Invincible from the start

Chapter 196 Blame me for being too good

Chapter 196 Blame me for being too good
Everyone stared at Zhang Lie, but they were dissatisfied in their hearts, and they still wanted to cater loudly. In order to express their determination to stand firmly on the emperor's side, they shouted louder and louder, and the more they shouted, the more fierce they became. , Let me say, messy.

Su Heng glanced lightly at the indignant crowd, and nodded secretly satisfied. It's so sour to feel that everyone can be peaceful and friendly with a single word without any action. He has always been the kind of person who prefers to reason , I hate oppression by force the most, and this group of people seem to be quite reasonable...

"Great Emperor, then shall we directly attack the Mountain and Sea Monster Clan?" Zhang Lie was also very satisfied. As the first person to firmly follow the Great Emperor, it must be a bonus. After everyone confessed their loyalty, he Immediately interface and ask.

"The mountain and sea monsters are hard to deal with. With your strength, I'm afraid there will be danger. Just watch from the sidelines." Su Heng continued to look calm, as if I was doing it for your own good, and the words spread to the people below. It warms my heart when I hear it. Although the Great Emperor is No.1 in Kyushu, he has never treated them like ants. If it was an ordinary boss, he would probably have let them go up to die first. The Great Emperor deserves to be called the Great Emperor , This demeanor is directly proportional to strength, and it is really a role model for my generation.

Su Heng's thoughts are also very simple. If these people go together and the mountain and sea monsters are killed, then what about these corpses? If the shot is good, let them continue to live in their crotch and develop silently...

Zhang Lie was also very moved when he heard Su Heng's words. The Great Emperor is still the same Great Emperor he knew before, his righteousness is as thin as sky, and has never changed.

Zhang Lie's mind became hot, and he said: "The emperor knows that there is a large tomb of Nine Dragons in the place thousands of miles west of Mount Tu. My disciples from Mount Shu have investigated it. It is a very ancient tomb. Nine dragon corpses are buried in it. The thumbtacks are fixed in one place, and there is a strong resentment in the tomb, and people with low cultivation will become unconscious, crazy, and even die on the spot, which is very strange."

When Zhang Lie spoke, his voice was very soft, and he deliberately kept the soundproof to keep it secret, and continued: "My brothers and sisters in Shushan have all been there in person, but it is a pity that they have tried all kinds of methods and cannot enter the Jiulong tomb. The Jiulong tomb is still there, and I don't know if anyone else has discovered it, but I think the emperor can go and see it, maybe it's another chance."

Zhang Lie's idea is very simple. Since his Shushan faction can't get in, he might as well take the opportunity to sell it. Besides, after such a long time, maybe many people have discovered the Jiulong tomb, but they didn't make any noise. That's all, so it's uncertain who will break the news in the future, and the world will know about it. Now he might as well be a personal favor and let the emperor remember a trace of Shushan's affection.

Zhang Lie's words caught Su Heng's heart, and he also noticed in his heart that the dragon, in terms of the monster clan, belongs to one of the top few existences. Nine dragon corpses were trapped in the Nine Dragon Tomb at one time. It's not easy, at least the caster's cultivation must be very high.

"Okay, I'll remember this." Su Heng nodded towards Zhang Lie, there was a lot to say, and there was no need to say it directly; Zhang Lie also understood it immediately, and the emperor remembered it, so he couldn't help laughing foolishly.

Su Heng didn't talk nonsense, waved at Zhang Lie, and personally led the servants into the range of Tushan. The monks behind him all stood obediently in their place, watching quietly.

At this time, Tushan was full of smoke, all kinds of collapsed and damaged buildings, and corpses all over the ground. Among these corpses, there were those from the mountain and sea monster clan, and there were also those from Tushan. These corpses will be gathered up, forget about Tu Shan's, after all, everyone is from Kyushu, if you don't look up and look down, everyone is dead, let them go if the corpses are...

Tushan is very big. It is one of the famous mountains in Kyushu. There are thousands of peaks in it, each of which is full of bright peach trees. Under the perennial spring environment, the sky of Tushan is often floating. Countless peach petals of different sizes.

In Tushan today, there is only one main peak left, and the mountain and sea monsters are pressing every step of the way. In order to preserve his strength, Tu Shan voluntarily gave up the outer peaks and retreated to the main peak. Those who came to Tushan were all the vanguard troops of the mountain and sea monsters. Several big monsters led a group of little monsters to slam into the enchantment outside the main peak. The monsters are born with physical advantages, and the exercises they practice are mainly physical training. Their physical strength is stronger than that of others. The human race is much stronger.

"Hey, is someone here?" A big demon sharply sniffed his nose, feeling a strange smell in the air.

"I see, it's already here." Another big monster looked back and saw Su Heng sitting on Dian Shang's back, followed by a group of black-robed servants. When walking around, there was no sound, and the entire toes seemed to be vain. In the air, there was a crunching sound from the chains around his waist, which was very strange.

"Your Excellency?" The Mountain and Sea Monsters sensed something was wrong. The leader couldn't feel any aura fluctuations, but he was able to control a group of men in black robes who were not weak. Obviously, this person had a very high level of cultivation. However, if he doesn't have any magic weapon to conceal his breath, then his cultivation must be higher than his own.

