Eastern mythology system

Chapter 524 Inside Story

Chapter 524 Inside Story
The God of Fighting Qi fell silent.

The God of Magic shouted in a deep voice: "The first thing he said was to deprive us of all our power. This person has been dazzled by power and power, and he is no longer the big brother we used to know. Tell him more, just start fighting!" "

Angel Quan, who had been silent for a while, was furious: "How can you frogs in the well know the foresight and foresight of the great Supreme God!"

The God of Light, who was originally unwilling to talk about it, ignored the scolding of the God of Magic this time, and said on his own.

"Hehe, you only have the human world and the god world in your eyes, and you only think of the advantages and disadvantages of the fusion of the two worlds. Then, have any of you ever thought about what is beyond the two worlds?"

Hearing the God of Light's mocking rhetorical question, the God of Magic was also stunned.

"The two worlds of humans and gods come from the same source, and they can be regarded as one world. But in the endless void, how many of the same worlds are hidden? People, gods, or other intelligent creatures in those worlds, what is their strength, what is their temperament, will they It will not expand wantonly and attack other worlds. Have you considered these things?"

Hearing this, the God of Magic and the God of Fighting Qi began to understand a little bit.

"You mean to say that there are invaders from other worlds who have begun to attack our world?"

"That's right!" The God of Light gave a cold answer.

The God of Magic's tone also slowed down: "The strength of the intruder is very strong?"

"Not strong, at most equal to the level of a saint in the human world."

"Then..." the God of Magic was puzzled.

"But ten years ago, the intruders who came over hadn't reached the bronze level!"

The God of Light knew what he wanted to ask, so he interrupted directly.

"That is to say, those who come here are just pathfinders. Although their strength is getting stronger and stronger, they have not yet left the stage of exploration. But in our world, we want to enter the endless void and explore the unknown world , what level of power is required at least?"

The God of Magic thought about this question silently, but he knew it in his heart.Not to mention the peak strength of the human world, even the weakest gods dare not step into the void and play heartbeat games with space turbulence and space debris.

However, the unknown invading forces have not only crossed the endless void and touched their own door, but also have the ability to send the extremely weak minions over.This performance alone is enough to make people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

The God of Fighting Qi said shyly, "Brother, why didn't you tell us?"

"Is it useful to tell you?"

The God of Light is always cold.

"Through observation and research, I estimate that the overall strength of the force whose name is not yet known is more than three times stronger than ours. This is the most conservative estimate. Normally, if a full-scale invasion war breaks out, we will hardly win. possible."

"And the only advantage may be based on the strength estimation of the minions they sent. They may not be ready for a full-scale war. At least, we still have a little time to prepare."

"Even if all the beings in the human and god worlds abandon their previous prejudices and sincerely cooperate, our chances of winning are not great. Moreover, is it possible to abandon prejudices? Therefore, the preparation of this seat is to forcibly merge the two realms, gather all the power, and improve This seat's own strength breaks through the realm. It would be best if we can block and destroy the entrances or passages leading to our world before the intruders invade. Even if it doesn't work, the only force that is fully assembled and unified command, It is also much better than the current situation of a mess of sand."

The God of Light glanced at the opposite side, and said with a blank face: "Now, I will tell you all the plans. You are talking about it, this is a discussion with you early in the morning. Is it useful? Are you willing to give all your strength without any grievances?"

The God of Magic and the God of Fighting Qi looked at each other.

They never imagined that such a big secret was actually hidden behind the big brother who launched the fusion of the two worlds.

They are all well aware of the situation in the God Realm, just like the Human Realm, it is divided by various forces.The God of Light is naturally the most powerful one, and the God of Magic and the God of Fighting Qi are not weak either.In addition to them, there are not a few other gods who have become gods who occupy the top of the mountain.

Moreover, no one can tell how many alien gods are lurking left over from the Great War of the Gods.

It can be said that even though 5 years have passed, the "Big Three" headed by the God of Light have broken the pattern of alien rule.But the new God Realm is still in a turbulent stage, far from being stable.

The God of Light is probably regretting it now.If he had known that there were invaders coming from the void, maybe he would not have worked so hard to destroy the old power structure.

Just with his usual conceit and pride, he would definitely not admit this.

Also, that's not the point.

The God of Magic was silent for a long time before pointing to the God of the Sea and the others behind the God of Light, and asked, "What about them? Are they willing to give their all to support your plan?"

Before the God of Light could answer, the God of Ocean and other five gods stepped forward together, touching their chests with their right hands.

"Of course, for the sake of hundreds of millions of souls in the world of humans and gods, mere power and power are nothing!"

The five gods moved in unison, with fanatical worship in their faces and eyes, like the most devout believers.

And what they believe in is the majestic and cold God of Light!
The god of magic was speechless.

Sea God and others have undoubtedly made a choice, but for him, this choice is really too difficult.

Giving up the power and power at hand is easy to say, but who can easily do it.

Don't you see that in the human world, even the king of a small country, in order to keep his throne, would not hesitate to kill each other, and his relatives would not recognize him.

Not to mention the aloof gods!
But as the God of Light said, if the two realms of man and god are still in the current state of disunity, foreign enemies will invade in the future, and they will not escape the fate of falling.

One is to give everything in exchange for a glimmer of hope for the continuation of life in the future;
The other is not to go to Lianzhan, to meet the great bad luck that does not know when it will come.

The God of Magic and the God of Fighting Qi were entangled in their minds, and they also understood that what the God of Light said was true.

No wonder he knew that the crisis was coming, so he didn't discuss it with them at all, but chose the way to deal with it himself, and forcibly promoted the integration of the two worlds.

If the friendship between the "Big Three" is like this, do others need to talk about it?

Sure enough, he is indeed their former big brother. This kind of heart, this kind of courage, is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

While struggling, Anthony, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"My lord, the great God of Light, what you said is too arbitrary."

(End of this chapter)

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