Eastern mythology system

Chapter 487 A Strange Suggestion

Chapter 487 A Strange Suggestion
The seven members of the Dragon Knight Caravan watched the entire battle process from beginning to end, feeling like a dream, and almost couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes.

This delicate girl, who was about the same age as Jessica, defeated the five professionals on the opposite side by herself.

You know, there was a bronze mid-level fighter among them, who almost wiped out his entire dragon knight caravan.

But in the hands of this girl named Katie, she wins more with less, easily and comprehensively crushed.

In this way, people still retain most of their strength.

If the unrestricted firepower is fully activated, how terrifying the girl's magic attack firepower will be!
And what level of strength should her handsome and sunny young teacher and several other companions have reached?

It was a matter of life and death just now, so I didn't have time to think about it.Now that they came back to their senses, the team leader Sander and the others felt trembling and their scalps were numb, as if they were facing a group of ferocious ancient beasts.

The good thing is that this group of people with inscrutable strength is still friendly to them, especially the young man named Long Aotian who is the leader, is even more gentle and gentle, making people feel close to each other.

"It turns out that Sander's team leader is going back to the Southern Federation. We happen to have a section of overlapping routes. Why don't we go together?"

Anthony, who used the pseudonym of Long Aotian again, had a kind attitude, and Sander was sophisticated and tactful, and the two had a fairly harmonious conversation.

If it weren't for the young man's mysterious identity and unfathomable strength, Sander would call him a brother and a confidant based on his style of conversation.

Hearing that the two sides happened to be on the same road for a while, the members of the Dragon Knight Caravan were naturally very surprised.

Just a magical girl Katie is ten times stronger than the entire dragon knight caravan.Coupled with her teacher, Mr. Long and other people, this strong combat power seems to them to be infinitely strong.

There may be people stronger than them in this world, but such a strong person will never attack because of the mere gold coins on the Dragon Knight Caravan.

So, Sander and the others can rest assured for the next itinerary.

In fact, it was true. The way back was not smooth, and little thieves with short eyes would jump out from both sides of the road from time to time.

But as soon as they reveal their intentions, they will be greeted with blows like a storm.

There is the magic of the girl Katie, the bow and arrow of the elf Daniel, and the dagger of the thief York.

The three of them took turns to fight, and only one person was needed, and all those blocking the way immediately knelt down.

Fortunately, they only suffered injuries of varying severity, at least their lives were saved.

Just because Anthony didn't give the cold order of "don't hold your hand".

People who are familiar with him are therefore even more puzzled by the fact that he slapped the middle-aged man on the other side's face and others.

With the escort of Anthony and others, the whole journey became easy and fast.

The Dragon Knight Caravan does not need to use their brains to choose the safest route, nor does it need to make a trade-off between safety and distance.

After a few days, the border of the desert kingdom is already in sight.

And here is the time for the two to part.

Jessica, Katie and Yalena get together and bid farewell to each other.

"Sister Katie, Sister Yalena, we parted this time, we don't know when we will meet again, you must take care!"

As Jessica spoke, her eyes began to turn red.

Although they haven't known each other for a long time, the three girls have similar temperaments and soon became good friends.

Jessica is innocent, but she also understands that she and them are from two worlds.This meeting was a coincidence, and the next meeting may be in the foreseeable future, and there will be no intersection between them.

Princess Yalena stroked her hair, smiled and comforted: "Sister Jessica, don't be sad, we will definitely go to the Southern Federation to visit you when we have time."

The little thing lay on her shoulder and let out a cry, looking cute and cute.

Jessica asked in surprise, "Really?"

Katie also laughed and said, "Of course it's true."

On the other side, the team leader Sander is also saying goodbye to Anthony.

"Mr. Long, thank you very much this time."

Anthony and the others not only saved the lives of everyone in the entire dragon knight caravan, but also escorted them all the way, helping them defeat several waves of thieves.

If it weren't for knowing that his status was too far from the other party's, and Anthony didn't look like he was short of money, Sander would have given a large sum of money as a thank you gift.

Anthony withdrew his gaze from the smiling Princess Yalena, and his face slowly became serious.

"Team Leader Sander, I want to give a suggestion to the Dragon Knight Caravan. I wonder if you would like to listen?"

Seeing his expression, Sander felt inexplicably nervous.

"Mr. Long has any orders, but it's okay to say. As long as we can do it, we will definitely obey it."

"No, this is just my personal suggestion. How to decide in the end depends on your own wishes."

Anthony waved his hand and said.

At this time, the master and the big swordsman at the side heard the conversation between the two, and couldn't help but move closer.

Anthony glanced at them with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"My suggestion is that Team Leader Sander and all of you don't go back to your home in the Confederate States. If you trust me, you can go with my people. He will take you to a place and stay there for a while. "

Following his words, Sander suddenly realized that a man in black had come to them at some point.

He is like a shadow, but also like a stone, if you don't pay attention, it is easy to ignore it.

Following Anthony's introduction, everyone looked over, and the man in black bowed slightly as a response.

But no one in the Dragon Knight caravan had the heart to pay attention to him, they were all thinking about Anthony's words.

not going back?This is no small matter!
Think about that square-faced middle-aged man who almost killed everyone in the Dragon Knight caravan.

And on the way back, if it weren't for Anthony and the others, I'm afraid there would be constant situations, and injury or even death would not be unimaginable.

Of course, it is not impossible to find a place to hide your name and live a low-key life in peace and security.

But the question is, is this necessary?
It's just a big deal and a lot of money.It's not about killing people and setting fires. Why do you want to hide in Tibet? You don't even dare to go back home.

Sander frowned and asked hesitantly:

"Mr. Long, may I ask, what is the reason?"

Anthony shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, no."

Everyone in the Dragon Knight Caravan was stunned and found it hard to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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