Eastern mythology system

Chapter 155 Helpless

Chapter 155 Helpless
On the high podium, General Franky stood quietly.There was no joy or sadness on his face, and it was peaceful.

The line of defense he had carefully laid out had been breached by Aberdeen's hoplites.The enemy is steadily advancing bit by bit, expanding the gap, the largest number of troops, and then expanding the gap... This cycle is repeated.

If this momentum continues, this defensive position will soon fall completely.

The checkpoint set up by Taranto is an integrated fortification.The defense lines support each other and cover each other, which can maximize the firepower output of the defensive side and restrain the breakthrough momentum of the offensive side, preventing them from exerting their full strength.

In this nameless little place, there is no particularly advantageous location where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it. However, it was able to successfully block the Aberdeen army for such a long time. The defense line arrangement and army command of the famous Riga general really contributed.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages.

General Franky's arrangements to fully mobilize and develop the combat effectiveness of each soldier are indeed very impressive.But from another point of view, it can also show that every soldier is operating at full capacity, and the strings in his body have been stretched tightly.Apart from the already assigned combat missions, there is no spare energy to take care of others.

Therefore, when a certain point of the entire defense line as a whole is breached by the opponent, the defensive positions on both sides are also quickly affected.The copper wall that seemed indestructible one moment, the next moment it melted like ice and snow being splashed by scalding hot water.

On the temporary podium, the generals of Taranto were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. They kept rubbing their hands and pacing, but no one spoke. They only glanced at Frankie standing in the front from time to time. General.

The Riga man was experienced and commanded well, and had won considerable prestige among the Taranto rebel army.And since this period of time, the series of victories that the army has achieved under his command have pushed his personal prestige to the peak.

Up to now, every military order of General Franky can be transmitted unimpeded to any place in the army.Even without the special instructions of the Grand Duke of Keqis, the generals at all levels obeyed without any compromise.

In the hearts of the Taranto soldiers, General Franky's order is the imperial decree and the truth.As long as they follow his instructions, they don't need to worry about any other issues.

Because of this, even if the battle situation ahead is critical, the anxiety in the hearts of the generals has reached the extreme.But if General Franky didn't speak, no one would dare to speak up first.

"According to the original plan, retreat!"

After years of torment, the generals of Taranto finally received clear instructions.

However, this order is still a little far from their expectations...

A general behind him hesitated for a moment, but finally responded.

"General Franky, you guys can hold on. Shall we wait a little longer and eat the enemy's heavy infantry first?"

The position that was breached belonged to the strong on the outside and the backbone on the inside. On the surface, it was a strong bone, but in fact it was the weakness and weakness of the entire defense line.Once the enemy sees through the reality, the entire defense line will face collapse and disintegration, and the only way for one's own side to retreat is to retreat.

All the high-ranking generals in the Taranto army were present, and everyone was very clear about the entire battle plan, and they didn't think General Franky's order was strange.After all, the retreat was originally a predetermined part of the battle plan.

But the combat strategy is only a directional thing after all. When it comes to specific operations, some details can be discussed.For example, in the timing of the retreat.

Especially when faced with the temptation of the "big cake" of Aberdeen's entire troop of hoplites, no Taranto general could remain calm.

The current general situation on the battlefield is naturally more favorable to Aberdeen.After the key breakthrough, the army can pour in from the gap, penetrate the entire defense line, and then come back to attack the defenders from the rear.

No matter how delicately General Franky's defense line was set up, no matter how firmly the fortifications were built, it was only facing the frontal enemy.If the attack comes from behind, they don't have any defenses and arrangements.

It can be said that Aberdeen's victory is set.Even if Frankie is possessed by the god of war at this moment, he is powerless to reverse the situation.

As the biggest hero in this battle, the heavy infantry who served as the main force of the attack, their current situation is not very good.

Although they broke through the fortifications built by civil engineering, they failed to penetrate the "defense line" composed of the flesh and blood of Taranto warriors, and they were already surrounded by heavy siege.

