Chapter 106
Anthony never forgot that he came to the imperial capital to help Yalena.

Well, it's Princess Yalena.In fact, he is not quite used to the angel-like girl in his memory, that lively and lovely "crit style" magical girl, who is a princess.

And ever since he learned that she was the princess of the Glorious Empire, and that her troubles had involved disputes and interests between the two empires, Anthony had been thinking about how to help the poor princess.

This is not a personal problem, nor is it a family or clan problem, but has risen to the level of disputes between countries.

At this level, what the highest levels of both parties value and need to consider is no longer limited to the feelings and gains and losses of a certain individual, but the overall interests of the country.Even if it is the king of the Glorious Empire, even if he is Yalina's father, he can't just follow his daughter's wishes and reject this annoying "son-in-law" who came to her door.Instead, he placed this extremely annoying and unsightly Prince Riga in the imperial capital, delaying indefinitely.

Because, he needs to consider the consequences of rejection.

The consequence may be a national war!And according to the comparison of the strengths between the two countries, it is very likely that the side of the Brilliant Empire will fail in the end.

Obviously, to intervene or even influence the development of the matter, there needs to be enough power for the two countries to face it squarely.

Although Anthony is known as an extreme genius and a monster with unfathomable development potential, the height he can reach in the future is immeasurable.But that is the future, and now he is still a young boy who can hardly defeat even a random golden fighter from the Riga Empire.

Well, well, "casual", "golden fighter", "almost beat", these words can make many so-called gifted teenagers, young adults and even middle-aged people feel ashamed to death.

But such strength is not enough to influence the decision of the King of the Brilliant Empire.

Anthony had to find another way.

Therefore, when Xu Feng was being chased for debts, he had an idea and thought of the underground world in the imperial capital.

No matter what you want to do, you must have information.The underground world happened to be able to collect information, and it was the most suitable point for him to intervene at this time.

Thus, there was the rise of the Iron Sword Gang and the alliance of the three major gangs.

Just as he had guessed, from a large amount of collected information, he finally discovered some extremely deeply hidden clues.

This situation is within reason and expected.

The people of Riga are sending "research caravans" everywhere in the glorious empire, and it is impossible to let go of the most important area of ​​the imperial capital and do nothing.The chaotic underground world is also a good entry point for Riga people.

Now it seems that they have obviously chosen the leading gang in the underground world - Shaking Mountain League.

So the three major gangs joined forces to attack Shashan League, which became the inevitable result.

Anthony needs the evidence in the hands of the Shaking Mountain League, as well as the witness of the leader, as a bargaining chip to make the king make up his mind.

The three major gangs need to overthrow the original No. [-] force in the underground world, strengthen their own strength, and strengthen the momentum of the alliance.

The two parties also take what they need.

As for the Shaking Mountain League, the former No. [-] force in the underground world, it has become a big fish on the chopping board. In their eyes, it has become fish heads, fish belly, fish tails and other ingredients for random selection.

Of course, up to now, Big Fish has not yet realized this.

After a painful attempt, everyone in the Shaking Mountain League found out with their own bodies that the lethality of the magic circle is indeed not strong.Even the weakest member of the elite gang present, as long as he responds calmly and calmly, the dazzling magic attack will not really be able to defeat him.

Of course, this is under the premise that Anthony, who is floating on the top of the magic circle, does not intervene.

As long as Shanshanmeng and the others get close to the edge of the magic circle, or take any action with the intention of breaking the circle, the numbing number of fire crows will swarm like a pack of wolves chasing their prey.Even a martial arts expert like the leader of the Shaking Mountain League has to avoid the edge for the time being.

As a result, they naturally retreated back into the magic circle, and dealt with the low-level magic attacks like flies and mice that were not very lethal, but if they were not careful, they would be bitten off by low-level magic attacks.

The leader of the Shaking Mountain League has already tried various methods to break out of the siege: gather together to break through the formation violently, everyone disperses and escapes, and strikes east and west...

But in the end result, everyone obediently stayed in the magic circle, the only difference was that everyone had more or less scars on their bodies.

In terms of numbers, the Shaking Mountain League won 25 to [-].

But in terms of combat units, the Mountain Shaking League outnumbered 25 to infinity, and they lost so much that they couldn't even keep their pants.

The fire crows flying and circling in the sky above the magic circle were so densely packed that the number was innumerable.If it weren't for the fear that they would block the line of sight, the boy would definitely summon more Fire Crows, and put another layer of "Fire Crow Shield" outside the magic circle.

No one doubted whether the boy's magical power could support such a huge consumption.As long as he waved his staff lightly, a large number of crows and birds made of fire elements appeared out of thin air to make up for the consumed companions.

When everyone in the Shaking Mountain League gathered in the formation and didn't rush out, the boy still had time to cast Thor's Spear, Dark Ray and the like to "relieve boredom" for them.

Anyway, it is to keep them from living in peace, and not allow them to be free to recover their physical strength and fighting spirit.

When the first rescue team from the Shaking Mountain League arrived, the leader and others in the magic circle were like forgotten pets seeing their owners again, and they almost shed tears of heroes.

In order to cooperate with the attack from outside the formation, the leader also launched an attack with all his bruised brothers.

It's just that under the oppression of the "big devil" above their heads, their brave resistance only added new wounds to themselves, and they had to return to the original point again.

The fate of the rescue team outside the formation is much more bleak than theirs.

The strength of the three major gangs is no less than that of Shashanmeng. In addition, the arrangements are well-organized, and those sent to mobilize and contain, make trouble and set fires everywhere, only need second-rate gangs to be competent.Gathered here at this time are the most elite and most powerful main battle troops of the three major factions.

Regardless of the number of people, combat power, equipment, mentality, etc., the three major gangs have absolute advantages in all aspects.While waiting for work with leisure, ready to fight; while running and working hard, watching the trapped leader feel anxious.

The outcome of the battle has been completely determined before the start of the war.

With the shouting and commanding of the leaders of the three major gangs, the screams and screams of the first rescue team of the Shaking Mountain League gradually faded away until they disappeared.

The leader of the Iron Sword Gang also ran over to participate in the siege.

He only watched a few rounds of breakout battles between the leader of the Shaking Mountain League and others, but in the end they were all resolved invisible with a wave of Anthony's hand. He was ashamed of himself for worrying blindly about his husband.So he resolutely led the few most powerful and powerful generals left behind, and cruelly tortured the Shanshanmeng team who came to rescue.

When the first rescue team arrived, the leader of the Shaking Mountain League was both excited and worried.

When the second rescue team felt it next, the worry in the leader's heart deepened.

When the third rescue team was annihilated under the powerful siege of the three major gangs, the leader of the Shaking Mountain League was no longer excited or worried.

Because he has seen the fate of the Shaking Mountain League collapse.

At this time, he finally understood the opponent's purpose.

This is not a TMD to divert the tiger away from the mountain, nor is it a decapitation tactic of concentrating superior combat power to surround and kill the enemy leader.


Help around the point!

As the leader of the number one force in the underground world, he became a shameful bait to lure the Shanshan League gang to come to die in batches.

Watching his subordinates fall down one by one, but he had no choice but to feel a surge of energy and blood, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground slumped.

"Leader! Leader..."

The cries of the confidant brothers became more and more distant, and the leader's consciousness seemed to be drifting with the wind, and finally fell into a cold silence.

(End of this chapter)

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