Chapter 199

The purple qi came from the east, and the world once again ushered in a new recovery. Some people were happy and some were worried. As for Su Heng, who caused all this, he didn't feel anything. Stopping to venture out.

Su Heng thought about it seriously. If some malicious people absorb this aura, it would definitely be a disaster for Kyushu. For the peace of Kyushu, he wanted to prevent the aura from leaking out, so he lifted the box It started and was thrown into the list of gods...

Anyway, as long as it is linked to the spiritual energy now, all the things he can't use will be thrown into the list of gods. As for the current situation there, he doesn't bother to look at it.

The sudden disappearance of the spiritual energy also caused some people in Kyushu who were absorbing the spiritual energy and recovering their memories to freeze for a moment. They felt that there seemed to be something missing in their minds. Some pictures had reached the most critical part, and suddenly It's gone, as if the second half was taken away...

"Let's go." After making sure that he didn't miss anything, Su Heng said something to Dian Shang.

It seems that the emperor did not abandon me, Dian Shang was overjoyed, and then glanced provocatively at the nine golden dragons on one side. Compared to being ridden by the emperor, Dian Shang said that he was the first, and no one dared to say the second...

The nine golden dragons also followed Dian Shang, following them honestly, without any objection, let alone trying to escape midway, their perception of danger is naturally much sharper than that of the human race, Su Heng is a terrifying person in their eyes demon king……

"Respectfully send off the great emperor." Murong Ziying and other Qionghua sect disciples also honestly handed them off.

Seeing Su Heng's leaving back, a Qionghua sect disciple stepped forward and said to Murong Ziying, "Brother, in a few days it will be the sect's ceremony to sacrifice to heaven, we have wasted too much time recently , let’s go back quickly.”

Murong Ziying nodded after hearing this. Recently, Shimen invited General Lin Zhao of Dayan Kingdom to come to Qionghua faction to participate in their own heaven sacrifice ceremony, because Qionghua faction believes in Nine Heavens Xuannv, and I heard that General Lin Zhao of Great Yan Kingdom There is a mysterious bird next to Zhao. It is said that this mysterious bird is the soul of the Nine Heavens Xuannv. Since Lin Zhao has been approved by the Xuanniao, it is very likely that this general will also receive all the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Xuannv in the future.

After learning about this, the elders of the Shimen have sent invitations to Dayan Kingdom several times, and this time they finally invited them, but I heard that the general did not intend to go to the Qionghua Sect in person, and they all said She has a cold personality and doesn't really like these social gatherings outside. It's just that there seems to be a little misunderstanding between Beiqi Royal Court and Dayan Kingdom recently. His Qionghua faction just happens to be in the Kunlun Mountains on the border, corresponding to Beiqi Royal Court. In order to prevent the Northern Qi royal court from invading, that's why they were drawn over.

The last time Beiqi Wangting sweated to marry a daughter, and married Princess Yushu into Dayan Country. Yan Kingdom sent General Meng Yi to marry her, but for some reason, the two of them have not been separated from Beiqi Wangting's big brother. Walking out of the grassland, Dayan suspected that Beiqi Wang Ting had other plans and had no intention of marrying a daughter at all. He just deceived Dayan under the guise of marrying a daughter, but in fact he had other plans secretly.

These things were too complicated, and he, Murong Ziying, was not interested in knowing more, but heeded the advice of his younger brother, and immediately led the disciples of the Qionghua Sect back to the master's school.


Dian Shang walked in the sky, and the nine golden dragons behind him were all turned into fingernail-sized tattoos, which were engraved on Su Heng's arm. In the face of absolute strength, the golden dragon should never be ambiguous when it comes to admitting defeat.

"Great Emperor, these nine golden dragons are not bad in appearance. Compared with their speed, they may not be as fast as my old Dian." While flying, Dian Shang began to blacken the nine golden dragons vigorously. He was afraid that these guys would affect his future status. I feel that it is enough for the emperor to ride himself exclusively in the future, and these coquettish sluts can go as far as they can...

Su Heng didn't speak, but just thought silently in his heart, this appearance alone is enough...

Seeing that Su Heng didn't speak, Dian Shang disturbed his head in distress, thinking about how to continue to suppress the nine golden dragons, but he didn't think of a good way, and he got lost instead...

"Great Emperor, there seems to be something wrong with this situation." Dian Shang muttered, he found that the surrounding environment had changed, but he couldn't figure out why he came here suddenly when he was flying well.

Su Heng had already discovered that something was wrong, but he never said a word, and always held an indifferent attitude. No matter what kind of monsters or ghosts, as long as they dare to cause trouble, they will all be slapped to death.

Dian Shang has always been flying on a plain, but now, it is not a plain below, but a city. Each flag is painted with various patterns, including skulls, imps, mysterious flames, etc. These patterns look very strange in the gloomy city.

Dian Shang landed in front of the city tower. First, it was too conspicuous to fly in this strange place. Second, the black mist on the city covered his sight, so he couldn't see what was hidden inside.

"Emperor, there is something wrong here." Dian Shang began to shrink his body, turning into a strong man about the same height as Su Heng. He looked at the city vigilantly.

"Go in and have a look." Su Heng glanced lightly at this strange city, not knowing what was the purpose of pulling him and Dian Shang in.

Su Heng walked in front, and Dian Shang followed closely. They saw a horizontal plaque hanging on the city tower almost at the same time. On the old and faded horizontal plaque, there were three big characters written on it, the city was dead in vain.

In the City of Death, there seems to be no difference from ordinary cities. There are also restaurants and inns, brothels and teahouses, and gambling houses and stables.

Su Heng and Dian Shang walked in the middle of the road one after the other. There were people coming and going on both sides, and it was very lively. When some passers-by saw them, they would smile a little, but the pale face looked a little creepy when it smiled. .

"Emperor, look there, that person seems to be watching us all the time." Dian Shang reminded Su Heng, and secretly pointed to a three-story attic at the end of the road. On the attic, stood a woman with red makeup, bright and bright , looking at this side with cold eyes, Su Heng also looked over, until he saw the woman's face, he was stunned, Hong Yiluo?
"Great Emperor, it seems that it is really Hong Yiluo. Didn't she stay in the underworld all the time and feed those ghosts Wanghun soup? Why did she come here?" Dian Shang also noticed something was wrong.

Su Heng didn't speak, and continued to observe, his eyes swept over the horizontal plaque on the gate of the attic, on which were written the three big characters Qingyulou.

Qingyu Tower, Su Heng heard from Hong Yiluo that it was the place where she stayed since she was a child. Later, she met Li Feiyun, the Shushan sword fairy at that time. After falling in love, Qingyu Tower was covered with red makeup in the city. She was as beautiful as a flower , waiting to be married in her boudoir, but Li Feiyun did not wait for her, and a relationship between the two officially began.

"Emperor, what should we do, go up and say hello to her?" Dian Shang's tone was weird, he didn't know why, he always felt that the atmosphere here was too weird, and it was very uncomfortable to stay here.

Su Heng continued to observe this red-clothed radish. Like everyone else in the city, she had a pale face and no life in her body, but it seemed that she was living in another strange way.

(End of this chapter)

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