The pikemen who retreated steadily but never gave up resistance, the archers and magicians who continued to attack from afar, and the defenders attacking from both sides, brought casualties to the heavy infantry every moment .

At least until the follow-up troops came to reinforce them, they had to face the situation of being surrounded and beaten, and were beaten to the ground by the surrounding Taranto soldiers.

If Taranto's retreat could have been a little bit later, trying to shed a little more blood, and erasing this heavy infantry in the encirclement in one fell swoop, it would be equivalent to cutting off an arm of that old boy John, so that even if he wins this There is no way to laugh about a war.


General Franky didn't even look at the man, "I don't want to say the same order a third time."

"Yes!" The general trembled all over, quickly bowed to accept the order, and hurriedly turned around and went down.

After a while, Taranto's formation began to retreat slowly, giving way to the position it had been holding on to.

Frankie stood still for a moment, watching the orderly retreat of the troops without revealing too many flaws.Only then nodded, turned around and got off the high platform.

Those Taranto generals hurriedly followed behind him and left one after another.

In a blink of an eye, there was no one on the huge podium.


The glorious empire, the imperial capital, and within the imperial palace.

"Your Majesty, the old man and others are here to say goodbye this time."

Garrincha said, the Cardinal Archbishop of the Bright Holy See with a serious face.

Opposite him is His Majesty the King of the Glorious Empire, Beckenbauer Alexandra.

"Master Garrincha just came here yesterday, and he is leaving today. But the king didn't entertain you well, did you neglect the honored guest?"

Nagarrincha didn't know if he had a serious face by nature, or if he had a serious face on purpose, feeling as if everyone owed him money.

Fortunately, his words are still polite.

"Your Majesty is serious. If possible, I would really like to stay with Your Majesty for a year or so. But as the Lord's servants, spreading the Lord's gospel to the world and spreading the Lord's glory are engraved in the depths of our souls for the rest of our lives. Mission. Therefore, I have no choice but to live up to His Majesty's kindness. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

His Majesty the King nodded: "Since this is the case, I will not force you to stay. Your lords are new to our country, and you may not be familiar with our country's customs and traffic roads. Do you need me to arrange a guide for you?" ?”

The archbishop in red waved his hand, rejecting His Majesty's kindness.

"Don't bother Your Majesty. We came out this time to travel around the world and get to know the customs and customs of various places. There is no fixed destination. As long as Your Majesty grants a warrant, officials from all over your country will not misunderstand us and regard us as Riga people. Just catch the spies."

"Since this is the case, I don't want to force it anymore. It's up to Master Igarincha. But you should also know that we are at war with the Riga Empire. There are a small number of shameless people in the country who have been bewitched by the enemy. The rebellion has gone to the enemy's camp. In the territory of those rebels, the king's warrant may not only have no effect, but may also bring trouble to Mr. Garrincha. Please be careful about this point, Mr. Garrincha .”

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, if we want to fight against the army, of course the few of us do not have the ability. But if we only want to protect ourselves, let alone your country's rebels, even if we are replaced by the elite troops of the Riga Empire, we will never be able to keep us. "

When Garrincha said this, there was still a hint of anger in his proud tone, obviously recalling some experiences on the way here.

His Majesty the King remained calm, still smiling gently.

"So good."

Cardinal Garrincha seemed really not used to this kind of diplomatic politeness, and chatted for a while, and when he got the king's letter, he stood up and formally left.

King Beckenbauer stayed for a while, but Cardinal Garrincha went to Italy.His Majesty the King did not insist, and personally sent the group to the gate of the main hall, waving goodbye.

Watching the Guangming Vatican and his party drift away, slowly disappearing out of sight.His Majesty the King then withdrew his gaze, turned and returned to the palace.

A moment ago, his face was as warm as spring, but in an instant it turned into cold winter.

