Eastern mythology system

Chapter 436 Traitor

Chapter 436 Traitor
The third elder didn't know whether to be angry or funny when he was told by the old man, but the first elder waved his hand and said, "Come on, don't waste time."

He picked up the stew sent by the third elder and was about to put it in his mouth.

Seeing that he was about to put it to his lips, he suddenly stopped.

The third elder didn't know why, and asked, "Great elder, what's wrong?"

The Great Elder looked at him, then at the bowl in his hand.

"You made this soup yourself?"

The third elder didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Great elder, don't you even doubt me?"

The Great Elder shook his head and said, "I'm not doubting you, but it's an extraordinary time, so be careful, it's always right."

The third elder quickly said: "Elder, don't worry, although I didn't make this soup by myself, it was selected, cleaned, and stewed by my apprentice himself. There will be absolutely no problem. I am still watching from the side. The materials are all conducive to detoxification and healing, and are of great benefit to the Great Elder's injury."

Only then did the Great Elder nod, raised his head, and drank the stewed soup at just the right temperature in one gulp.

When it was over, he put the bowl back on the tray, walked to the original position, and sat down cross-legged.Then he said to the third elder: "Okay, come on."

The third elder came behind him according to his words, and imitated him and sat cross-legged. Slowly enter the body of the Great Elder.

In fact, with the ability of the Great Elder, it is more than enough to deal with the injury by himself.

However, considering the tightness of the battle, with the help of the three elders, the golden fighter, to treat injuries and remove toxins, it will naturally save time and effort.

When the elder is old, he will not be self-willed for the sake of face like a young man. He must heal his wounds by himself and not let others help.

Sure enough, with the help of the third elder, it became easier to suppress and drive away the toxins in the body.

And with the arousal of the third elder's fighting spirit, the bowl of stew that had just entered the abdomen turned into a warm stream of heat, swimming through the whole body, as if every part of the body had been activated.

The heat went straight up, passed through the chest, crossed the neck, and finally gathered at the top of the head.At this time, the Great Elder felt as if his brain had exploded, his magic power was unprecedentedly active, and his thinking seemed to become clear.

What the third elder said was right, the stew was indeed effective, and the first elder could clearly feel it.

According to this state and trend, it shouldn't take long to completely eliminate the toxin of the manticore.

The most important thing is that the Great Elder doesn't have to work hard, which can save a lot of precious magic power and rest time.

The first elder let go of his heart, and trusted the third elder to do his best.On the other hand, he uses the strong magic power in his body to control the spread of the toxin, and compress the activity space of the toxin little by little.

When everything was going in a good direction, the Great Elder felt a sudden sharp pain in his abdomen.

The pain came so suddenly and so violently that the Great Elder couldn't help but let out a cry of pain. His strong and obedient magic power suddenly lost control, showing signs of confusion.

The Great Elder quickly calmed down and regained control of the magic power.

But with this slight slack, Manticore Toxin, who had been pushed into a corner, took the opportunity to break free and wreak havoc along the bloodline again.

When the toxin came to the abdomen and came into contact with unknown substances, it was like sparks igniting gunpowder. The violent reaction caught the elders by surprise.

"This is heartbroken grass!"

The Great Elder endured the sharp pain in his abdomen, which seemed to be breaking apart inch by inch, and quickly determined the identity of the culprit.

Heartbroken grass is a highly poisonous thing that grows in damp and dark places in the forest.In terms of toxicity, it is slightly inferior to the poison of the manticore.

However, once these two kinds of highly poisonous substances are mixed, the destructive power will definitely far exceed the concept that 1+1 equals 2.


The Great Elder finally couldn't help it, and spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow.

Then coughed violently.

The third elder behind him panicked, quickly grabbed his arm, and asked anxiously, "Grand Elder, what's wrong with you?"

The Great Elder took a short breath, and said in a hoarse voice, "You said, is this stew made by your apprentice?"

The third elder was taken aback, as if he hadn't expected why he suddenly brought up this matter again.


The old man with white hair and beard showed hatred on his face, as if his enemy was standing in front of him.

"This apprentice is a traitor to the elves!"

"How is it possible?" The third elder exclaimed.

"How can it be impossible? The bowl of stew I just drank was filled with heartbroken grass."

The third elder was stunned.

As the darling of the forest, he naturally knows what heartbroken grass is.

"No, no, my apprentice will not betray me, nor the elves."

The Great Elder's stomach hurt like a wrenching pain, and his whole heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

He understood very well the third elder's heartache.

Even if it is himself, why is he disappointed and hated by the disciple of the third elder.

"It's unmistakable, he is absolutely right. You are one of the top echelons of my elf clan, and your apprentice has a close relationship with us and has frequent contacts. The illness of the elf king and the second elder must be his fault. Only he has this convenient condition."

The Great Elder said bitterly, his face became more and more ugly.If that apprentice stood in front of him now, he might be torn alive by the angry elder.

"Impossible, impossible. My big apprentice has been with me for decades, and his relationship with me is like a father and son. He has always respected me and obeyed his words. How could he do such a thing."

The third elder let go of the hand that was holding the first elder, and stepped back a few steps, his whole body lost his mind.

The Great Elder shook his head, only to feel the abdominal pain intensified, and even his head began to ache.His vision became blurred, and everything he saw seemed to be distorted.

He tried his best to raise his head and looked at the third elder who seemed unable to accept the reality.He didn't know if it was his own illusion, but he saw a strange smile on the other person's face.

"Of course it's impossible! The big apprentice is as loyal to me as a heart, no matter what he does, he will never go against my will!"

The third elder's voice became louder and more determined.

"Third Elder..." The First Elder endured the severe pain and called out in a low voice.

"Hehehehe, hahahaha!" The third elder suddenly laughed.

While laughing, he took a few steps back and opened his posture, as if he was guarding against someone's attack.

The Great Elder is not an ignorant person, and at this time, he finally realized that something was wrong.

"Third Elder, you..."

The third elder continued to laugh, not loudly, like a weasel who just ate a chicken, proudly facing the distraught hen.

"My respected Great Elder, don't you still understand? My great apprentice treats me like a father and a king, and he will never betray me. Whatever I ask him to do, he will help me do it. Conversely , if he does something, it means that I asked him to do it."

Hearing this, the Great Elder finally couldn't help roaring, his posture was wild, like a lion.

"It turns out that you are the damned traitor!"

(End of this chapter)

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