Eastern mythology system

Chapter 405 Awakening

Chapter 405 Awakening
"Come on!" Long Aotian hooked his hands and sent an "invitation" to Omega.

The God of Darkness rushed forward without saying a word.

He took great pains, did not hesitate to abandon his prepared body, and broke into Long Aotian Consciousness Sea brazenly in the state of soul, he did not come to be a guest.It is impossible to simply say hello to the owner, then pat your butt and turn around and leave.

What's more, Long Aotian calculated and planned for so many years, and now it's at the stage of collecting the net, it is even more impossible to watch the big fish slip away.

Fighting, and only fighting, is the best and only way for the two to solve their problems.

Omega rushed in front of Long Aotian and punched out with his right hand.

His image at this time is no different from that of a human being, and he only has two arms.

Long Aotian's response was simple, and he punched out tit for tat.

The two fists collided without making any sound.

This is Long Aotian's sea of ​​consciousness, and the two people in the battle are also in the state of souls, so naturally they won't ping-pong like in the real world, with sparks flying everywhere.

Fighting in the form of a soul, the moves and the like are not very meaningful anymore, only the use of power can affect the final outcome.

But the most important thing is the strength of the soul power.

The strong win, the weak lose.Straightforward and brutal.

For Omega, he tasted this cruelty now.

This guy on the opposite side, is he really human?Isn't it some god who hides and walks in the human world?
The struggle in the real world has been suppressing myself to fight, after all, I have been sealed for more than 5 years, and I have just escaped, and my body, which was prepared early, also has problems adapting.But now fighting on the soul level, he also can't take advantage of it? !
Saying that he can't take advantage is already putting money on his face. In fact, when the two souls collide, he is suppressed.

The level of Long Aotian's soul power is already comparable to the gods in the heavens!

This discovery scared Omega almost out of his wits.

No matter how glorious he was, the God of Darkness before, but today, 5 years later, there is only a remnant soul left.It is enough to be domineering and domineering in the world of the human world, but he met Long Aotian, an "odd number".

The fists of the two touched, as if they were stuck together, Omega knew it badly, but he couldn't shake it off.

When he looked up, he only saw a sneer on Long Aotian's face.

There was a flash of light in the God of Darkness's mind, and he suddenly realized with horror that it was not a coincidence that he had met such a strong opponent just after breaking free from the shackles, but it was the calculation of the young man opposite him.

But it was too late to say anything now, Long Aotian thought, and the whole body of the God of Darkness twisted and swayed, slowly turning into a cloudy state.From the place where the fists of the two touched, there was a great attraction, which sucked in both of them the remnant soul of the God of Darkness.

Long Aotian actually "swallowed" the God of Darkness Omega whole like this!

On the first floor of the dungeon outside, Franco and others were seriously injured and unconscious, lying on the ground.The only sober magical girl, Katie, was so anxious that she couldn't take care of them anymore. She just looked at Long Aotian who was standing there blankly, not knowing what to do.

Long Aotian was mighty and invincible, beat the huge God of Darkness to pieces, and won the final victory in sight.Unexpectedly, although the body of the Voice of Darkness was destroyed, somehow it turned into a ray of light and penetrated into Long Aotian's forehead.

Seeing the master was stunned on the spot, Katie didn't know that the two had turned into the most dangerous fight at the soul level.

In this way, the suspense of victory and defeat is renewed.

"Teacher, you must win! You must win!"

Katie, who was completely out of hand from beginning to end, could only pray silently at this time, cheering for her teacher in her heart.

Suddenly, Long Aotian, who had been standing still, blinked once, and then blinked again.

Slowly, the dull expression on his face became vivid.The corners of the mouth curled up in a smile.

Katie, who was watching closely, was overjoyed, and was about to run forward cheering.Suddenly, I didn't know what to think, and stopped, with a vigilant look on my face.

The battle between Long Aotian and Omega happened at the soul level, and it was in Long Aotian's sea of ​​consciousness.Whoever wins will gain control of this body.Now that he is awake, it only means that the battle has ended, but it doesn't mean that it must be her teacher who wins.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha! So it is so, so it is so! I finally understand!"

Long Aotian laughed wildly, with an indulgent gesture.

Since his debut, except for his youthful spirit at the beginning, he gave people the impression of being calm and calm, not surprised by favor or insult.No matter how difficult the situation is, or how important the victory is, he is always calm, and rarely shows great joy or sorrow.

But today, after devouring the remnant soul of the God of Darkness, the results achieved far exceeded his previous highest expectations, and he couldn't help but let himself go wild for a while.

Katie, who stopped not far away, had an expression of horror and despair on her face.

This demeanor, this performance, is not the teacher she knows and is familiar with.

In other words, her mysterious teacher lost in the end?
If even Long Aotian is defeated, it is even more impossible for him to be left as a little Xiami.

Kitty gritted her teeth, tightened her magic staff with her right hand, and a long and obscure incantation sounded.

Even if she knew she couldn't beat her, Katie would not choose to sit still.

The spell Katie chanted awakened Long Aotian who was laughing wildly.

He turned his head to look, and with just one glance, he understood what was going on.

"Katie, it's me."

He spoke calmly, returning to his usual gentle attitude.With a random wave of his left hand, Katie's magical attack was shot aside.

"Teacher, is it really you?"

Finally hearing the familiar tone, Katie's grief and indignation instantly turned into surprise, and she asked in disbelief.

Long Aotian nodded to her, and said affirmatively: "It's me. Don't worry, I'm fine now. Just wait for me, there are still some finishing matters to deal with."

Katie agreed repeatedly, and stepped back a few steps so as not to disturb her teacher.

She never doubted that it was the God of Darkness who occupied Long Aotian's body, pretending to be a teacher to deliberately deceive herself.With his own strength, there is no need for others to deceive.

In other words, Long Aotian really defeated the ancient god, the so-called God of Darkness!
Katie stood still in the distance, but her body trembled slightly. She didn't know whether it was because of fatigue or excitement.

Even the gods can win the battle, what kind of strength is my mysterious teacher? !
Not far away, Long Aotian raised his hands above his head, holding a bottle that came from nowhere, as delicate as jade fat, his face was solemn and dignified.

Suddenly, he shouted loudly, and his voice seemed to resound through the world:

"Wake up, my Princess Yalena!"

A soft light emitted from the exquisite jade bottle in his hand, and projected not far in front of him.Slowly, in the bright light, a graceful, graceful and leisurely figure of a woman gradually appeared.

Finally, when the soft light disappeared, a pretty and lovely girl with delicate face appeared in front of Katie out of thin air.

The girl seemed to have just woken up from a deep sleep, opened her big eyes with a hint of mist, and looked around.When the eyes fell on Long Aotian, the aimless eyes finally had focus.


(End of this chapter)

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