Chapter 404 Soul
The magical girl Katie walked quickly, and finally ran to Franco and the others, squatting down anxiously to check their injuries.

The situation is far from ideal.

The attack of the God of Darkness was very terrifying. Even with the fate talisman necklace made by Long Aotian to resist slightly, the Linghu Mercenary Group and others were still greatly hurt.The outside is scarred, but the inside is also severely damaged.

The only good news is that everyone was only seriously injured and no one died on the spot.

The luckiest one was Pique. He didn't have the fate amulet necklace to protect his body, but he just hid behind Franco and Ram, and was not directly impacted by the sound waves.However, his strength was the weakest, and he suffered the heaviest injuries.

Katie checked everyone's situation briefly, and finally felt relieved, and at the same time became more sure of her previous guess.

As long as the partners don't die on the spot, it will not take much trouble for Long Aotian, who has mastered the great healing technique, to bring them back to life.

Of course, the premise is that Long Aotian can defeat the God of Darkness Omega, otherwise nothing will be mentioned.

On the other side, Omega and Long Aotian have already played a real fire.Or to be precise, Omega was already so angry that he was about to burst into flames.

Long Aotian is really too slippery. In front of this human opponent, the shortcomings of the God of Darkness's huge size are infinitely magnified.

Whether it is physical attack or magic attack, Omega rarely has moves that can hit Long Aotian.Even if it hits sometimes, Long Aotian just twisted his body slightly to remove most of the damage.The remaining bit of power is just equivalent to scratching an itch for him, without any real meaning at all.

After another round of intensive magic attacks, Omega stopped and took a short breath.

Not surprisingly, this wave of offensive did not have any effect. Instead, the opponent took the opportunity to approach and left a gunshot wound on the shoulder of the Dark God.

At this time, the surface of the God of Darkness's huge body was already full of potholes, looking very miserable.

Omega doesn't care about his own situation, this body is just a host of his soul, although it is a pity to destroy it, it is not irreplaceable.Most importantly, after paying a painful price, he finally found a chance to win.

Omega has now confirmed that in his own situation, no matter whether it is physical or magical means, it is impossible to deal with the hateful human beings in front of him.However, soul attack can!

It's just that he habitually added the method of soul attack to a magic attack, which made the enemy's body pause, and almost made his death stare hit.

What a pleasant surprise.

You know, that attack is only a basic application on the soul level, but it has received miraculous effects unexpectedly.

In fact, I was too stupid to think of it. My original body had already fallen, and now I was in the state of soul. The one that can best exert my full strength is of course the attack on the soul level.

And through the memory of the leader of the Dark Alliance, Omega knows that the main training directions of the professionals in Oscontinia are battle qi and magic, and there are almost no ones who specialize in souls.

In this way, the competition at the soul level must be the weakest link of the human being in front of him.On the contrary, it is precisely his greatest advantage.

Omega can't think of a reason for his failure to use his own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses.

With a certain idea, the God of Darkness acted immediately.

With a whoosh, Long Aotian found a gap and rushed in quickly.He rounded the Chaos Spear in his hand, and with the momentum of wind and thunder, it hit the head of the God of Darkness.

At this moment, Omega seemed to be distracted suddenly, and did not respond to Long Aotian's attack.

The Chaos Spear drove straight in, and the barrel of the spear that had been re-refined by Long Aotian hit the head of the God of Darkness fiercely.

There was a bang, so loud that Katie's ears buzzed in the distance.

When she looked closely, she was surprised and delighted to find that this seemingly simple shot had achieved amazing results.

As Long Aotian shot down, the six arms of the God of Darkness stopped.Then, starting from the top of his head, a crack suddenly appeared, gradually spreading downward, and the crack opened wider and wider.

When the cracks spread to the bottom of the feet, the huge body of the God of Darkness was already covered with cracks like spider webs.The next moment, the already dilapidated sculpture of the God of Darkness shattered piece by piece and collapsed downward.

Under Katie's surprised eyes, the huge body of the God of Darkness finally disintegrated, turning back into ordinary mud, sand and rocks, scattered all over the ground.

Looking at it like that, it was the same as when they first entered the first floor and saw the broken statue at first sight.

All this seems to be back to the original point.


Katie cheered and almost jumped up.

Suddenly, the Omega's laughter sounded out of thin air.

"Hahaha, do you think this will defeat me? Now let you see the true means of my God of Darkness!"

As soon as the words fell, a light that was not too dazzling flashed, and then turned into a very fast stream of light, before Long Aotian had any reaction, shot at his forehead, and then got into his head.

The God of Darkness is not dead, he deliberately abandoned his clumsy body, and continued to fight Long Aotian in another form!
Almost instantly, Katie figured it out.Seeing the light transformed by the God of Darkness into Long Aotian's head, the latter immediately froze, his eyes were blank, and he stood in the air blankly.

But with her strength, she couldn't help at all at this time.

Omega entered Long Aotian's sea of ​​consciousness, raised his eyes and saw a young man who was exactly like him, he was stunned for a moment, but then laughed indifferently.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect me to have such a method. You kid just played very well, now, let me see how arrogant you are!"

Being able to condense into his own form in the sea of ​​consciousness shows that he has reached a certain level in soul cultivation.When Omega saw it, she was also a little surprised.

But after thinking about it, with this human being's strength and realm comparable to his own, even if he didn't specialize in soul, he couldn't be too weak in soul power.To have such a performance is not worth making a fuss about.

Long Aotian shook his head, seeing Omega breaking into his own sea of ​​consciousness in the form of a soul, not only did he not feel panicked at all, but he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master Omega, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Omega put away his insolent demeanor, seeing that Long Aotian's appearance didn't look like a fake, he became suspicious in his heart.

"Boy, are you bluffing me? How old are you this year, do you dare to compare with me in the cultivation of the soul realm?"

There is a basis for the God of Darkness to say this.Not to mention the techniques for cultivating the soul, as long as a professional lives long enough, his soul power will naturally grow gradually as time goes by.

From this point of view, the age of the God of Darkness is calculated in units of "ten thousand", and the power of the soul is definitely not comparable to that of the young Long Aotian.

Long Aotian shook his head again.

He really doesn't need to worry now, everything he has done before is to introduce Omega into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Now that the God of Darkness has come in, the following plot can only develop according to the script he wrote.

(End of this chapter)

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