Chapter 156

General John with a flushed face raised his wine glass with his right hand, and greeted his generals loudly.

A group of generals and generals from Aberdeen suddenly agreed.For a while, the big tent was full of arms holding wine glasses high.

"Happy! Really happy!"

After drinking the fine wine in the glass in one gulp, General John hiccupped and let out a sigh of relief.I just feel comfortable all over the body, and the [-] pores in the whole body are extremely smooth.

It is said that General John has never laughed so much since leading the army in Aberdeen.

When we came here, even though we fought eight games in a row, we won all eight games, which really made people happy and excited.But those series of victories were won too easily, and people were overjoyed and excited, but there was always a shadow of uneasiness and uneasiness lingering in their hearts.

After that, there is no need to mention it.

The rear was attacked, the bridge was blown up and the road was broken, and a card was set up to intercept it. Franky from Riga punched him down with a combination of punches, knocking General John dizzy for a while.The initiative on the battlefield has been handed over, and they can only follow the enemy's footsteps and passively follow their moves.

No matter how good the words are, they are just showing off to the soldiers below, in order to boost the morale of the army.In fact, only General John knew in his heart how worried, how hesitant, and even... afraid!
Only when he really faced it did General John really feel the gap between himself and the famous generals on the mainland.

I can't figure out the opponent's routine, and I don't know how to deal with it.

Fortunately, I hold a good card in my hand.

General John admitted that if he was in a different place, he would command the Taranto rebels, and there would be no way to face Aberdeen's powerful attack power.Wanting to achieve Franky's level, I didn't even dare to think about it before.

But so what?
On the battlefield, ingenious strategies and command strategies are important, but in the end it is the soldiers under your command who can decide the outcome of the battle.

Your soldiers are not as good as mine, and the result can only be that you lose and I win!
"General John's eyesight is bright, his command is good, and he can see through the weakness of the enemy's defense line at a glance. He dispatched heavy troops to attack, and finally succeeded in one fell swoop." Such a happy moment, of course, must be accompanied by cheers.

"What a famous mainland general, what he said was as good as what he sang. In front of General John, it's not just about running away with his tail between his legs." Another officer echoed loudly.

"Exactly! What did you say that the previous eight consecutive victories were deliberately let us win, so what should we say this time?"

"What else can I say? Let us do it, Riga people are always generous, especially when it comes to their lips, hahahaha!"

"It's a pity that I couldn't catch the old thief Frankie and Keqishi. Otherwise, seeing their expressions now, it would be very exciting."


Amidst the jubilation and laughter, all the generals raised their glasses frequently and drank the fine wine.

General John saw everyone's expressions and nodded in satisfaction.

Every army general in sight had a relaxed, confident and proud expression on his face.All kinds of negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, and bewilderment before have been swept away, and I don't know where to throw them.

This is a huge change in spirit and spirit brought about by a big victory.

For example, the eight-match winning streak at the beginning of the war, after Franky pointed it out at the edge of the Yokohara Rift Valley, became a taboo in the army, and no one dared to mention it.Lest it affect the morale of the army, or even shake their confidence.

But now, when the generals repeat what Frankie said in a victorious manner, they no longer have the worries they had before. Instead, they feel a kind of joy that has finally been released after a long period of depression.

Once the title of the famous mainland general that once weighed on his head like a mountain made people feel breathless, once he wins the battle, he will be completely overthrown to the ground. Pale words are incomparable.

Although they failed to capture the two rebel leaders Ke Qishi and Franky, the result of this brilliant victory seemed less than perfect.The generals who were ordered to lead the pursuit failed to take advantage of the trend to expand the results, leaving more rebel soldiers behind.Under the enemy's obviously prepared arrangement, they suffered a small loss instead.

But the flaws do not conceal the advantages, these are irrelevant.

The most important thing is that the Aberdeen army, under the leadership of General John, defeated the famous mainland general Frankie face-to-face!
This iron-clad fact not only pushed the low morale of the army to a peak, but also greatly enhanced the prestige and reputation of General John.The once dream of crossing the continent and galloping in all directions has once again revived in his heart.

Such a joyful thing, of course, should be celebrated.Although the practice in the military has always been to prohibit alcohol, but looking at the ecstasy in the eyes of the generals, if there is no good wine at this moment, how can they enjoy themselves?
With a wave of General John's hand, dozens of jugs of fine wine were added to the celebration banquet, but it was stipulated that each person could only drink three glasses at most.

