Invincible from the start

Chapter 197 Nine Dragon Tomb

Chapter 197
This light is very bright...

This was Donghuang Taiyi's thoughts before he was still a little conscious. He hadn't even stepped out of the realm of nothingness, let alone reached the realm of Kyushu that he thought about day and night, and then he just disappeared...

Donghuang Taiyi in the secret room opened his eyes, and the spiritual consciousness fed back by the avatar told him everything. It seemed that he hadn't arrived for an hour. He was a little sad, and at the same time he recognized his intuition in his heart. It was really dangerous outside, and it was even more dangerous to go to Kyushu...

"It seems that we have to wait." Donghuang Taiyi sighed lightly, and decided to let go of the idea of ​​​​Kyushu for the time being. He must hurry up and practice, and he will go to Kyushu when he becomes stronger and stronger.


In the Yinglong clan, the old patriarch decided to reopen the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens. This has never happened before in the Yinglong clan. Many clan elders in the clan objected, but the old patriarch has accumulated power for a long time and has a lot of power in his hands. And the right to speak, the clan elders objected to be invalid.

The old patriarch was convinced that someone in the clan wanted to frame him last time, and the clan was talking about the rumors in the clan, so he decided to prove himself, to prove that he can successfully hold the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. It was possible before, but this time The same is also possible. The last time I failed was because the villain framed me.

All the cronies of the old patriarch were mobilized. They guarded around the altar and secretly observed any suspicious elements they thought. This time, they must make sure that nothing goes wrong during the ceremony. They even sent people to check outside the realm of nothingness. After confirming that there is nothing abnormal outside the mountain and sea boundary, I dared to start the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

The old patriarch stood on the altar, looking at the densely packed clansmen below, he was very happy, as long as he was the patriarch of the Yinglong clan, these people would always have to stand below to look up to him and live in his His crotch was wantonly suppressed by him.

The old patriarch wore a robe for worshiping the heavens, on which was painted a pattern of Yinglong's body. He stood on a high altar, facing the wind, and the wind made his white hair and beard dance wildly, like an explosion. Open like a silver snake.

The old patriarch skillfully held up the sacrifice with both hands, muttering some commonplace words, asking God to bless the Yinglong clan with good fortune and so on.

"Patriarch, be careful!"

The old patriarch who was squinting and repeating the words of offering sacrifices to heaven moved his ears, as if he heard someone calling him and telling him to be careful, he couldn't help being angry. It seems that this troublemaker is quite capable. He even let him in.

The shouts became louder and louder, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore. He decided not to care about those feelings anymore. He wanted to kill all these people. He opened his eyes angrily, and then saw a Brilliant black and white light, this light seems quite familiar, as if I have seen it during the last ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, the only difference is that there was no one on the platform at that time...


Tu Shan and Su Heng left under the adoring eyes of all the charming goblins. This trip is full of rewards, without any sense of fatigue, full of energy, and feels that they can still fight in a big battle...

Dongfang Nian also left. He said that Tu Shan's matter was settled, and he should go back to the underworld. The female ghost who had a physical relationship was still waiting for him. He felt that he was a man and had to be responsible, although Tu Shan The temptation to him is great, especially the little goblins who are all over the mountain, but he can't do something like abandoning his wife, even if he doesn't have a child yet, the last and most important thing is that the time for the flames in his body to flare up is coming soon... …

Su Heng asked Dongfang Nian to lead the underworld messengers back to the underworld, and he himself went all the way west with Dian Shang to find the Kowloon tomb that Zhang Lie had mentioned before.

The Kyushu sects outside Tushan saw that Su Heng slapped all the mountain and sea monsters to death. They all shouted that the emperor was so terrifying, and then packed up their things and went back to their hometown...

The invasion of the mountain and sea monsters came to an end. The various factions of Kyushu came here to watch a wonderful performance, and at the same time, they went back to spread the words of the emperor, the important thought and spirit that everyone should love each other in the future...

Tushan faces west, thousands of miles away, and Zhang Lie said that the Nine Dragons Tomb can be reached very quickly at the speed of Dian Shang, but Su Heng is quite disgusted with Dian Shang now, because every time this guy lies on the ground, he will be there before leaving. He had to roar, and besides, his bones were a bit thick, no matter how much he paid attention to, Su Heng didn't feel comfortable riding on this bumpy vest...

Su Heng didn't understand why some goblins are so comfortable to ride, but this Dian Shang is so useless, it's a disgrace to the goblin...

Thousands of miles away, the speed that Dian Shang is proud of did not embarrass him, and he arrived soon. According to Zhang Lie's reminder, Su Heng found the Kowloon tomb easily, but at this time there were already a group of people standing outside. people.

A group of purple-clothed monks with swords on their backs should be from the same sect. The leader was young, handsome, and serious. He stood there motionless, observing silently. From the outside, it looked like an ordinary Nine Dragons Tomb in a cave.

Dian Shang's huge figure would attract attention no matter where he went, especially his strong monster aura, which quickly alarmed the group of monks.

"Who is it!" The group of purple-clothed monks drew their swords together and pointed at Dian Shang.

