Chapter 171

Anthony looked at the building in front of him and knew it in his heart.

This place is likely to be chosen by Franky as the battlefield for the final battle.

In terms of terrain advantages, this place is not the most dangerous.At least compared to the Horseshoe Canyon they had just passed, it was much worse.

However, this line of defense is definitely the most majestic and strongest.

It seems that Franky has invested heavily in this.

It is not surprising to say that, with so much preparation ahead, the fishing net has been cast far away, and the fish are slowly swimming in.In this most critical part of collecting the net, Frankie and Keqishi must arrange it to the best even if it is a waste of money.

If General John forces a general offensive regardless of the exhaustion of the army.With the current state of the Aberdeen fighters, it is likely that they can't help the opponent's iron wall.

Once the attack is frustrated and morale drops, the sequelae of yesterday's collective madness of the army will immediately appear.

At that time, if another elite new force is arranged to burst out...

Anthony can almost foresee what kind of a big defeat this is.

Frankie's long-held plot, that huge and bold plan, finally came to an end.Like a gigantic beast, it opened its mouth full of sharp fangs, waiting for the scarred and exhausted prey to come to its door by itself.

The Aberdeen army must be prevented from falling into the trap!
But, can Anthony stop it?

"Idiots in Aberdeen, you are not as stupid as your coach, thinking that as long as you pass the previous eight checkpoints, you can go home safely? Hahaha! Even the enemy's words are as convinced as the truth, I feel really sad for you following such an idiotic manager."

After a few months, the hateful voice that had caused Aberdeen's morale to drop on the edge of the Hengyuan Rift Valley sounded again in the ears of thousands of soldiers.And the consequences this time were just as bad.

There was a commotion in Aberdeen's relatively neat phalanx, but General Riga on the opposite side wanted to add fuel to the fire.

"How about it? Are you not convinced? Come up and fight if you have the courage! Since you are on the battlefield, you will see the truth under your hands. If it belongs to a man, you should attack it. Don't be that brainless and courageous bastard!"

General John's face was ashen, almost the same color as the bottom of the pot.

Of course he was not so naive, thinking that after passing the defense line in front of Horseshoe Canyon, the road ahead would be smooth and there would be no danger of encountering the enemy.Otherwise, he would not let the personal guards join the patrol and guard, and he was also cautious during the march, sending spies back and forth to sweep the surrounding situation, for fear of bumping into the enemy's trap.

But the problem is that only he knows these things, the soldiers under him don't know!After being robbed by the other party, he yelled and left, no matter how he explained it now, it would be meaningless.

Seeing his subordinates looking around with inexplicably complicated emotions, General John felt that his anger was burning, and his blood rushed straight to his forehead.

"Order, attack!"

There is a saying in the art of war: one vigorous effort, then weakened, and three exhausted.

The morale of the Aberdeen army has gone through the whole process almost ten times or a hundred times faster.

The performance of the entire Aberdeen army yesterday was too vigorous. Not only was the result brilliant, but it also greatly improved the morale and confidence of the soldiers.

Correspondingly, the Taranto rebels were beaten up and down, and their hearts were terrified. The violence against Aberdeen must have left a huge psychological shadow.

In addition, Franky's taunt was nothing more than a violent attack, which greatly aroused the anger of the Aberdeen soldiers.Under the ebb and flow of one another, if one goes all out, it may not be impossible to win the opponent.

Although General John's anger value exploded, he did not completely lose his mind.That's exactly what he was aiming for.

But who is Frankie, how can he make him happy.

The sudden collective outbreak in Aberdeen yesterday was indeed beyond Frank's expectations - this kind of thing itself has a great chance, even if the god of war reappears, it is impossible to expect it in advance.

Unprepared, Taranto did suffer unexpected losses.However, they still haven't been able to shake off Franky's entire plan.

Even conversely, this seemingly unfavorable unexpected situation increased the chances of winning for the whole plan.

