Eastern mythology system

Chapter 497 New Friends

Chapter 497 New Friends

The army of the Holy Empire was flying around and restless, but all this meant nothing to Anthony.

Now he, Yalena and the others have returned to their true colors, and they continue to hurry on their way without hiding their whereabouts.

This made the secret agents of the Holy See of Light who received the surveillance and tracking order a little relieved.

The last time they lost someone, they were pushed out to take the blame and take responsibility if they had a companion. Now they don't know whether it is life or death.

Even though everyone knew that, if Anthony didn't allow people to find out about his movements, then no one could do anything about it.But a mistake is a mistake, and someone has to come forward to bear the punishment.

Like now, at least there is no need to worry about not being able to complete the task.

As for those people who can’t escape Anthony’s perception, the latter can pat them into meat paste like little bugs with just a slap—this can only be asking for blessings, and praying that Anthony will have a good day every day. mood.

But soon, the hearts of them and the big shots behind them were all lifted up again.

Because looking at the direction in which Anthony and his party were heading, it turned out to be the capital of the Holy Empire, the headquarters of the Holy See of Light, the city of Madrid.

What does he want to do?
There has always been a weird tacit understanding between Anthony and the Holy See.

Anthony is recognized as the most powerful man in Osland. As long as he is given time, he alone is enough to slowly destroy the entire Holy See of Light.

Even the God of Light who is far away in the God Realm can cross the space barrier between the two worlds in various ways and intervene in the war in the human world.But it is impossible for him to do nothing and protect the Holy See all the time.

Similarly, if the Holy See and the Holy Empire wanted to obliterate a small Tang Feng army, there were plenty of ways.Just the quantitative lineup of super masters is enough to clean up Tang Fengjun's top management.

Anthony wanted to protect Tang Feng and other comrades-in-arms and friends, unless he also stayed in the barracks day and night, he didn't have to go anywhere.

It is precisely because of mutual wariness and scruples that Anthony has sat and watched the Holy See of Light gradually grow for so many years, instead of implementing beheading tactics against them.

In response, the dispute between the Holy See of Guangming and Tang Fengjun was limited to military operations at the level of normal forces, and no strong men above the holy level were sent to attack Tang Fengjun.

But now, Anthony has wandered around the territory of the Holy Empire for so long, but suddenly headed towards their heartland?
He is trying to break the long-standing tacit understanding, see you?

All of a sudden, the entire Holy Empire and the Holy See's high-level people who could hear the news panicked.The troops staying in the country were quickly mobilized and gathered in the capital.The strong masters above the gold level took up their stances, ready to fight.

Anthony was so powerful that no one could beat him, so it was one thing to let him come and go freely in the territory of the Holy Empire; it was another matter whether the Holy See of Light was beaten into its lair without any resistance and waited to die.

What's more, there was no one behind them. If Anthony really dared to attack the city of Madrid, the great Supreme God would not be able to watch him, and he would definitely be unable to come and go.

Undercurrents were surging within the entire Holy Empire, but Anthony seemed unaware of it, and walked his own way unhurriedly.

The God of Darkness is the strongest other than Anthony, and he keenly senses the tense atmosphere in the air.

"Anthony, isn't it a little too arrogant for you to go directly to his lair like this?"

Anthony didn't care, and didn't look back.

"Isn't this still a long distance away, so don't be so nervous."

"I'm fine, but the people of the Holy See of Light are probably in a hurry. Could it be that you really plan to break into the headquarters of the Holy See of Light and take over the sect of the God of Light?"

Anthony shook his head and said calmly: "Of course not. The time has not yet come. It is meaningless to attack the Holy See of Light, and the gain outweighs the loss."

The Elf King was probably the one who was most concerned about how Anthony would deal with the Holy See besides the God of Darkness, so he couldn't help interjecting.

"Since we're not attacking the Holy See, where are we going?"

Anthony smiled slightly, pretending to be mysterious and said: "Go to meet someone. Or, to meet a new friend."

"New friend?" Everyone was stunned.

When is this, and do you meet any new friends?

Besides, who is this new friend who actually allows Anthony to visit and meet him in person, and he still lives in the territory of the Holy Empire?
Everyone was very surprised, but no one asked again, they just followed Anthony silently.

Along the way, they have never been able to figure out everything Anthony did, and now one more thing is nothing.

Anyway, just get used to it.

Everyone headed north all the way, pointing directly at Madrid, the capital of the Holy Empire.

Fortunately, after walking for a while, Anthony suddenly turned to the northwest, which made the senior officials of the Holy Empire and the Holy See heave a sigh of relief.

The pressure that this evil spirit brings to people is really too great, just a simple action makes a group of big people jump like crazy, with lingering fear.

The pressure suddenly subsided, and while they breathed a sigh of relief, they were equally curious.

What the hell is Anthony trying to do?

On this day, the sun gradually rose to the center of the top of the head.

Anthony led the family leisurely into an important city in the middle of the Holy Empire, Munich.

This is the entrance and gateway to the southwest of the capital city of Madrid, with convenient transportation and extending in all directions.Food, weapons, equipment, magic crystals and other resources transported from various cities in the south to the capital are collected here, and then transferred to the city of Madrid.

Therefore, this is also a very important strategic material warehouse of the Holy Empire.In particular, the stored magic materials accounted for more than 40.00% of the entire empire.

It can be said that if the city of Munich is destroyed, the legal professionals of the Holy Empire and the Holy See will all have to tighten their belts and live a hard life.

The senior officials of the Holy Empire and the Holy See who had been watching this side from afar couldn't help but raise their hearts again.

Anthony came here, could it be that he wanted to acquire a large amount of strategic materials from the city of Munich?

If this is the case, then you guys will have a headache.

If you let Anthony take it, it must be as painful as cutting flesh.But if you want to stop it-let's not talk about whether it can be done in the end-Munich City is not as important and irreplaceable as Madrid City. The big guys can't make up their minds to fight Anthony for "mere" supplies.

Just when the senior officials of the Holy Empire were having a hard time making a decision, Anthony had no intention of going to the heavily guarded material warehouse in the north of the city.

He took Yalena, God of Darkness and others to pick out an ordinary restaurant and walked in.

It seems that they are going to have lunch here?
(End of this chapter)

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