Most of the men in the army have a bold personality, and few of them are not good at drinking.It's okay to say that it has been banned before, but now there is a jar of fine wine in front of you, once you drink it, how can three glasses be enough?
General John turned a blind eye to this, but closed his eyes.Everyone has been depressed for a long time before, and it's not a big deal to take this rare opportunity to indulge once in a while.

General John walked casually at the banquet with a glass of wine in hand.From time to time, chat with the subordinates who pass by, or clink glasses, praise and encourage.

Suddenly, General John's eyes lit up.He walked forward quickly, walked up to a young man, and patted his shoulder with his hand.

The young man was facing the door, looking as if he was in a daze.At this moment, there was a sound of "ah", turning around, seeing the person coming, and quickly saluting: "General John."

I don't know if it's because of happiness or the effect of the wine, or both, but General John has a smile on his face, and his attitude is gentle and friendly.

"What is Tang Fengqian always looking at? He looks absent-minded. Does it mean that the delicious food and wine we prepared are not to your liking?"

General John was joking casually, but Tang Feng couldn't completely take it as a joke.

"No, it's just that this subordinate has been born like this since I was a child, and I feel a little unaccustomed to this kind of banquet. Please don't be offended, General."

"Hahahaha!" General John laughed loudly, wrapping his arms around his shoulders with an extremely intimate attitude.

"Everyone's personality is different. It's not surprising. Besides, Mr. Anthony's character is light and elegant. Mr. Tang Fengqian has been with him for a long time, so he will inevitably be affected a little."

To say that the biggest contributor to this great victory is naturally the heavy infantry unit that rose to the challenge and took the lead in breaking through the enemy's line of defense.

Secondly, we must count Mr. Tang Fengqian.

The subordinates flattered him, saying that General John's eyes were like a torch, and he could see through the enemy's defense line at a glance.In fact, he knew very well in his heart that it was the young general in front of him who really saw through the weakness of the enemy's defense.

If anyone in the big tent was changed, he would be ecstatic and excited to be able to hug General John so intimately.But Tang Feng only felt extremely embarrassed and very uncomfortable.

As he himself said, his personality dictates that there is no way around it.

"The boss just told his subordinates that there is an important magic experiment that needs to be dealt with, so he left the table first. I hope General John will forgive me."

Judging from the tone of the other party, it seemed that he was dissatisfied with the boss.Tang Feng got rid of the opponent's arm without a trace, stood up straight, and explained with a serious face.

A look of annoyance flashed across General John's eyes, and he retracted his arms calmly, and let out a haha.

"Mr. Anthony is so young, and his martial arts cultivation is so superb. What's even more rare is that he is not complacent at all, and still works so hard. It is really admirable."

He glanced at Tang Feng meaningfully, and the topic turned to this young general again.

"Mr. Tang Fengqian is equally young, and his military talents are equally dazzling. The next series of vicious battles with the Taranto rebels will depend on the full support of young talents like Mr. Tang Fengqian. I hope Mr. Qian As before, I will advise and contribute to the battle strategy of my Aberdeen army. After returning triumphantly, this general will definitely show the achievements of Qian Zong in front of the Grand Duke."

After General John finished speaking, he patted him on the shoulder again, turned and left.

At the banquet, Tang Feng was not the only one, there were also a lot of middle and senior generals waiting for him to express condolences and encouragement.Although he has changed his view of Tang Feng now, he is also quite optimistic about his military ability.But it is enough to chat a few more words and express your friendly attitude.It is impossible to ignore everyone else in the big tent just for him.

Ever since the military meeting where they discussed whether to continue marching or return to the army for rescue, Tang Feng offended almost all the officers in Aberdeen.But it also made General John have some concerns about this young general who seemed to be pushed out to make up the numbers.Therefore, I have a certain understanding of his character traits.

Generally speaking, unless it was related to military matters, this Tang Feng was a dull gourd, and he might say less than ten sentences in one day.General John would not be surprised at all if he was not good at communicating and was not used to this kind of social occasion.

But his boss, Anthony, was the first to leave the banquet in the middle of the banquet. What does that mean?Dissatisfied, or ashamed?
Knowing the "great achievements" of this young man from the information obtained from inquiries, General John was quite admirable.It was heard that he showed his might in the Grand Duke's mansion and defeated a golden fighter in one fell swoop.General John was even more astonished and was stunned.