Yesterday he was unprepared, but today Franky is fully prepared.Even after hearing what he said, what kind of reaction will be aroused by the other party, he has already calculated it.

The increase in rage value due to anger cannot be ignored.But it's not difficult to deal with it. Franky has rich combat experience, and he doesn't need to think hard, and he makes an effective response easily.

Aren't you angry?Then let you calm down and cool down.When the anger is extinguished, we will have fun with you again.

So, when the Aberdeen army rushing aggressively came to the front, they found that they couldn't find someone to vent their anger on.Because a lot of obstacles stood between them and the Taranto rebels.

These obstacles include wood, branches, stones, bricks, nails, blades... In short, there are all kinds of messy things.If these obstacles are not cleared, it is impossible to attack the Taranto rebels behind.

Of course, as long as you are careful, there is no problem in crossing the past.But in this way, the neat formation will be scattered, and there is no chance of winning in the face of the rebels who are waiting in full battle.

In desperation, the Aberdeen soldiers had no choice but to temporarily suppress their anger and act as cleaners first.

But the defenders behind the line of defense will not watch them clear the obstacles without doing anything.In an instant, the rain of arrows fell all over the sky, covering the vanguard of Aberdeen who was doing coolies.

By the time the Aberdeen warriors braved the rain of arrows to clean up the obstacles, some warriors had already slept on this land forever.And the rest of the more fortunate fighters have vented more than half of the anger in their hearts.

When the army finally arrived under the enemy's defense line, looking at the fortifications armed to the teeth, the soldiers' minds burned with anger instantly sobered up.

This is simply a simplified version of the city wall!Can we really take it?

Less than half an hour after the start of the battle, General John had already noticed something was wrong.

Morale is dropping too fast!The morale bonus that comes from anger comes and goes quickly.

His previous idea was to take advantage of yesterday's momentum and attack the enemy's position in one go.

Judging from the current situation, this path is dead.Once the breath in the heart is vented, all the troops in Aberdeen are already at the end of their strength, unable to shake the enemy's defense line at all.At this time, if we don't withdraw the army decisively at this time, it will only greatly increase the number of casualties, but it is impossible to achieve any results.

General John no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered the messenger: "Send me an order to let all the troops withdraw..."

Before the word "retire" could be uttered, the battlefield was suddenly turbulent, and sudden changes occurred!

A rush of horseshoes rolled from the west, stirring up smoke and dust all over the sky, and rushing into the battlefield.Looking at the direction they were heading, it was the left wing of the weak Aberdeen army.

"Where did this cavalry come from?" General John was shocked and angry.

Only at this time did he suddenly wake up.Because he paid too much attention to the situation on the main battlefield, and Franky's provocation and ridicule made him so annoyed that he ignored it, there had been no news from the spies in the west for a while.

This small negligence has now become a fatal flaw!

When General John discovered the opponent's whereabouts, the cavalry team was less than five miles away from the battlefield.

With the high mobility of the cavalry, this little distance can be crossed in a blink of an eye.

When armies are fighting, they pay great attention to the strict formation.If the soldiers all rushed forward in a noisy manner, it would be just a mess of loose sand.Against an opponent with a neat battle formation, even if the number is less than half of them, there will be no possibility of victory.

Any qualified general will do his best to maintain the integrity of his own formation, and at the same time try his best to destroy the opponent's formation.

There were not many cavalry in the attacking group, only five hundred cavalry.However, it is more than enough to attack Aberdeen's left wing, create panic, and confuse Aberdeen's entire army formation.

Even in normal times, the left wing of Aberdeen, who lacked contingency time and began to be chaotic before the official battle, could not resist the cavalry team that came on the attack.Not to mention, today's Aberdeen fighters are demoralized and exhausted.

Unexpectedly, but within reason, Aberdeen's left wing collapsed in the first battle. It could not even slow down the enemy's footsteps and buy a little time for the brother troops to respond.

