Chapter 105
The power of this magic circle exceeded his original expectations.But it can only temporarily trap him, and if he wants to cause damage to a silver middle-level powerhouse, these low-level magics are far from qualified.

What made him feel puzzled, disturbed and even palpitated was, what was the enemy's purpose?
Gathering the three major gangs of Yizui Pavilion, Mengxian Tower, and the soaring Iron Sword Gang, they are indeed qualified to compete with Shashan League, and even slightly surpass it.However, the other party made such a large number of arrangements, and transferred most of the power of the Shaking Mountain League, wasn't it to capture their own base camp in one fell swoop?

Now the leaders of the three major gangs are gathered here, as well as the young man who planned the whole plan. Judging by the attitude of the three of them towards him, it is obvious that they are not dispensable.

Shouldn't these important members of the enemy be near the base camp of the Shaking Mountain League at this time, directing the battle?
Could it be that I guessed wrong?Their goal is not the headquarters of the Shaking Mountain League at all?
It's a pity that the development of the situation no longer allows him to think carefully.


Another series of magic was activated, this time, it was the gravity technique of the earth system.

It seems that the magic circle set up by the boy named Anthony must not be underestimated.

The leader of the Shaking Mountain League felt more and more heavy, and he would not hold back now.The surging fighting spirit swam through the whole body, and the precious knife in his hand slashed down hard, and a dazzling fighting spirit shot out from the blade.

"Let's go!" The leader took the lead - this wording is a bit inappropriate, in order to flexibly avoid and deal with the endless magic, they had already dismounted - and called his subordinates to join him to break through the gap in the magic circle briefly broken by the fighting spirit light blade.

Those who followed him were all the best fighters in the alliance, knowing that the battle opportunity was fleeting, they quickly tried their best to get out and followed the leader of the alliance.

But how could the three major gangs and Anthony's painstaking efforts make them break out of the formation so easily.

The leader of the Shaking Mountain League dashed forward, only a few steps away from the edge of the magic circle.Suddenly, large expanses of red appeared in front of his eyes.

The crow bird, which is composed of fire elements, flaps its wings that can't drive the wind, and approaches silently.

Anthony likes the fire magic of "Fire Crow Flurry" very much.Because the power of magic is directly proportional to the number of fire crows, it is suitable for a man with ridiculously high magic power who is not worried about the consumption of magic power.Coupled with strong mental power, he can control and command the crows in a meticulous manner, allowing him to play various tactics just like commanding a well-trained army.

Of course, in the current situation of everyone in the Shaking Mountain League, there is absolutely no need to use any tactics.

In the temporary passage that can only allow two people to pass through and will be automatically repaired by the magic circle at any time, more than [-] gang members are all crowded together and are rushing out.Unexpectedly, there is a wall on the other side of the passage.

A thick wall of fire elements composed entirely of fire crows!


The leader gave orders loudly, stomped on the ground hard, and made a deep hole in the flat and hard official road, and finally stopped the charge.

However, the people who shook the Mountain League stopped, but the Fire Crows would not obey his orders.

Amidst the rumbling explosions, the people gathered in one place became targets one by one, and all the fire crows hit accurately, and none of them missed.

The flames dissipated, and everyone in the Mountain Shaking League was forced back into the formation.And the temporary passage that the lord had worked so hard to open was gradually being closed, and finally restored to its original state.

A bubble-like colorful light curtain separates the inside and the outside.Inside and outside the formation are two completely different worlds.

The leader of the Shaking Mountain League stood there with a knife, panting heavily.The clothes on his body were damaged in many places, and the exposed body also added a lot of scars.

Fortunately, the injury was not serious.

Several henchmen surrounded him, blocking all kinds of magical attacks from all directions, and buying time for their leader to adjust his breath.

In the flurry of fire crows just now, the leader almost alone withstood more than [-]% of the attack.Even if he is strong and caught off guard, he will be bombarded enough.

What's more regrettable is that the chance to break through is gone.

Through the light curtain of the magic circle, the leader looked at the young man's relaxed look, and doubts arose in his heart again.

Why does this boy seem to just want to trap himself and others.Why?
Outside the formation, a Drunken Pavilion Master clapped his hands and praised: "This magic formation is exquisitely arranged, and with Mr. Sweeping the formation at the side, I am afraid Shashanmeng and others will be hard to fly. Good, good!"

The leader of the Iron Sword Sect also said in admiration: "I only know that the master has a good plan and layout, but I didn't expect that the realm of magic cultivation is so brilliant."

Anthony said indifferently: "The two are overly praised. The first part of the plan has been successfully completed so far. I will leave it to the leaders of the Shaking Mountain League. Next, it will be the turn of the three to contribute."

The owner of Mengxian Tower laughed and said: "Mr. has already put on a good show, let's see us next. The leader of the Shaking Mountain League must think that we are using a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Hahaha! Mister uses tricks, It really is unpredictable."

The leader of the Iron Sword Gang hesitated and said: "After all, there are more than 20 people in the Shaking Mountain League, and the leader is a ruthless middle-level silver character. Mister is very powerful, but after all, there is only one person. Otherwise, I will bring a few people to stay and help Mr. Shall I fight?"

Anthony knew that he meant well, and although he felt it was unnecessary, he did not refuse.

"Okay, then I'll help the Lord."

While talking, the whole person flew into the air and flew into the air in the middle of the magic circle.

After all, the magic circle is a bit big, and there are many enemies.If you want to trap all the opponents in the formation, it is better to overlook the overall situation from the air, so that you can more easily observe the enemy's movements and make adjustments at any time.

From the purpose of "trapping the enemy", the formation in another world is actually more suitable than the magic formation.Even a low-level phantom array is enough to make people like Shanmeng dizzy for a while.Coupled with the fact that they were "blocking" from the sidelines, they wouldn't even try to break out within half a day.

It's a pity that after being scanned by the god's divine sense last time, I must have been included in the investigation list, so it's better to be cautious.If it is not necessary to use the formation of another world, try not to use it as much as possible, so as not to cause trouble.

Besides, if you want to trap the group of people from the Shaking Mountain League, this magic circle, which you just learned and practiced for beginners, is enough.

That's right, Anthony's plan was not to kill the leader of the Shaking Mountain League, but to trap him.

Trapped the lord here, luring the players of the Shaking Mountain League who had been mobilized in the early stage to come to rescue one by one, and then the main force composed of the three major gangs including the Iron Sword Gang carried out annihilation one by one.

And Anthony's ultimate goal is to capture the leader of the Shaking Mountain League alive.

Anthony made every effort to promote the Iron Sword Gang to form an offensive and defensive alliance with Yizui Pavilion and Mengxianlou. In addition to the current needs of the Iron Sword Gang, it was also because he took a fancy to the connections and intelligence of the two major gangs.

Yizui Pavilion and Mengxian Tower are just a tavern and a brothel.But the two people in power, and not only can use this little power.

In the entire imperial city, more than [-]% of the taverns are headed by the owner of the Yizui Pavilion; and almost [-]% of the brothels in the city are inextricably linked to the Mengxian Tower.

Under what circumstances are people most likely to reveal their innermost thoughts and reveal their kept secrets?One is when you're drunk and drunk.The other is when you are having sex with a woman.

No matter at any time, any place, taverns and brothels are the most important places for snooping and gathering intelligence.

In fact, the two gang leaders did not disappoint Anthony.After his targeted intelligence search, he finally locked a target.

Shake the Mountain League!
This No. [-] force in the underground world of the imperial capital has a close connection with the Riga Empire that shouldn't be there!

(End of this chapter)

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