Eastern mythology system

Chapter 418 Who is stronger?

Chapter 418 Who is stronger?
The common people near the city gate were startled by York's sudden laughter, looked at him suspiciously, then quickly backed away a few steps, and walked away from him.

Anthony smiled and said nothing, Ram who was "framed" rolled his eyes, Franco and others didn't even raise their eyelids, and the "oldest" Omega even directly regarded him as air.

Only the newcomers Yalina and Alice, two beauties and princesses, watched the thieves playing tricks with curiosity and amusement in their eyes.

What kind of person is this? He's too thick-skinned!How long has passed since what was said just now, and everyone is listening to it, so it's too weird to just talk nonsense with your eyes open.

Omega ignored him, but said to Anthony: "What should I do about this? Do I need to deal with it?"

Everyone was at a loss when they heard this nonsense.

But Anthony knew what he was talking about.

"No, let him go."

Omega didn't have any expression on his face, and his tone was equally flat: "Okay, you have the final say. But, this is what you said that you don't know how to be a woman? I doubt it."

Anthony smiled slightly and said, "It's different this time, and you'll understand later. It's just a small fish, so if you let it go, let it go. If we want to eat it, we'll eat the big one."

Omega understood a little bit, pouted, and said, "Hmph, how big can it be?"

Anthony smiled.

A group of people left the city gate and walked away along the official road.

The monkey who mixed in the crowd and pretended to be picking things at a street stall didn't know that he just took a turn before the gate of hell.Seeing a group of people leave the city without stopping, they immediately ran away and rushed back to report.

It seems that the slave hunting team can really make a big fortune.

On the other side, Daniel introduced the young man in black to Alice: "This is our last companion, called Omega."

In the Dungeon Wars, Anthony once called the name of the God of Darkness.But the scene was a bit chaotic at that time, and everyone in the Linghu Mercenary Group couldn't hear clearly.Otherwise, knowing that Omega is the God of Darkness, how could Daniel and the others be so calm.

Alice nodded absently, looked left and right, pulled Daniel closer, and asked in a low voice, "These friends of yours seem a little unreliable."

"Shh, be quiet!"

Daniel sweated profusely and quickly looked around.

He knew in his heart that Princess Alice was mainly talking about York, the thief who had never been a serious thief.But these words fired a map gun, bringing everyone into the killing range.

It's okay for others to say that the key is Anthony, um, and Princess Yalena. Alice said that about them, this is a big problem.

But all of this was in vain. With Anthony's strength and sensitivity, no matter how softly he whispered, if Daniel could hear him, he would definitely be able to hear every word clearly.

Alice was very puzzled seeing his nervous appearance.

"what happened?"

Daniel has two big heads, and he can't make up his mind whether to reveal Anthony's real identity to her.

But some things have to be said no matter what.

"Princess Alice, for Mr. Long's arrangement, we just need to listen and follow it, and don't raise any objections. I have known him for a while, and I have experienced many things. He has never let everyone down. .You just take it easy."

Alice didn't believe it, and said: "You are too blindly worshiping, isn't he still exhaustive, and he will never make mistakes?"

Uh, this is too absolute, and Daniel can't say that she is wrong.

"Just now, although it's not a leisurely walk in the mountains and rivers, it doesn't look like a hurry. Is that okay? You know, every day our compatriots are injured or killed in battle. Let's go back earlier. Maybe a few lives could be saved.”

Alice continued, with heartache and anxiety in her voice.

She already has a clear understanding in her heart, and it doesn't matter if she marries Azhu or Agou after she goes back. As long as she can help the elves survive the crisis, she doesn't care about anything.As for the plots and calculations of the Bright Holy See, her father and the elders of the clan will have to deal with and weigh them, and she can't worry about this.

Like before, he sneaked out alone, saying that he was destroying the plan of the Holy See, but in fact, it was not his own willfulness.If this offends the Holy See of Light and makes them hostile or even directly deal with the elves, then she, Alice, is really the sinner of the elves.

Just imagine that there are abyssal creatures staring at the elves outside, and the people of the Holy See of Light inside turn their faces and fight against each other. Internal troubles and foreign aggression, the destruction of the elves royal court is also very possible. As a princess, Alice is very anxious.

Daniel didn't dare to give Anthony a guarantee just now, but now he has something to say.Speaking of which, he had also questioned it before, but the facts in front of him gave him a deep understanding of the correctness of Anthony's saying that "it is better to be in time than to be in time".

"Originally, I also suggested that everyone speed up and take shortcuts as much as possible, so as to return to the Elven King's Court as soon as possible. But Mr. Long refused and insisted on walking in this unhurried way. Then, do you know what happened?"

"What?" Alice was also curious.

Daniel said solemnly: "Then we entered the city and met you."

Before Alice could react, she looked cute and cute: "What do you mean?"

Daniel explained: "What I mean is, if we were in a hurry, we wouldn't have entered the city at all. You and I would just pass by each other, and you wouldn't be standing here now."

Alice finally understood, but felt incredible.

"This, this is a coincidence, don't you want to say that he can predict the future?"

To say that Anthony will predict the prophet, but it is not surprising at all.But it is really difficult to convince Alice without revealing his true identity.

"In short, you have to trust me and Mr. Long. Alice, you will understand later."

"Okay." Alice agreed dispensably, and changed the subject.

"You said, do I need to put on makeup or something?"

Daniel didn't understand: "Why do you wear makeup?"

"Because I'm so beautiful." Alice took it for granted.

"Wouldn't it cause trouble for a confidante like me to show up in the market? We are in a hurry now, and we don't have time to deal with those troublesome things."

She said that she is a troublesome beauty, and an elf princess is innocent enough.

"Hey, that sister should also dress up." She was referring to Princess Yalina, who was equally handsome.

Daniel was speechless: "No, there's no need for it. With Mr. Long around, no one dares to make trouble. Even if there is, don't be afraid."

Mr. Long again?
Alice rolled her eyes and suddenly asked, "Daniel, I see that you admire Mr. Long very much. How is his strength? Is he very powerful?"

Daniel nodded without hesitation, and his tone was affirmative: "Of course!"

Alice asked: "How powerful is it?"


Alice rolled her eyes, looking very cute.

"No matter how powerful it is, there must always be an explanation."

Daniel was also speechless.

Our strength can also be divided into silver fighters, gold fighters and the like, but the dark gods in the dungeon have far surpassed the highest holy level in Osland.Anthony can win against him, and his strength is infinitely high.How do you want me to describe, how to explain?

Princess Alice did not give up, and changed the question: "Then compared to my father, who is stronger and who is weaker?"

Daniel unconsciously glanced at Anthony not far away, hesitated for a while, and finally came up with the answer.

"It should, um, maybe Mr. Long is stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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