Chapter 170
After receiving the military order, the senior officers stepped down one by one from the general platform, returned to their respective units, and prepared to lead the attack.

Despite the exhaustion that could not be concealed on their faces, the generals were still full of fighting spirit and were not greatly affected.

Except for the worried Tang Feng.

Since discussing with Anthony last time, he has paid more attention to the battle formation.

With an idea in mind, Tang Feng became more and more sure of Anthony's guess when he went to observe and pay attention to those small details that he would hardly notice.

And the closer it was to the final moment, the closer it was to launch Frankie's plan.

With the fame and ability of Frankie, the famous mainland general, once this time-consuming and extensive plan is launched, the soldiers in Aberdeen may not have the slightest possibility of escape.

But even the boss only saw through the enemy's intentions, and couldn't guess the details of the specific implementation of the plan.Tang Feng could only be anxious, but he couldn't explain in detail to the officers in Aberdeen.

There was still a chance to destroy the enemy's plan, but it's a pity that General John didn't fully listen to the boss's words, and missed an extremely precious opportunity in vain.

Up to now, all Tang Feng can do is to be careful and be vigilant at all times.The rest had no choice but to walk and resign to fate.

General John watched his generals leave, and a strange emotion suddenly rose in his heart.

Compared with the time when they set off from Aberdeen to take the oath, the current situation is somewhat deserted and depressed.The old brothers who used to drink together and brag together have left forever and fell down on the way back to their hometown.

This made General John feel both angry and helpless.

I'm afraid I can't avenge the old guys.

The dead are dead, and my current task is to bring the brothers who are still alive and these soldiers back to Aberdeen safely.

The various troops lined up in neat phalanxes left under the leadership of the officers and rushed to the cruel battlefield ahead.

General John looked at the awe-inspiring phalanx, and suddenly realized that the formation of soldiers was obviously much sparser.

Taranto's more and more frequent proactive attacks brought greater casualties to both sides.

The flags are flying and the drums are beating!
The brave fighters broke through the morning fog, marched in neat steps, and rushed to the strong defense line in front of the Horseshoe Canyon.

Immediately, there was a loud killing sound, arrows flew down like rain, and in some areas of the battlefield, sporadic magical brilliance rose and fell one after another.

This is already the fifth time that the Aberdeen Army has attacked the Taranto defense line.

The hometown is close at hand, but the way back is blocked by this checkpoint.The Aberdeen soldiers were angry and anxious, and hated the enemy so much that their teeth were itchy.Even if the opposing identities of rebellion and rebellion are not mentioned, even without the urging and military orders of the coach, they will be tireless and attack wildly regardless of pain.

If a strong man fell into a state of madness, it would be almost impossible to subdue him without three or five strong men of comparable strength.

If it is an army, or even an entire army, that is in a state of madness, they are almost invincible.

At least for the Taranto rebels, this is true.

Although the soldiers in Taranto worked hard, their fighting spirit was not weak.But facing the entire Aberdeen army that had gone berserk, their resistance still seemed a little weak.

A strong man with a long scar on his face and no less than 20 wounds all over his body. With one hand, he wiped off the blood mixed with sweat or sweat soaked in blood. He threw the long arrow on the ground without frowning, and let the blood flow out.

At his feet was his enemy, to be precise, the corpse of his former enemy.In the last second, half of the head of this elite veteran of Taranto had been cut off by him.

"Who else!"

The man with the scar hissed and roared like a wounded wolf.

He stood there with a knife, his body trembling, as if he would fall to the ground at any moment.But the murderous aura on his body and the strong smell of blood that can't be dispelled all remind people that this is definitely not a character that can be underestimated.

Even if he has been seriously injured and died frequently, it is the same.

The scarred man arrogantly invited to fight, but did not receive any response.Looking around, he suddenly found that within a range of three feet, there was no sign of any Taranto rebels.

On the other hand, there are Aberdeen colleagues in similar conditions around him.

The man with the scar was stunned for a moment, his expression a little dazed.

This is a breakthrough?Lao Tzu has penetrated the defense of the Taranto grandchildren?

The scarred man who quickly came to his senses did not cheer and celebrate. Instead, he raised his long knife that was already curled up, and dragged his scarred and exhausted body like a gust of wind towards the nearest battle group.

Over there, the battle of the comrades is not over yet.

The victory came so fast and so suddenly that General John felt a little caught off guard, wondering if he was dreaming.

Fighting a war is not about pushing all the troops onto the battlefield and letting the soldiers charge forward.Like General John's preparations for this great war, he has decided which troops will lead the battle, which troops will follow up, and so on.

The advantage of this is that it can allow the troops to take turns to rest, and will not be too tired to affect the combat effectiveness.It can also maintain a continuous high-pressure situation against the enemy's defense line, hitting the river bank wave after wave like waves, without giving them a chance to breathe.

But now it was only the second wave of attacks, and the enemy's defenses had already been breached in many places.Aberdeen's soldiers swarmed in from the breakthrough, and the once strong defense line suddenly collapsed and collapsed.

Such a great opportunity, of course, General John will not let it go.After being dazed for a while, he immediately ordered the whole army to attack and chase down the enemy.

