Eastern mythology system

Chapter 488 Choice

Chapter 488 Choice
One sentence makes people leave their hometowns and go far away, but there is not even a reason.Saying this is really a bit impersonal.

Sander looked at Anthony with a very embarrassed look on his face.

"Mr. Long, where will this friend take us, can you tell me?"

Anthony still shook his head, this time not even saying a word.

The burly young man came over at some point. He had been listening quietly by the side, but at this moment he couldn't bear it anymore and said:
"This can't be said, and that can't be revealed. Is it necessary to be so mysterious? We are just some small people, and we shouldn't have anything to do with these great events."

"Shut up!" Seeing his unkind expression, Sander asked with a questioning tone, fearing that he would provoke Anthony and cause death, he hurriedly yelled to stop.

He and everyone in the caravan knew that the strong young man had been pursuing Jessica.However, the girl didn't have any feelings for him, and he insisted on not giving up, and the two sides just dragged on without embarrassment.

Anthony and his companions seem to have fallen from the sky and rescued everyone in the caravan.

Although Anthony himself did not make a move, he is the teacher of the magical girl Katie, so there is no need to doubt his strength.Coupled with his outstanding appearance, generous and decent manners, and profound and humorous conversation, he naturally attracted Jessica's attention.

Although the burly young man understands intellectually that this little boy doesn't mean to seduce his goddess, but seeing Jessica's attitude towards him and comparing it with himself, it is inevitable that his heart is extremely unbalanced, and he is also inexplicably hostile to Anthony.

What suggestion did Anthony make now, telling them not to go home, but did not explain the reason.He couldn't bear it immediately, and there was questioning resentment in his tone.

Katie saw her teacher's expression and attitude, and suddenly her heart moved.

She now has a considerable understanding of her teacher's ability, and similar weird words and deeds have appeared more than once before.

She pulled Jessica beside her, and said very seriously, very seriously:
"I don't know why the teacher made such a weird suggestion, but I hope you can convince your father and others to accept this suggestion!"

She fixedly looked into Jessica's eyes, and seemed worried that her tone was not serious enough, so she added another sentence.

"This matter is very important, very very important!"

If it weren't for the fact that I really don't know what happened, and because I was worried about interference and hindering Anthony's plan, I couldn't explain further.Katie wished she could press the heads of Jessica and Shangde and force them to agree.

It's a pity that Jessica didn't have enough experience after all, and didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. Instead, she was a little scared by Katie's attitude.

On the other side, the burly young man was aggrieved and wanted to continue arguing.

A strong arm suddenly stretched out, hugged his neck, and pulled him back.

He struggled to look back and saw that it was his most respected swordsman with a big sword.

But now the big sword swordsman's face is a bit scary, and he seems to be a little shocked and angry.

"Didn't you hear that the leader told you to shut up! It's okay for you kid to be brave, show off, and seek death, but please don't drag our entire dragon knight caravan to accompany you to die!"

The words were extremely serious, coupled with the vicious expression, after the strong young man was startled, he finally came to his senses.

What did I do just now?To actually take the initiative to question the provocative strength and the mysterious Long Aotian?

The other party's usual attitude was gentle, courteous, and approachable, which made the Dragon Knight Caravan and the others unknowingly ignore the gap between them.

Especially the burly young man who is burning with jealousy.

But after being slapped in the face by his companion, he suddenly remembered that Long Aotian was a terrifying existence like an ancient giant beast, even if he just yawned, he could kill the entire dragon knight caravan.

The strong young man withered immediately.

Although the dissatisfaction in his heart is still there, at least on the surface, he no longer dares to show it in the slightest.

I don't know if it was because of his interruption, or because he didn't want to say more, but Anthony suddenly lost his interest.

He waved his hand and said: "I repeat, this is just a suggestion. Whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, you decide how to choose. This friend of mine will wait for you here for half an hour. When the time is up, He will leave immediately. Take my advice and follow him when the time comes."

After Anthony finished speaking, he walked away, leaving Sander and the others to look at each other.

To be honest, not returning home for a while is not a big deal.

They are a caravan traveling north and south, shuttling between countries on the mainland, spending at least two or three times more time outside than at home.

But the problem is, if you leave with someone unclearly now, and you don't even know where you are going, it will inevitably make them suspicious.

Everyone in the Dragon Knight Caravan gathered together and briefly exchanged opinions.

The process is short but intense.

In the end, Sander, the team leader, took his daughter Jessica, the big swordsman, the master, and the loyal young man at the beginning of the black iron, and walked towards Anthony who was about to leave.

"Mr. Long, after discussion, the five of us decided to accept Mr.'s suggestion and follow this friend."

There are seven people in the Dragon Knight caravan, five people accept the suggestion, and the remaining two naturally don't intend to ignore it.

Apart from the burly young man standing still, there was also a middle-aged man in his thirties.He was a driver of a caravan. He was neither tall nor strong, and he was also timid. He obviously didn't dare to take risks and just wanted to return to his hometown as soon as possible.

Anthony nodded at Sander and the others, with a calm face, not much joy because they obeyed his words.

The five Sanders didn't take it seriously.

In any case, the opponent is powerful, and he is the savior of himself and others.Just now his companion ran into him very unfriendlyly, as long as he can not hold grudges and vent his anger, he will be lucky, how dare he ask for more.

The members of the Dragon Knight caravan were cautious and anxious, for fear of offending Anthony again.

As everyone knows, Anthony didn't take what happened just now to his heart.

Just like the king of beasts in the forest, facing the provocation of an ant waving its tentacles, more people would just choose to ignore it, instead of feeling that it was an offense.

At this moment, he was actually thinking in his heart whether he had been influenced by Franco a little.

This persistent and stubborn head of the Linghu Mercenary Corps.

Anthony traveled thousands of miles to the far right of the mainland, so he was naturally not idle.

But it seems that they are coming for the small dragon knight caravan, but in fact, rescuing Sander and others is just a matter of convenience.

Even under the pull of fate, Anthony's shot just delayed their bad luck.

It is also to see the team leader's daughter Jessica getting along well with Yalena and Katie, and their relationship is getting deeper and deeper.Coupled with the little influence brought by Franco, he decided to use a little bit of hands and feet to open a way for them to survive.

But fate is very magical. A seemingly inadvertent choice may end up with a world of difference.

Even directly distinguish between life and death!
But the path is chosen by oneself, no matter what the result is, it can only be borne by oneself.

No one else!

Anthony glanced lightly at the two people on the other side, and then ignored them.

(End of this chapter)

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