different person today.

If it was something normal, Su Xiaoxiao persuaded him so, Su Heng would definitely borrow the donkey from the slope, pretend to be polite, and then continue to lie on the bed without moving, but the mountain and sea monsters are different, they are all delicious, and the tricks are different Many, if you kill them all and bring them back, plus Judge Cui's barbecue skills, it will be absolutely delicious, so Su Heng must go this time.

"The mountain and sea monsters are not simple. I don't worry about Dian Shang. This time I will go to see it myself, and I am bringing some errands with me." Su Heng said solemnly with a serious face.

Su Xiaoxiao's heart twitched, seeing the emperor's stern look, could it be that he really wanted to take this opportunity to kill Dongfang Nian...

Su Xiaoxiao looked back at Hong Yiluo's position, and fed each ghost with Wanghun soup. It is estimated that there may be one more Dongfang Nian among the ghosts queuing up next time...

No, the Great Emperor has always considered himself elegant and easy-going. If he really wanted to kill Dongfang Nian, his intentions would not be so obvious. There must be other purposes. Su Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of Tu Shan, the group of delicate vixens on Tu Shan, and suddenly realized that I seem to understand something, hehe, men really look the same...

"Why did the emperor take the errands?" Su Xiaoxiao didn't continue to think about it, she felt that this man was determined to flutter the colorful flags outside, and she couldn't stop him, so she might as well not think about it; she noticed Su Heng's last words In a word, according to her understanding, this salted fish emperor has always been a loner, why did he take the initiative to bring someone over this time.

Su Heng continued with a serious face: "The bones and furs of the Mountain and Sea Monster Clan are all high-quality spirit weapon blanks, and these can be processed by old man Qin when they are brought back. Just let them wrap up all the corpses."

"By the way, later on, you can ask old man Qin to build an ice storage or something. When the time comes, get the corpses of the mountain and sea monsters and throw them directly into the ice storage, so that they won't rot and can preserve these materials intact."

Su Heng said solemnly, Su Xiaoxiao also listened seriously, and then wrote down everything carefully. This was the first time she saw the emperor ordering something so seriously, and she dared not neglect.

After confirming that everything was fine, Su Heng specially called to attract money, touched his little head, and told him not to forget to kill rabbits every day, and then secretly left without telling Xiao Yuji, after all, his hometown was about to be copied Well, if I let her know, wouldn't she be worried to death, so don't say anything, let her continue to be a little loli with big breasts and no brains...


Tu Shan, Dongfang Nian and Tu Shan Xiyi, the leader of Tu Shan, stood firm on the last peak. This is the main peak of Tu Shan, protected by a formation, and there are some elders and guards of Tu Shan next to them.

Dongfang Nian was about to leave last time, but the black and white light came back from the void world and smashed a mountain peak in Tushan, and then he was captured again...

"Your Tu Shan's popularity is not very good." Dongfang Nian looked at the mountain and sea monsters outside the formation, and glanced lightly at the big master next to him, Tu Shan Xiyi. He Dongfang Nian vowed to have someone one day, but Later, his famous name was ruined by a female ghost, so he gradually gave up this idea, and changed it to he swore that his future son would give the woman of Tushan to him one day. Pass on this oath...

"You humans yell at us all day long, how can we Tushan have any popularity?" Tu Shan Xiyi looked at the mountain and sea monsters who were desperately beating the barrier outside, and replied lightly.

Hearing this, Dongfang Nian sighed melancholy, and glanced at the jade tablet in his hand, the emperor's jade tablet, how should I put it, it is simply a pit...

Because every time this jade card is released, the requirements for the caster will increase. That is to say, when he releases it for the first time, his Eastern Nian meets the requirements, but when it comes to the second time, his Eastern Nian is not qualified. the...

So, when the mountain and sea monsters attacked Tu Shan, Dongfang Nian was supposed to appear on the stage as Tu Shan's hero, but in the end, at the most critical moment...

This is a man's disgrace, the most recent disgrace was when he was in the underworld...

Therefore, Dongfang Nian chose to send a distress signal to Fengdu. He felt that he could not be blamed for this. It was because the emperor was too powerful. To get a jade card, the difficulty requirement was set so high. He can guarantee that there are few people in the world who can reach the first level. The request for the second release of the jade token.

Dongfang Nian looked sadly at the wild and laughing mountain and sea monsters outside. Those strange monsters not only looked ugly, but also behaved extremely rudely. They destroyed Tushan's beautiful environment and beautiful flowers and plants several times. , now the whole Tushan is in a state of depression and dilapidation, like hell, no longer the prosperity of the past, and a group of Tushan vixen sticking to the barrier all look sad, with despair on every face.

This made Dongfang Nian think of the catastrophe not long ago, maybe it was better, because the people at the bottom didn't know what the catastrophe meant to Kyushu, although the catastrophe disappeared later.

Now facing this desperate situation again, Dongfang Nian silently shifted his gaze to Tu Shan Xiyi's calm and composed face, and then began to look down, to his mouth, to his neck, and sighed slightly: "This is Tu Shan's catastrophe!" what……"


Outside Tu Shan, many people gathered. These people include the original Twelve Sects of Shenzhou, and some new forces who were hidden in the world before and are now reborn, or some small sects. There are many people, many , were very quiet, they stood far away, watching Tu Shan's movements with unison.