Dian Shang was lying on the ground, Su Heng stood up, looked at the densely packed, endless mountain and sea monsters, without saying a word, he raised his palm lightly, and the black and white aura instantly gathered into a momentum, which was enough to destroy the domineering in the world The breath turned into a puff of gas and hovered in the palm.

"This breath..." The complexions of the mountain and sea monsters suddenly changed. When they were about to open their mouths to call out to be careful, a black and white light suddenly lit up in front of them, illuminating the surroundings. The whole world was stained by this black and white color. The next second, They still maintained the expression of opening their mouths, and as the man in front of him slowly lowered his arms, the densely packed mountain and sea monsters fell to the ground one after another, and their bodies were separated, while the main peak of Tushan still stood where it was, but the hills on both sides were strongly suppressed. The air currents cut into a wide plain.

Every Tushan demon fox guarding the main peak fell silent. This man is a bit too strong and scary. How can they, the group of delicate little fairies, bear it...

When Dongfang Nian saw Su Heng, he immediately turned around and walked to the edge of a cliff, pretending to be ready to jump off the cliff at any time. He had done this before, just to express to his great emperor that if the mountain and sea monsters attacked , his spirit of preferring death to surrender...

Su Heng waved his hand towards the errands outside, signaling them to pack up the corpses of the mountain and sea monsters...

"Thank you for saving my life, Emperor. If you have orders in the future, just speak out." Tu Shan's boss has always been very proud, but this time he also bowed his head respectfully. Su Heng smiled and didn't take it seriously. In a blink of an eye, he looked at Dongfang Nian who was standing at the edge of the cliff. This old boy has a pretty good mentality. Facing a crisis, he still has the mind to enjoy the scenery here...

"Didn't I give you a jade card? Why is it useless?" Su Heng was very curious when he came along the way. Back then, he gave Dongfang a jade card and sealed his ten palms, which is equivalent to ten times. The opportunity to release, this Dongfang Nian should not be used up so quickly.

When Dongfang Nian heard this, he immediately said that the jade card was invalid and could not be used. He didn't want to admit the fact that he was a badass even if he was beaten to death, so he planned to dump the blame on the jade card. Anyway, the jade card can't speak...

After hearing this, Su Heng immediately picked up the jade card in Dongfang Nian's hand, tried it in the air, and soon saw a black and white light soaring into the sky, going straight to the sky.

Looking at the black and white light going away in the sky, Dongfang Nian calmly glanced at Su Heng's gaze, and said calmly, "My lord, I'm sorry, I blame me for being too good..."


Three thousand void realms, within the realm of mountains and seas, Donghuang Taiyi is still in seclusion in the secret room, he has heard the news from the little monsters below, and the leading group of mountain and sea monsters have led their clansmen to the realm of Kyushu. They almost defeated Tu Shan, the Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters in the Kyushu Realm. In short, the people in the Kyushu Realm were still weak and weak as before.

Donghuang Taiyi also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the news, he was still very surprised, why did he suddenly feel cold when he thought about going to the Kyushu Realm together?There is always a bad feeling.

He believed in his intuition, but he had to go to the Kyushu Realm. There were too many benefits in it, and it was his dream land.

Then this Kyushu, should we go or not?

Donghuang Taiyi started to struggle again. The little monsters below have said that there are no powerful people in Kyushu, otherwise those big monsters would not have captured Tushan so easily, and the last main peak is short of it. So, maybe my previous Intuition is wrong?Just stayed in the secret room for too long, so the intuition failed?

Donghuang Taiyi thought so, but he was still worried. After thinking about it, he decided to use a clone to go to Kyushu to find out what happened first. Using the clone made him very sad, because the natural advantage of the monster race lies in physical fitness. Instead of spiritual power cultivation, their monster race can't just create a few clones like those great powers of the human race, and consume a little cultivation at most, and it will be replenished later.

When the monsters use their avatars, they must use a secret method. Every time a avatar is created by this secret method, it will consume [-]% of his natal spiritual power. If he has ten spiritual powers, he will lose all his spiritual power and become a big monster with only a strong physique, without any spiritual power, and his strength will be greatly reduced. Therefore, for the monster clan, it is not a last resort. Sometimes, they are absolutely unwilling to use the avatar.

But this time the Kyushu Realm was of great importance, and he had to go, but his intuition told him it was dangerous, so he had to use his avatar.

The clone secret method is not complicated. Donghuang Taiyi quickly created an identical clone in the secret room. The clone left the secret room, left the mountain and sea world, and headed towards Kyushu.

He hasn't left the mountain and sea realm for a long time, and now seeing this void realm surrounded by thick fog, he feels very cordial, everything is familiar and strange at the same time.

Donghuang Taiyi's avatar continued to move forward, and the scenery along the way was just swept away, and he didn't have much thought to appreciate it. Suddenly, he saw a bright light in front of him, a black and white light, coming from a distance, that light was somewhat Dazzling, he narrowed his eyes slightly...

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(End of this chapter)

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