Eastern mythology system

Chapter 496 Shrinking Defense

Chapter 496 Shrinking Defense
In addition to the forces in the human world supported by the three gods, there is another powerful party that has attracted much attention but now looks weak in comparison, and its performance also exceeds people's original expectations.

That was Tang Fengjun.

In terms of the number of troops and the resources and energy behind it, Tang Feng's army could not compare with the Holy Empire at all, and it was far behind the three major forces as an alliance.

If it weren't for the heaven-defying Anthony standing behind them, no one on the mainland would compare Tang Fengjun with the other four giants.

But the monarchs and ministers of the Holy Empire gradually discovered that this opponent, who was not too important, could not be underestimated at all.Their series of actions left the Holy Empire in a dilemma and at a loss.

Tang Feng's army attacked with lightning and captured the capital of the Riga Empire in one day, and then strengthened the city defenses and built fortifications.They looked like they were on the defensive, and the army's deployment was impeccable, so that the generals of the Holy Empire could not find any flaws to exploit.

Just as the army of the Holy Empire was also defending with all its strength, being careful and trying to spare its troops to deal with the joint attack of the other three major forces, Tang Feng's army launched another blitzkrieg and took down a small town on the border of the Holy Empire.

Now, the generals of the Holy Empire can no longer sit still.

No matter what happened to Tang Feng's army before, even if they took down the Riga Empire, the generals would not react too much.After all, it is still a matter for other countries in the final analysis.

But this time, Tang Feng's army was one step ahead of the three major forces that made them pay attention, taking the lead in attacking the Holy Empire and occupying one of their towns.

This is a blatant slap in the face!

You know, the Holy Empire has dominated Osland for many years. Except for the crazy King of the Riga Empire who tried to provoke in recent years, no second country or force has dared to attack the Holy Empire itself.

The generals of the Holy Empire were filled with righteous indignation, screaming and leading their troops to push down the ignorant Tang Feng army.

When they carefully studied and planned the battle strategy, they suddenly discovered the location where Tang Feng's army was stationed, which made their dispatch of troops very uncomfortable.

That inconspicuous town was not a random target chosen by Tang Fengjun.It is the result of careful consideration and is an important part of the next series of military operations.

If the Holy Empire troops sent troops to take back the town, they would risk being flanked by the enemy garrisons of the Riga Empire.

If the Riga Empire is attacked first, because the enemy has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to strengthen the defense, it will be difficult to capture it in a short time.However, the retreat of the army was in danger of being cut off by Tang Feng's army in the small town.

To put it simply, the location of the town and the Riga Empire are the horns of each other. No matter which side is attacked, it will be in danger of being attacked by the other side.

Of course, there is no unsolvable war situation in the world.As long as the edges are extended to two points at the same time, a huge oppressive force is formed.Both the town and the Riga Empire were too busy to take care of themselves, and could no longer support each other.

Or send out a sharp-knife force with superb combat power to solve an enemy at an extremely fast speed, so that the other side has no time to respond to rescue.

But under the circumstances at this time, the powerful Holy Empire could not produce an oppressive large-scale army.As for the ultra-elite troops, it was okay for other armies, but for Tang Feng's army, which had always been known for its brilliance, no general dared to say that his subordinates could solve the whole-hearted Tang Feng's army in a short time.

As for the super cutting-edge combat power at the holy level or above, it is a feasible idea.It's a pity that for some reason, it cannot be easily used.

As a result, the situation once again reached a deadlock.

Tang Feng's army continued to fight steadily, operating and building the occupied town as a base camp.At the same time, scout around, scout the terrain and threaten the surrounding cities.

The generals of the Holy Empire didn't just eat dry food, they quickly guessed Tang Fengjun's intentions.

If the Holy Empire let it go, or the input of the response army is insufficient, Tang Feng's army will advance steadily step by step, encroaching on a large area of ​​​​the Holy Empire, slowly bleeding them, weakening their war potential, and creating panic for the people of their country mood.

If the Holy Empire mobilized heavy troops, Tang Feng's army would fight guerrilla warfare with them, or retreat strategically, in exchange for time with the vast space occupied by the Riga Empire.And the other fronts have become empty, and the three major forces will definitely not let go of this great opportunity.

Very simple strategy.

But almost impossible.

Even if Tang Feng stood in front of them and told them clearly that this was Tang Feng's army's strategy, the generals of the Holy Empire still had no choice.

The Marshal of the Empire sitting in the military tent in the barracks, holding the latest information on the situation of the external forces of the Holy Empire in his hand, his face was livid.

If the enemy and us are still in a stalemate on the frontal battlefield, then in terms of the layout and relationship influence across the mainland, the Holy Empire has been retreating steadily and has been defeated.

I don't know how many years have been accumulated and developed in secret, but the Goddess of Destiny, who has been forbearing for a long time, has infinitely stronger energy than what the outside world thinks.

The influence of the forces that the Holy Empire has painstakingly cultivated over the years almost disappeared in less than a month.

After experiencing the defeat of the two heavyweight forces, the Desert Kingdom and the Southern Federation, the current Holy Empire has become a lonely family, and there is no longer any alliance on the entire continent.

Enemy all over the world!

This is the current situation of the Holy Empire in the human world.

In the past, they were domineering and domineering, and they regarded other countries in the mainland as the targets of their hunting and conquest.Others dare not speak out because of their strength.

Now that the three major forces have joined forces, the momentum is the same for a while, and the Holy Empire has lost its overwhelming deterrent power.The emotions that were forcibly suppressed rebounded immediately, so it was not blamed by thousands of people, and the world was the enemy.

The Marshal of the Empire held the information in his hands, and almost squeezed water.

Seeing his unfriendly expression, the generals in the tent stood still obediently in fear, not daring to show their anger.

After a long time, the Marshal of the Empire spoke with difficulty, his voice hoarse, as if his vocal cords had rusted.

"Pass my order, all the troops of the empire will retreat in unison, the front line will be withdrawn, and our army will fully switch to a defensive posture. All areas outside the empire will be abandoned, and the focus will be on our territory!"


"No way?"

"Marshal, why?"

The generals like quail forgot to keep silent, jumped out one by one, and asked loudly in disbelief.

They are all used to leading the army to take the initiative to attack, destroying cities and looting villages, watching the enemy howling and trembling under the iron hooves.Although they all know that the current situation of the empire is unfavorable, they still think that this is only temporary.When the potential of the empire's war is fully discovered and the real power is exerted, it will be the enemy's turn to be unlucky.

But unexpectedly, the Imperial Marshal actually asked the national army to switch to defense.

Isn't that the same as being beaten but not fighting back?
"No reason, you just need to follow the order!"

The Imperial Marshal said coldly.

He was not in the mood to explain, nor did he have time to explain to these generals.

(End of this chapter)

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