An official who had been accompanying him said angrily: "The people of the Holy See of Light are too conceited. Your Majesty treats each other with such sincerity and courtesy, but they have such an attitude. He Garrincha is just a red Archbishop Yi, those who don’t know may think that the Pope of the Holy See of Light is here in person!”

King Beckenbauer suppressed the anger in his heart, and replied lightly.

"The Guangming Holy See is the largest church in Oscontinent, and the kings of the mainland's leading Holy Empire all act according to the face of their Pope. It's not surprising that the people below speak and act casually."

The official just couldn't understand the arrogant attitude of Garrincha and others, so he couldn't help complaining.Seeing that His Majesty the King, who has always been calm, commented on the Holy See in such a mocking tone, he knew that the Supreme King of the country was also very angry.Stop talking now, so as not to add fuel to the fire.

It should be noted that although the tone of His Majesty the King is not very good, the content of what he said is not bad at all.If the words spoken here are spread and cause dissatisfaction and hostility from the Holy See of Guangming, at this fatal moment, it will be a disaster.

One side shut up, but another official over there said worryingly: "What Garrincha said was nice, but he just traveled around the world to understand the people's conditions. Who knows if they have other ideas, taking advantage of our country's In a time of crisis, turn the glorious empire into another holy empire. Your Majesty must investigate!"

His Majesty the King stepped forward in front of his dragon chair and sat down with a slam.

Feeling the anger in His Majesty's heart, a group of officials stood below, and they didn't dare to speak out.

Although the arrogance and rudeness of Garrincha and others made King Beckenbauer unhappy, it was a trivial matter after all, and the past was over.It was the purpose of their trip that made him suspicious and worried.

The Riga Empire is now hostile to the Glorious Empire and the Holy Empire.Based on the idea that an enemy of an enemy, even if he can't be a friend, is someone worth wooing and getting close to, His Majesty Beckenbauer was very pleased with the arrival of Garrincha and his party.I thought it was ushering in a powerful helper, but now it looks more like a wolf with ulterior motives.

On the condition of allowing the Holy See of Light to build a church in the territory of the Glorious Empire and preach freely, in exchange for the Holy Empire's military assistance?
Come on, your two countries are already at war, okay?Although there has been no major battle for some time, small conflicts have occurred from time to time.If any one of them misfires, it will cause a big battle in an instant.You, Garrincha, have the nerve to take this as a condition?

Besides, what will be the final result of allowing the Holy See to preach freely?Just look at the Holy Empire today.

If it is said that the Holy Empire is the most powerful country on the continent, most people probably will not object.But if it is said that the king of the Holy Empire is the most boring king of all countries on the mainland, then everyone, including the king of the Holy Empire, will probably agree.

Just because on top of his head, there is another Supreme Emperor.

According to folklore, the Pope of the Holy See can appoint and remove the king of the Holy Empire at will.This may be an exaggeration.But if the Holy See of Guangming is determined to deal with His Majesty the King, then the throne of the king of a country will definitely be unstable.

For this reason, even everyone knows that accepting the Holy See of Light can greatly enhance the strength of the country.But all countries in the mainland are afraid of them like tigers, guarding against them, and refuse to let them in.

If it weren't for King Beckenbauer, Garrincha and his party were less than 10 people, and it didn't look like they came here to preach.Coupled with the current sensitive situation, the Brilliant Empire really has no confidence to tear itself apart from the Holy See at this moment.Otherwise, even if it is the so-called "traveling the world and observing the people's sentiments", His Majesty the King will sternly reject it.

A weak country has no diplomacy!

Looking at the timid ministers below, His Majesty the King sighed in his heart.

Look at Garrincha's dismissive tone and attitude towards the rebels.I have only a few people, but I dare not take the enemy army seriously.What is his attitude towards the army of the Glorious Empire?

You know, not so long ago, the Taranto rebels were part of the empire!

His Majesty the King frowned, feeling exhausted for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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