"Hey, a group of short-sighted boys, get out of here." Dian Shang looked at the pointed sword blades, chuckled, and waved his hand lightly, all the rows of sword blades were rolled up by him and smashed to pieces.

Dian Shang's hand immediately shocked the group of monks backing away, sighing secretly that the big monster is so powerful, but when he noticed Su Heng on Dao Dianshang, he was even more shocked, a big monster is so powerful, how can the person who controls the big monster be so powerful? Not stronger.

"Don't be rude." The leading cultivator had already opened his mouth when he saw the following cultivator drawing his sword, but after all, he was not as fast as Dian Shang. Looking at the fragments of the sword blade on the ground, he was silent, and then directed at Su Heng. He clasped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, Murong Ziying from Xiaqionghua School has disturbed Your Excellency, please forgive me."

Su Heng glanced at the group of purple-clothed monks lightly, and was quite surprised in his heart. Didn't this group of people know him?Logically speaking, all the cultivators in Kyushu should have seen his portrait. Even if they haven't seen it, there are also their own longevity seats in the temples of the Great Emperor. Know yourself.

"Boy, you don't know Emperor Fengdu?" Dian Shang directly expressed Su Heng's thoughts. The big man stared at Murong Ziying and the others with a pair of bull's eyes in shock.

There are monks in this world who don't know Emperor Fengdu?

Emperor Fengdu?

Murong Ziying was taken aback, and the monks behind him were also taken aback. They are all disciples of the Qionghua Sect, and they have stayed on Kunlun Mountain all year round. They have never met this Emperor Fengdu, but they have only heard about it. Irritable, like to slap people to death, thinking of their rude initiative just now, each of them trembled...

No one doubted Su Heng's identity. They were terrified just by Dian Shang's display of strength, let alone Su Heng who sat on it with a calm face.

Murong Ziying was the first to come to her senses, and immediately clasped her fists together again: "This is the first time I and all my juniors have gone down the mountain to practice. Before, everyone stayed on the mountain all year round and didn't understand the world. Please forgive me."

The disciples of the Qionghua Sect behind them also clasped their fists and shouted for forgiveness. In the sect, their elders told them that you are nothing after you go down the mountain. No one will care about the sect behind you. Put away your arrogance in the mountains After joining the WTO, there are some people that we cannot afford to offend, such as Fengdu.

Even the elders of the sect personally warned Fengdu, and these Qionghua sect disciples naturally remembered it in their hearts. They thought that such a small person as themselves would never see such a big person in their lifetime, so before going down the mountain, no one deliberately went to watch the moment. There is a portrait of Emperor Fengdu, I didn't expect them to come across this time after going down the mountain...

Su Heng glanced at the group of trembling monks. Naturally, he would not have some experience with them. He looked directly at Murong Ziying and asked, "Is this the Nine Dragons Tomb?"

Murong Ziying didn't even think about it, and replied quickly: "If you go back to the emperor, this is the Nine Dragons Tomb. There are three gates, the outer, the middle, and the inner. You enter from the outer gate, then to the middle gate, and finally to the inner gate. This tomb is very It's weird, it contains all kinds of formations, and those who don't understand the gossip of the strange door may not even be able to enter the most basic outer door."

"I just experimented with a group of juniors who happened to be proficient in Qimen gossip. Unfortunately, I only entered the outer gate and have not yet reached the middle gate. Because I couldn't bear the resentment inside, I was forced to retreat."

"The outer door alone contains ninety-nine and eighty-one formations, and each formation changes a lot, and the organs in the formation will change at any time, making it hard to guard against."

Murong Ziying finished speaking in one breath, with a serious look on her face. He didn't hide anything from Su Heng, let alone dared to hide it.

Su Heng listened carefully, and learned from Murong Ziying's words that the Nine Dragons Tomb is extraordinary, consisting of three gates, the outer, the middle, and the inner. Hearing what he said, they didn't even enter the most basic outer gate. You know, how powerful this middle door and inner door are.

But these are for them, as for themselves...

Su Heng smiled slightly, and didn't care. Although he didn't know how to gossip, let alone tricks, none of this troubled him, because he didn't think there was anything bigger than his own slap in the world.

Murong Ziying secretly glanced at Su Heng's indifferent expression. After thinking about it, he decided to remind him aloud, because the Jiulong Tomb is very old, and the formations inside are also long-lost peerless formations. The people who set up the formation obviously have precautions to prevent outsiders from entering with force.

Although the person in front of him is Emperor Fengdu who claims to be invincible in the world, but he doesn't think that this emperor can break through such an ancient and mysterious formation with force, so he thought for a while and said: "Emperor... ..."

Before Murong Ziying could finish her sentence, she froze in place. He opened his mouth, and he didn't know how to say the following words...

He only saw that the great emperor in front of him raised his palm calmly, gathered a terrifying aura, waved it lightly, black and white lights flashed, and then the mysterious and incomparable ancient formation arranged the inside and outside of the Nine Dragons Tomb. The three doors were all shattered, revealing the original appearance inside...

Su Heng heard Murong Ziying's words at this time, and turned his head to look: "What's the matter?"


Ask for tickets, tickets, tickets...

(End of this chapter)

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