Chapter 525
The God of Magic and the God of Fighting Qi looked at Anthony.

The Goddess of Fate who had not spoken all this time also looked at Anthony with a smile on her face.

The God of Light also looked at Anthony quite unexpectedly.

Although what is being discussed now is the major event of life and death in the worlds of humans and gods, neither of them thinks that there is anything in the human world.

Just wait for the gods to decide the outcome, or the path to choose in the future.For the rest, the human world can only follow the orders of the gods.

But this bold Anthony obviously didn't think so.

The loyal Angel Quan was about to yell at him, but the God of Light stretched out his hand to stop him.

"What's wrong with what I said, you can tell me and listen."

All the gods and angels watched, but Anthony didn't look nervous at all.

"I believe that with the reputation of the God of Light, the news of the invaders should be true. I have no objection to the judgment of the strength of the enemy. However, please forgive me for not agreeing with this method of coping."

Anthony's eyes were piercing and he talked eloquently.

"There are many countries in the human world, and there are endless wars. This is true. However, when foreign enemies invade and face major crises of life and death, and racial continuation, people are often able to hold together tightly and unite to the outside world. Like the abyss hell that has erupted many times in history Invading the surface world on a large scale, human countries or countries of other intelligent races can immediately put aside their barriers and fight together. Now facing the fusion of the two worlds, other countries and races in the human world except the Holy See and the Holy Empire, including those who have always been The abyss and hell that appeared as enemies united together and resisted to the end. From this inference, I believe that the God Realm should not be much different. Doesn’t all of this show that the God of Light is worried that everyone can’t be united, Is it a bit redundant to tide over the difficulties together?"

The God of Light was silent for a moment, and said: "This is just your wishful thinking. This matter is of great importance, and no mistakes can be tolerated. I can't take such a risk."

Anthony nodded, actually agreeing.

"Okay, let's take it as my wishful thinking. Then the God of Light promotes the fusion of the two realms. With his unique cultivation method, his strength can be greatly improved. In this way, he can subdue all the opposing voices from the human and divine realms, and then concentrate and use resources in turn. Improve your cultivation level again. At that time, will you be absolutely sure that you can lead all the creatures in the world of humans and gods to survive the invasion war from the endless void?"

The God of Light was silent again, then slowly shook his head with a solemn expression.

"This seat is not absolutely sure, but at least it is much greater than the certainty of a loose sand."

After all, the God of Light is the God of Light. Even though Anthony is in a hostile camp, he will not speak against his conscience.

"That's just wishful thinking on your part, too."

Anthony looked serious, and unceremoniously returned all the previous comments from the God of Light.

"Although I am just a small human being, this world is the homeland where I was born and raised, and I also have the duty to protect it. This is both my responsibility and my right, and no one has the right to take it away. If foreign enemies invade, I will Pick up the sword, fight with all your blood, and fight to the end. I don’t need others to make decisions for me, no matter if he is a man or a god!”

Anthony's words were powerful and shocking.The god of magic and the god of battle qi who were in entanglement shook their bodies at the same time, and the confusion in their eyes gradually dissipated.

Yes, even in the face of the crisis of life and death, all you need is to stand up and resist, and there is no need to struggle and hesitate.Even though the words of the God of Light are true, his actions are at most upright and selfless, but they are too domineering and domineering, and he does not give others a chance to choose.

This is the God of Light they are familiar with, the domineering and invincible commander who is invincible in the battle of the gods; at the same time, he is also a domineering "tyrant" who rules the army with iron and blood and cannot tolerate a single voice of opposition.

It turned out that their former big brother had never changed.

It was only because of their different ideas that they embarked on the path of hostility.

The God of Light watched the changes in their faces, and finally sighed.

"So I said it at the beginning, explaining it, it is meaningless at all. Whether you know it or not, this battle is still inevitable."

His face turned serious, and he suddenly shouted: "Do it!"

He yelled violently, and it was the God of Magic and others who launched it first.

But the god of the sea and the other nine people were also prepared, and immediately went up to meet them.

The God of Light did not move.

Anthony also stood still.

The God of Magic did not pay attention to the God of the Sea and other nine people. The only enemy in his heart was the God of Light from the beginning to the end!
Today's encounter between the two parties can be described as the result of mutual calculations.

The God of Light knew that Anthony was bound to go to the Holy See of Light to destroy the last space-time anchor point, so he made a move early to teleport him to this subspace.

And the God of Magic will do whatever they can, so they simply come along and gather together.It is necessary to besiege the God of Light here, come to the bottom of the pot, and completely solve the basis of all problems.

However, seeing that the God of Light was not alone, and he was accompanied by the God of the Sea and other subordinates, they immediately realized that the other party was not unaware of their calculations.

But at this moment, calculation and planning have no meaning.

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

No matter how many ingenious ideas there are, they are useless at this moment.Only fists, only the simplest and most direct force, can solve all problems.

In the imagination of the God of Magic, the God of the Sea and others dared to take the initiative to greet them, that was beyond their control and extremely stupid.

Although there are nine of them, there are only three on my side.But the God of Magic and the God of Fighting Qi are both high-level divine powers, at the same level as the God of Light.

The two of them alone are enough for nine of them to drink a pot.What's more, although the goddess of fate is not a high-level divine power, she is mysterious and unpredictable, and no one can find out its depth, even the two of them are quite afraid.

On the other hand, the nine people on the opposite side, five gods including the god of the sea and the god of fire, two intermediate divine powers, and three elementary divine powers, are not at all comparable to those with advanced divine powers.

As for the four archangels such as Quan Angel who have not yet been promoted to the god position, they have no weight at all, and they belong to negligible roles. Shot is a big move, merciless.

The God of Fighting Qi and the Goddess of Fate are the same.

It's rare that the God of Light entrusted him with such great support, and he didn't cooperate with the God of the Sea and others.After taking care of these guys who are in the way, you can concentrate on dealing with the God of Light later.

The idea is good, but the reality has gone a little bit wrong.

The nine people, including the God of the Sea, who originally thought they were vulnerable, survived under their heavy punches!
(End of this chapter)

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