Eastern mythology system

Chapter 437 Spiders

Chapter 437 Spiders
The first elder endured the severe pain in his abdomen and head, and burst into anger like a mad tiger, staring at the third elder who carefully kept a distance from him.

At this moment, as the Third Elder himself confessed, the First Elder finally figured it out.

I want to understand everything.

The Eight Elders openly fell to the Holy See of Light, and they did not hesitate to betray them for their annexation of the entire elves.

But this is just a cover on the surface.

The real trump card of the Bright Vatican, the winner, is the Third Elder who has been mixed up to the top of the elves and is deeply hidden.

Thinking about it now, there is no need to speculate, the bizarre illnesses of the Elf King and the Second Elder are absolutely inseparable from him.

Day and night defense, home thieves are difficult to prevent.

If it is said that the apprentices of the three elders have great convenience in committing crimes, then for the three elders themselves, the big elders of the elves and the other three giants are not at all defensive.

The Great Elder was so angry that his eyebrows and beards were erected, but he still tried his best to suppress it, and asked in a low voice:


The third elder had a smile on his face, but his eyes were fixed on the face of the first elder without blinking, and he mentally judged his injury.

"Why? You don't need to ask. The Holy See of Light dominates the Oscontinent, and the great supreme god promotes the fusion of the God Realm and the Human Realm. He dominates the two worlds and commands the world. This is the general trend, and no one can stop it. Only you People with bad rings are ignorant of current affairs and flexibility. They hold outdated ideas and delusional attempts to fight against the general trend of historical development. The consequence is not only that you will be crushed to pieces, but also that the entire elves will be dragged to death. You are buried with me. As an elder of the elves, I naturally have the obligation to set things right and bring our race back on the right track."

"Is that your reason?"

The Great Elder chuckled, and the blood from the corner of his mouth couldn't stop pouring out.I felt that the foreground was slowly blurring, and even a strange phantom like a spider appeared.

"Isn't this reason enough?" The third elder replied naturally, but he was secretly on guard in his heart.

Obviously, the Great Elder's injuries are getting worse, and the poison is getting deeper and deeper.

But the third elder did not dare to relax at all.

A top saint-level powerhouse, even if for one reason or another, his strength is greatly reduced.But as long as he can still attack, his power cannot be underestimated.

Even if he is the peak gold fighter, he may not dare to guarantee that he can take his blow unscathed.

The Great Elder felt that the pain was no longer limited to the abdomen and head, but the whole body began to ache.

His vision was blurred and he was in a trance, but the phantom of the spider became more and more clear, as if it appeared directly in the head of the elder himself.

It was a huge, black, hairy spider.The appearance is ferocious, very terrifying.

What's even weirder is that the head of the giant spider is actually a human face.

The eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are clearly visible.

Especially its two eyes are red like blood, both bloody and weird.

The Great Elder shook his head vigorously, he had no time to explore what was going on with the spider phantom.

No matter what happens in the future, the elf traitor in front of him who killed him and the elf king and the second elder must die today.

Even if it cost him his life, the Great Elder would personally take action to kill this hateful traitor on the spot.

Suppressing the severe pain in his head, the Great Elder raised his trembling hands, and a staff appeared out of thin air and landed in his palm.

A burst of hurried and obscure spells spit out from his mouth, and the magic elements in the surrounding space frantically gathered towards the wand in his hand.

The third elder was too nervous, and was too afraid of the great elder who was a holy powerhouse.He took the initiative to distance the two of them, but instead gave the elder the time to cast his magic calmly.

When he reacted and wanted to take some action, the Great Elder's magic preparations were coming to an end.

"Thunder God's Arrow, go!"

Thunder God's Arrow is an electric-type ultra-level magic. In this narrow space, with the extremely short distance between the two, as long as the magic can hit, even the three elders at the peak of the Golden Warrior will lose half of their lives.

The third elder's face changed abruptly, and the momentum that was about to charge forward suddenly changed to retreat. The fighting spirit in his body desperately drove the transfer, using all the defensive skills.

The First Elder still launched super-level magic at this time, and regardless of his own injuries, he compressed the time to such a short time, obviously he hated the Third Elder deeply.

The "Thunder God's Arrow" has already revealed its sharp figure, and with the sound of the Great Elder's shout, it seems that it is about to take shape completely, and it flies out.

At this moment, a young figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and landed five steps away from the Great Elder.

It was also standing between the Great Elder and the Third Elder.

who is it?

This question flashed in the elder's mind.

However, the old man whose vision was beginning to blur could no longer distinguish carefully, and only felt that this was a young man who seemed to have known him before.

But at this time, no matter who came, the Thunder God's Arrow in his hand was already on the string and had to be fired.

Even if he wanted to stop, he couldn't.

He's not an elf anyway...

The Great Elder was thinking, and saw the young man raised his right hand and waved it lightly towards him.

The Great Elder was shocked to find that the magical elements around him were no longer under his control.Even the super magic "Thunder God's Arrow", which had already appeared in his hand and was almost completed, began to slowly dissipate.

Who is this young man?He was able to seize control of the magic element!Seize the control of magic from the hands of me, a middle-level magician!
But unfortunately, the Great Elder could no longer get the answer he wanted.

The manticore's toxin in his body, coupled with the poison of the heartbroken grass, and the secret hands and feet of the third elder when he was helping him heal his wounds, had already made the old man's body overwhelmed.

Forcibly casting the super-magic Thor's Arrow made things worse.At this time, the magic was dispelled by the young man waving his hand, and the great elder seemed to be suddenly discouraged, and his whole body was on the verge of falling.

While having a splitting headache and being in a trance, the huge spider that the Great Elder thought of as a hallucination reappeared.And it's so clear and detailed.That human-like face was pressed against the body of a spider, looking strange and terrifying.

The next moment, the Great Elder let out a cry of pain, and finally fell to the ground.

The fuzzy and distorted scene in front of him gradually darkened as he fell to the ground.

Before being completely plunged into darkness, only a pair of blood-red, cold eyes remained in the mind of the Great Elder.

Those eyes became brighter and brighter, like red-hot pig iron, deeply imprinted in the head of the Great Elder, even on the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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