Eastern mythology system

Chapter 417 Departure

Chapter 417 Departure
Hearing this, Daniel suddenly realized.

He had been wondering before, how could Alice, as a princess, choose to sneak out to play at this time when there was a major crisis in the elves.

The original root is here.

I just heard Alice continue: "Now the Holy See of Light is powerful, but our elves are declining day by day. But from a diplomatic perspective, my father is equal to the Pope of Light. They only sent a cardinal archbishop, but they have to follow It is already a naked insult for the elf king of our clan to get married."

York blinked, and said uncertainly: "Under the Pope of the Bright Holy See, it should be a cardinal, right?"

"Yes." Franco replied.He has rich mercenary experience, and as the head of the regiment, he must understand and collect all kinds of information.

"In the power structure of the Holy See, the pope is at the top, then the cardinals, then the cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops, and the ordinary priests at the bottom."

With Franco's explanation, everyone understood.

The archbishop in red who wants to marry the Elf King is only in the third rank in the power structure of the Holy See of Light.

The elves are indeed in decline. As the leader of the elves, he is of course incomparable with the Pope of Light who is of equal status in name.But even if it is a cardinal, how much can the elves save a little face.But the one who is sent now is the third-ranked archbishop in red. Not only does this not give face, it is simply a slap in the face.

"That's not enough!" Alice hadn't finished complaining.

"I heard from my father that the marriage they requested this time is not the ultimate goal. Judging from the series of actions of the people of the Holy See of Light coming to the court of the elves, it can be seen that they want to swallow the elves whole and turn them into light." A vassal of the Holy See, even a puppet."

"I just don't want to be a prop for the Holy See of Light to devour the elves, and I want to destroy their plan. At the same time, I am not reconciled, I don't want to just marry a hateful believer of the Holy See of Light. After thinking about it, I finally decided to sneak out .”

When Alice said this, a trace of guilt flashed in her eyes.

Franco and others saw it in their eyes and knew it in their hearts.

In any case, when the people of the clan are in a major crisis, running away alone, unable to fight side by side with the people of the clan, for any person with a conscience, it is not a thing that can make people feel good.

Perhaps it was because of careful consideration and repeated consideration during the period of being captured by the slave arresting team that Alice had already made a decision in her heart.

"So now I have to go back immediately, as long as it can help my elves, I am willing to do whatever it takes!"

She gritted her teeth and said this resolutely, obviously making a great determination.

Having said that, the context of the crisis encountered by the elves has been roughly sorted out.

There are powerful creatures from the abyss attacking from outside, and the Holy See of Light who seems to come to help inside has ulterior motives and takes advantage of the fire to loot.It is conceivable that the Elf King is in a dilemma right now.

After the introduction of the elves, Alice took Daniel's hand again and resumed the old topic.

"When I came out, our elves had already been forced to shrink their defenses, and casualties began to appear in the clan. After a while, the losses may be even more serious. Let's go back quickly. One more person and more strength can help One point is one point."

Daniel felt very embarrassed, and his eyes could not help but drift to Anthony on the side.

"Mr. Long, look..."

Alice also understood that this young man surnamed Long was the one who made up his mind, and immediately begged Anthony.

"Mr. Long, please."

Princess Alice didn't take Daniel's human friends too seriously.The elves are now facing a crisis that concerns the survival of the race. Although these humans can be called elites, their role in such a big scene is really limited.

However, after the catastrophe of the slave hunting team, she finally understood that her own strength was not enough to move freely in human society.Even with compatriot Daniel, it is hard to say whether the two can return to the forest where the elves live smoothly.

If this elite squad can return with escorts, the safety aspect will definitely be greatly improved.

And Daniel also said that they were going to help the elves, but now they just let them speed up, which is not an unacceptable request.

Such a peerless beauty begged softly, even a heart made of iron and stone melted.

Anthony smiled slightly and said: "Your Highness, there is no need to be like this. Look, we are walking right now."

Alice looked up in astonishment, and the tall city gate was close in front of her eyes.

Only then did she discover that everyone had passed through half of the city without knowing it.Looking at the direction, passing through this city gate is the way to the royal court of the elves.

"Thank you, Mr. Long."

Alice said gratefully.

On the contrary, Daniel felt a little uneasy.

"Mr. Long, is this okay?"

Like Alice, he could not wait to put on his wings and fly back to the Elven King's Court immediately.But Anthony has explained before that he has 120 points of trust in this legendary companion, knowing that the other party must have his reasons for not rushing.It would be counterproductive if the overall plan that was made was disrupted because of Princess Alice's soft pleading.

Alice looked at her compatriots in puzzlement.

Aren't you also anxious to death just now, what's the matter?
Anthony over there waved his hand and said, "It's okay, we don't have to rush as hard as we can, but it doesn't mean we have to take a leisurely stroll and move over slowly. Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Hearing what he said, Daniel was relieved.

As long as Anthony is not affected by Princess Alice's "beauty trap", then there is nothing to worry about.

York took two quick steps and came to Anthony's side.

"Boss Long, the third child is still eating in the restaurant, shall we leave him alone?"

York is an acquaintance, and Omega didn't even say a word to him, so he made one, two, three.The most important thing is that he also ranks others behind himself.In the future, when he learned that the third child he was talking about was the God of Darkness who defeated hundreds of mercenaries in one move in the dungeon, he wondered what his expression would be.

Anthony glanced at him with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay, let's go, don't pay attention to him."

"Do you need to call him?"

"It's really not necessary, he will find it himself. Don't worry, he won't get lost."

As it turns out, Anthony was right.Before they got to the tall city gate, Omega in black was already standing there coolly.

York stepped forward, as if wanting to reach out and pat him on the shoulder.But seeing the young man in black's look of keeping strangers away, he finally withdrew his arm resentfully.

"Third brother, you're finally here. I told you that you're clever, and you can definitely find it by yourself. Ram and the others still don't believe it. Look, I'm the most discerning."

The thief laughed, very unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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