This age, this strength! ?

General John could no longer find the right words to accurately describe and describe this enchanting young man.

It can be said that at the beginning, his respect for Anthony was higher than that of the veteran gold fighter "Azure Sword Master" Caton.

But I don't know if it's because of the beauty caused by the distance. After a period of contact, General John didn't see anything special about the young man.

And the only time he fought against the enemy with Caton, although the boy's performance far exceeded his age level, but it was still not as powerful as the "Blue Sword Master" sweeping a large area, not to mention Super-class strength like the rumored spike gold fighter.

If it is said that Anthony's martial arts cultivation base is too watery, General John feels a little disappointed.Well, General John was very dissatisfied with his rare determination to ask the young man for advice before this battle.

Whether your strength is high or low, in a battle of tens of thousands of people, you can't decide the final outcome of the battle.Anyway, there is already a "Blue Sword Master" here, so it's good that there is not too much lack of top-level combat power.

But the layout and planning of the army are enough to affect the lives and deaths of tens of millions of people.It is not impossible for everyone to bury their bones in this ghostly place that doesn't even have a name.

How can such a military and national event be carelessly and carefully calculated and weighed repeatedly.

It's good for you, a young boy, with an inscrutable look, and you put on the posture of an expert, and in the end you left ten words in one sentence, and you didn't even give an explanation for one more sentence.

Fortunately, I was determined and was not affected by the confusion, so I finally accepted Tang Feng's suggestion.Otherwise, now I am waiting for 1 people who are still unable to advance or retreat here, and I don’t know where to go in panic.

In addition, Anthony didn't know whether he was resentful because the strategy was not adopted, or he felt ashamed because he knew that the enemy would miss him. The celebration banquet was only halfway through, so he left.No wonder General John was in a good mood for him.

But Tang Feng, a young general, deserves to be wooed.

Although his dull and unreasonable temper is sometimes a headache, but in general, he is still a good subordinate.

The most important thing is that he has an impressive military talent.

General John has already asked someone to inquire. Tang Feng has only been with Anthony for a few months, and his relationship is not very deep.As long as I give a few more favors, the other party is still not grateful for Dade's transfer.

You know, General John gave the position of Chief Qian.When he returned to Aberdeen Province, if Tang Feng still left with Anthony, his military position would naturally be gone.

Do you have to choose whether to be a high-level military officer or serve as a servant for others?

Of course, a little show of goodwill and goodwill is enough.If Tang Feng was sensible, he would come forward proactively and kneel at his feet.

If you don't know each other...

snort!I have an army of tens of thousands in Aberdeen, can it be impossible to play without you?
The command ability of the Jiaren there is not strong enough, so he was beaten by himself and fled in despair.

If you are really shameless, you will regret it later.


If Anthony could hear the voice of General John, he would definitely feel that he was more wronged than Dou E.

In a banquet like the celebration banquet, apart from the innate repertoire such as the big figures delivering a passionate speech at the beginning, or rewarding some army generals who performed outstandingly in the war, the second half is a carnival and a feast.

I waited until the second half of the stage to leave, and before leaving, I personally bid farewell to General John, the host, which was already a courtesy.

Besides, Princess Yalina, Caton Juggernaut and many other people also left at about the same time, why did they only bear the grudge.

Well, if a person has a prejudice against you, it means that you don't like everything, and there is no reason to say it.

At this time, Anthony didn't have the mind to think about these things. All his mind and energy were devoted to the objects suspended in front of his hands.

That's a long gun.

The long spear is simple, low-key, unremarkable, and its appearance can be regarded as ordinary to the extreme.If it is thrown into the weapon pile of the logistics department, it may never be found again.

However, only veterans who have reached a certain level of martial arts cultivation, or have particularly sensitive senses, can feel the hidden cold murderous intent on the spear's edge.

This is the first weapon that Anthony forged with the method of forging in another world.

Anthony named it:


 Sorry for the lateness.

  This chapter was written on the 11th during the day, and I was delayed by something and didn't have time to publish it.My son asked me to sleep with me at night, but I fell asleep myself.My daughter woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning this morning, and after feeding her, there was a gap to post a new chapter.

  Seeing a friend who voted for recommendation after 1:[-] in the morning, I was happy and moved, but also felt a little panic: Could it be that it is early in the morning and you have been sitting next to the computer waiting for the update?

(End of this chapter)

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