The follow-up means prepared before could not be used, so there is no need to think too much at this time.The situation is very favorable to our own side, just send all the troops out, hunt down the enemy's remnants, and expand the results of the battle.


night, already deep.

The continuous white tents seem to cover the entire ground.

The moonlight is like water, and the soft moonlight falls down, covering the flowers, plants, trees, and camp tents in a blurred and dreamy coat.

There is silence between heaven and earth, as if the whole world has entered a sweet dreamland.

The breeze blows slowly, accompanied by a few birdsong from nowhere.The red flames jumping and burning in the fire plate, and the regular footsteps of the soldiers on patrol at night did not break this dreamlike environment, but added to the peace and tranquility of this moment.

General John did not sleep.

As long as the enemy coach Frankie has not been captured or killed, it is impossible for General John to sleep peacefully.

Maybe it's been suppressed for too long, like a spring, being pressed and pressed intentionally or unintentionally by the Taranto rebels led by Franky, the Aberdeen soldiers who are proud and never look at each other They finally had a big explosion, beating their opponents to pieces with an extremely fierce attitude.

It was one of the best and most exciting battles Aberdeen has ever played.With the hardest and strongest fists, crush and smash everything in front of you, whether it is enemies or fortifications.

Cool is cool, but it is not without cost.

Regardless of the casualties of the troops, even the soldiers who were lucky enough to save their lives from the battlefield have exhausted all their mental and physical strength.

When General John issued an order to stop the pursuit and withdraw the troops back to the camp, many soldiers collapsed on the ground as if they were suddenly discouraged.

In the end, it took almost three times the time of the pursuit, and finally all the troops were gathered back.

Seeing this situation, General John didn't bother to celebrate excitedly, and immediately ordered the whole army to return to the camp to rest.

Soldiers can rest, but the army coach cannot rest with him.

As soon as the exhausted soldiers' heads touched the pillows, they fell asleep regardless of anything.

The entire camp was silent, like an empty camp.

At this time, if a brigade of elites suddenly arrives and attacks Aberdeen's camp.The number of people does not need to be too many, as long as three or five brigades are enough to annihilate the Aberdeen army returning from a big victory.

How could this make General John accidentally nervous?

Although the soldiers in Aberdeen killed fiercely during the day, the Taranto rebels might not have the courage to turn back and play a sneak attack.But if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the eventuality. Facing Franky, General John dare not be careless in the slightest.

Fortunately, General John still has an elite army in his hands.

Therefore, the pro-guards who were not sent to the battlefield during the day played a temporary cameo role as a patrol guard.

Silent all night.

General John was greatly relieved that what he was worried about did not happen.

The assembled bugle sounded, and the soldiers walked out of the resting tents one after another, and formed square formations under the command and leadership of their respective officers.

General John on the high platform was silent, observing secretly.

Judging from the expressions and movements of the soldiers, it was obvious that a whole night's rest could not fully recover them.But everyone's tired faces were filled with relaxed smiles.

After crossing this hurdle, you will be able to return to your hometown immediately!
General John could feel everyone's feelings.

Even he, at this moment, felt that the big rock in his heart finally fell to the ground, the pressure on his shoulders suddenly disappeared, and his whole body became more relaxed.

The battle is over, and the enemy is far away.General John knew what everyone was thinking at this time, and he immediately followed the people's will, gave a few words of praise and encouragement, and then ordered to set up camp and return to Aberdeen Province.

All the soldiers applauded!

The Aberdeen army is still in their original camp at this time. Although the Taranto rebels have been defeated and driven away, the Horseshoe Canyon is not a good place to set up camp.Moreover, the army was exhausted yesterday and didn't have the energy to set up another camp, so General John simply didn't move.

It is not a simple matter to set up camp for the army, and it is not possible to leave immediately.It took another half an hour before the Aberdeen army set out in mighty force.

Even at this moment, General John did not relax his vigilance.The scouts were scattered and sent out to guard against possible ambushes and sneak attacks by Frankie.

The army walked cautiously for two hours, and finally walked out of the winding Horseshoe Canyon.

The Taranto rebels didn't know if they were scared out of their wits, or if Franky felt that he couldn't stop the return of the Aberdeen army, so he gave up completely.Anyway, along the way, Uncle Ding's army didn't even see a single enemy.

At this time, it was already scorching sun.

General John gave an order, and the army stopped immediately.The soldiers ate dry food and rested for a while before continuing on their way.

Now, everyone is more relaxed.

Some soldiers even had the mood to appreciate the scenery along the way, looking left and right while walking.Some even whispered to the comrades around them, and laughed lightly from time to time.

The entire army lacked a sense of sternness and ruthlessness, but it did have the taste of an outing.

The mature and steady general looked at it, and frowned rather uneasy.Originally, I wanted to yell a few words, but I looked back at General John in the middle of the team, and finally chose to keep silent.

Since the commander-in-chief of the army turned a blind eye to the situation in front of him, why should he force himself to do the annoying thing that is thankless.

The army headed north without haste, and walked a few miles without knowing it.

Until a cavalry came galloping on horseback, the rapid sound of hooves made everyone's hearts suddenly tense.

The last checkpoint has been broken by us, is there any urgent military situation?

"Report to General, the enemy is found five miles ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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