The second adjacent phalanx did not perform better than its own comrades, and could not organize any effective resistance under the rolling iron hooves of the enemy.The soldiers were either cut down to the ground by the cavalry, or were knocked alive by the rampaging horses.The soldiers who were not directly affected by the front of the soldiers completely lost their command, and in a panic, they were dragged involuntarily and rushed to the next phalanx.

"It's over!"

General John's face was as white as paper, and his body was shaking violently, as if he would fall to the ground at any moment.

The flag bearer beside him desperately waved the command flag in his hand, trying to convey the commander's order to the various troops on the front line.

But it's useless, everything has become meaningless.

Let's not talk about whether the chief officers of each army can successfully receive the general order from the Chinese army in such a chaotic environment.Even if they received the order, they may not be able to act according to the order.

Besides, facing such a great situation, Taranto would not be inactive if he were in charge of the army.Not to mention the famous Riga man Franky on the opposite side.

Sure enough, as if to confirm General John's thoughts, the solid defense line that remained motionless under the full-scale attack of the Aberdeen army suddenly opened several gaps from the inside.

Heavy cavalry, heavy infantry, pikemen, long-handled swordsmen...

A group of Taranto's elite troops filed out from several gaps, lined up neatly, and rushed aggressively towards the bewildered Aberdeen army formation.

"Phew~" Frankie let out a long breath, and he relaxed as if relieved.

The battle is not over, and it can even be said that the climax has just begun.

But for the coach Frankie, this battle is over.

The overall situation has been decided, and Aberdeen has no strong cards to turn the tables.The next step is nothing more than to encircle and annihilate the enemy step by step and reap the results of the battle.The only thing that is uncertain is the size of the results.

These trivial matters can be handed over to the generals of the following troops to handle by themselves.After teaching by precept and deed during this period, the generals of Taranto have made great progress in their abilities, so there is no need for Franky to worry about everything.


Duke Keqishi's reaction was far more intense than Franky's.His face was flushed, and his whole body was trembling with excitement, which was a perfect contrast to General John opposite him.

With such an obvious battle situation, even he, a military layman, can easily judge that Aberdeen's defeat is doomed, and there is no way to recover.

The Duke of Keqishi has never experienced a real war in his life. Even if he wants to wipe out bandits and bandits, he has his own generals to do it for him.

This is the first time he has seen such a tens of thousands of battles.In addition to eye-opening, I didn't expect to get a big victory that attracted worldwide attention.

Wiped out the Aberdeen army in front of him, then the empty and almost defenseless Aberdeen Province, and then...

Duke Keqishi couldn't help thinking about it in his heart, and he admired the famous mainland generals around him.

General Riga is not only courageous and courageous, but more importantly, he has the executive ability to match his courage and courage.

This dreamlike scene on the battlefield would have been unimaginable for Ke Qishi.But Frankie not only thought about it, but also did it, and finally succeeded!
Only by experiencing it personally can we deeply understand the difficulties and dangers inside.

Training and commanding the army, ordering and prohibiting, such as commanding the fingers, this commanding ability is already above the standard.Judging the enemy's situation and predicting the enemy's opportunity first made Duke Keqishi amazed.Designing plans, laying traps, and luring the enemy into the trap step by step, finally let the Duke understand what a famous mainland general is.

During the months-long planning, unplanned situations and accidents occurred many times, and Franky was able to resolve the crisis very quickly and stabilize the situation without affecting the progress of the whole plan at all.

Not only that, General Riga even took advantage of the situation, turned the crisis into an opportunity for victory, and completely reversed the whole situation.

Just like the collective eruption in Aberdeen in front of Horseshoe Canyon yesterday.

If there was no violent outburst yesterday, there would be no weakness today.

This famous mainland general is like the best conductor. Not only does his own army dance with his baton, but even the enemy army joins the dance floor as he wishes, cooperating with each other to dance a crisis looming. Waltz.

Now, this dreamy and gorgeous dance music has come to an end, and it is about to...

the end of the song,

People scattered!

(End of this chapter)

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