It wasn't until Dian Shang came with Su Heng on his back and led a group of messengers that the tranquility was broken.

Such a group of people suddenly appeared, and the original people naturally started to discuss. They saw the cold air of Yin Escort, the dead air stained on his body when dealing with souls all the year round, wearing a black robe, and wearing a chain around his waist. At that time, he immediately realized that Fengdu had come.

Especially when they saw Dian Shang's burly figure, full of demonic aura, when they looked at the man sitting on the back who they had either seen with their own eyes or seen in the portrait, they became even more sure, the man who was called invincible Emperor Fengdu also rushed to Tushan himself.

When Su Heng saw these people, he was also very curious. What is the meaning of so many people gathering outside Tushan? Could it be that Tushan invited the rescuers? It seems that Tushan usually gets along well with these various factions in Kyushu. nice.

While Su Heng was thinking, he let Dian Shang down, and the gathered crowd moved out of the way wisely, leaving the best view position, and at the same time they all shouted words such as the emperor's well-being.

Su Heng glanced at these people lightly, the outsiders just couldn't speak, they only knew how to politely call out a few words to the emperor, he didn't even bother to reply to this kind of sycophant, it's not like his own hell, everyone speaks very nicely , all like to tell the truth, never sycophant, especially Di Ting, so he still likes to stay in the underworld.

Among so many people, Su Heng also met an old acquaintance, Zhang Lie from Shushan.

Zhang Lie is now also a famous figure in Kyushu. He is known as the number one troll in Kyushu. He is the person Su Heng is most familiar with in the Shushan School, but now Su Heng is either lying in the underworld every day, or going out to save the common people in the world. I haven't seen Zhang Lie for a long time.

Zhang Lie was wearing a blue and white sword robe. After seeing Su Heng, he was the first to walk up and said with a smile on his face, "I didn't expect the emperor to come to Tushan in person. What is worthy of your honor?"

Su Heng looked at Zhang Lie strangely: "Are you surrounding outside, are you planning to rescue Tu Shan?"

Zhang Lie shook his head immediately after hearing this: "My lord, this Tushan is a group of fox spirits, there is nothing to save, we are just waiting here, waiting for Tushan's group of fox spirits and the mountain and sea monsters to fight each other, we will go up and clean up the mess , reap the benefits of the fisherman."

"My lord, Tushan is rich in resources. It is enshrined as the Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters by the Kyushu Monster Race. I was always envious before. I didn't expect this time to meet the Mountain and Sea Monster Race to attack Tushan. This is a good opportunity. Could it be that the emperor came to Tushan for something else?"

When Su Heng arrived, the atmosphere was terrifyingly quiet, and no one dared to speak loudly. Among the top forces in Kyushu, Fengdu was the strongest, while other forces, such as Biyou Palace, Yuxu Palace, and Lingshan They didn't come, but Fengdu came, so they all felt very depressed, mainly because the emperor had a good reputation, and they knew his habit of slapping people to death, so they were afraid of offending him. He was directly slapped to death.

Now, everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what the great emperor had to say.

After listening to Zhang Lie's words, Su Heng looked at the expressions of everyone present, and understood in his heart that what Zhang Lie said was true. These people were all here to beat the autumn wind, but his purpose was different. He had received Dongfang Nian's call for help. Those who came to save people, by the way, get some wild game to bring back...

But he is the majestic Emperor of Fengdu, so naturally he can't say these words. Dongfang Nian was a well-known figure in the underworld. No one made a move. Secondly, he, the Great Emperor Fengdu, is not the kind of person who loves and talks. The Great Emperor should have the appearance of a Great Emperor, with a cold face all day long, and regards the world as ants. , the force must be high...

So Su Heng thought for a while, and soon had a plan in his mind. He raised his head, and glanced coldly at the onlookers. Anyone who caught his gaze lowered his head subconsciously, feeling an inexplicable worry in his heart.

"Everyone, although Tu Shan is a monster race, what are you talking about? They belong to Kyushu just like us. Now that foreign enemies are invading and the enemy is at hand, you don't want to drive away the intruders and restore the peace of Kyushu, but you still think about it." Don't you feel ashamed of fighting among yourself and reaping the benefits of being a fisherman?"

Su Heng's voice was not loud, but he controlled it very well. Under the blessing of spiritual power, everyone could hear clearly, and no one dared to refute. In the end, he rolled his eyes, and the face of the treacherous villain who wanted to carve up Tushan disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a righteous and awe-inspiring look.

He said loudly: "The great emperor said it well! Everyone, I am a member of Kyushu. Now that foreign enemies are facing us, we are still fighting here for our own self-interest. I really feel ashamed of being born in Kyushu. I, Zhang Lie, explain my words here. Well, the meaning of the Great Emperor is our Shu Mountain. No matter what the Great Emperor says, our Shu Mountain will follow closely. If anyone has an opinion, they will look down on me, Shu Mountain, and Zhang Lie. In the future, I, Zhang Lie, will definitely lead the disciples of Shu Mountain to the front. Go teach."

When everyone heard Zhang Lie's words, they were speechless for a while. You don't need to say anything and everyone dare not object. Whoever objects at this time will stand up and seek death...

The most important question is, it seems that when you, Zhang Lie, shouted how to carve up Tushan just now, your voice was the loudest and the most fierce...


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(End of this chapter)

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