Invincible from the start

Chapter 200 Who dares to make trouble in the dead city

Chapter 200 Who dares to make trouble in the dead city

At this moment, Su Heng just wanted to say, hell!

But if you think about it carefully, the majestic and invincible Emperor Fengdu has to deal with ghosts every day, so seeing a ghost now doesn't seem to be a big deal...

But thinking about it again, this ghost does not mean that ghost, this ghost is not that ghost...

Finally, to sum it up, it's still hell...

"Brother, do you want to eat peaches?" A petite and cute child walked up to Su Heng with a basket of peaches in his arms, with a pure and innocent face, except that his face was as pale as those in the city of vain death. color.

"The peach looks quite fresh." Dian Shang reached out to grab it when he saw it.

"If you want to survive, don't touch it." At this time, a man in white robes suddenly rushed out of the alley on the side, grabbed Su Heng and Dianshang's arms, and quickly flashed into the alley. The man made a lot of noise, and those in the city The man looked over and didn't stop him, but just stared blankly, with a piercing smile on his face.

The white-robed man had a serious look on his face, he held Su Heng and Dian Shang tightly, and finally walked into a hut with several turns.

Dian Shang wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Su Heng with a look. He wanted to find out what kind of existence this City of Death is.

The room is not big, with a few pieces of simple and plain furniture, and a picture of the Eight Diagrams hung in the main hall, which has the effect of restraining all evils.

"This is the city of death in vain. Don't pick up what everyone gives you, or you will die soon." The white-robed man closed the door and said with a serious face.

"That kid just now, don't look at him as harmless to humans and animals, but in fact, many people who have just entered the city of vain death, most of them died in his hands. That peach is a death talisman, whoever touches it will die."

Su Heng glanced at the serious white-robed man, and asked curiously, "Who are you? Why did you save us? What kind of existence is this dead city?"

The white-robed man smiled after hearing this. Many newcomers basically asked him these questions after they came in. He was also used to it, and said skillfully: "My name is Xie Bi'an, and I saved you because I am the only one left in this dead city. A living person, I hope to save a few more living people and talk to me, but unfortunately, every time new people come in, I try my best to save them, but they all die in the end."

"I don't know when this city of death appeared. I came here out of nowhere, relying on my family's unique knowledge, and barely survived. After so many years of observation, I also found a little trick."

"Wonderful City will open its gates every once in a while. The location and location are not fixed. If anyone happens to pass by and meets the opening time of the city gate, they will be pulled into the city. Now, their physical bodies will dissipate, but their souls will turn into all kinds of resentment and greed, that is, those people you just saw in the city are actually transformed by these souls, and they will be like normal people during the day, unable to To do it yourself, you can only borrow some foreign objects, but at night, they can do it, and then they will try their best to kill the living people and turn them into the same existence as them."

Xie Bi'an?Bai Wuchang?Su Heng couldn't help but take a few more glances after hearing this.

Seemingly aware of the strangeness in Su Heng's eyes, Xie Bi'an felt a little uncomfortable, and continued: "You two, since you have entered the City of Death, why don't you think about how to get out? The method, those newcomers in the past just didn’t listen to my advice, made all kinds of useless attempts, and finally died in vain.”

"In addition, you should also pay attention to a man named Heishan Old Demon. He is the most powerful existence in this City of Death. Just hit me."

"Also, at night, you must not leave this room. There is a Bagua map here to protect you, otherwise I will not be able to protect you."

Xie Bi'an kept talking and exhorting, he was really scared, every time those newcomers came, few would listen to them, even if they listened at first, after a long time, they were still one Accidentally, he directly lost his life.

"Okay, we got it, thank you, but, do you know how to find this Black Mountain old demon?" Su Heng knew Xie Bi'an's good intentions, and thanked him with a smile. He was very curious about this dead city, and he could solve the problem. The fastest way, of course, is to find the strongest existence in the city of death, the old demon of Black Mountain, and then directly beat him up. If you have any questions, just ask him...

Xie Bi'an was relieved when he heard Su Heng thanked him. Fortunately, the newcomer listened, but he was dumbfounded when he heard the words behind. Damn, this is simply killing me...

Seeing Xie Bi'an's wide-eyed look, Su Heng smiled. It seems that it is not feasible to ask him directly, so he can only use his own means. His means are very simple, for example, first come directly to this dead city. Give me a slap, and make a big noise...

"Hey! You two, don't go out! It's dangerous!" Seeing Su Heng and Dian Shang coming out one after another, Xie Bi'an immediately yelled at the back, but he found that he couldn't persuade these two people at all. He had no choice but to bite Gritting his teeth, he finally took off the Bagua map in the house, hung it on his body, and followed him out. In addition to having the magic weapon of the Bagua map, he also has a great restraint effect on these evil spirits. He is best at It's soul blowing.

This so-called soul blowing is to blow away and disperse the remaining souls in the human body. For example, after some old people in the village passed away, one of the three souls and seven souls remained in their bodies, so they could not be reincarnated, so Everyone invited him over to blow away the wisp of soul in the old man's body.

Now that he has arrived in the city of vain death, what he faces are all these evil spirits. The technique he has learned can just restrain them, so he has been able to survive in the city of vain death until now.

Xie Bi'an walked out of the house and followed Su Heng and Dian Shang closely. He actually didn't want to care about these two people. He was too bold and reckless, and he might drag himself down, but he couldn't just watch these two people die. He wanted to Well, when something happens, he will try to save it first, if he really can't save it, then he can only give up.

The old Black Mountain demon usually sees the head but never sees the end. It is basically impossible for these two people to find the old Black Mountain demon.

Xie Bi'an thought in this way, and his tense mood relaxed a bit. He felt that he was scaring himself just now, and this old Montenegro monster could touch it if he wanted to.

It’s just that Xie Bi’an was dumbfounded before he finished his breath of relief. He saw the leading man floating in the air, and slapped towards the city of Wushi. The pitch-black plain outside the city.

With a flash of black and white light, outside the city of Wushi, the plain was as smooth as a knife, and inside the city of Wushi, half of the city that had been hit by the palm had collapsed, and the countless ghosts and evil spirits had all disappeared.

"Damn it, who dares to make trouble in the City of Death!" An angry shout resounded in the city, and a black mist rose, covering the entire sky in an instant. .

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(End of this chapter)

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