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Chapter 219 Sword Formation

Chapter 219 Sword Formation

This time the momentum was even bigger, and the huge flames almost filled the entire sky!

Seeing this, Zhu Yi's only worry disappeared completely!

Maybe, what I think is powerful is just for me personally!
Zhu Yi thought easily.

Feeling several skills that continued to appear in her mind, she chose the most powerful one!
I saw her close her eyes again and start brewing a real big move!

Yang Fan looked at Zhu Yi in the sky, felt the increasingly terrifying coercion between heaven and earth, and raised his eyebrows.

As expected of the "Yuan Ling Treasure Body", the ability to comprehend is not easy!

Yang Fan heard from Longshou that each person with different abilities has different abilities according to their talents, and the skills they can comprehend will not be the same, and the strength of their skills is also different!
This situation will become more obvious as the level of abilities gets higher and higher!
Generally, supernatural beings can comprehend at most one high-lethal skill, but Zhu Yi is obviously preparing for a second high-lethal skill now!
Above the sky, the clouds were dyed a hot red by the mysterious force!

Endless coercion overwhelming Yang Fan!
But Yang still watched with a calm face, completely unaffected by the terrifying coercion!

The hot breath in the sky kept rising, as if even the air was starting to burn.

Then, countless red spots of light suddenly appeared in the endless clouds!
Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be huge fireballs!
Fireballs covered the entire sky one after another. They exuded extremely hot flames from top to bottom, dragging long tails of flame, carrying endless coercion, and aimed directly at Yang Fan on the ground!

These fireballs were extremely hot, and the air began to twist wherever they passed!
This is a very shocking picture!

Under heaven and earth, there is only Yang Fan alone!
He raised his head and looked at the endless fireballs calmly!
The sky is full of fireballs, if anyone else is here, they will just shout "End of the world!"

Those who don't know will even think that Zhu Yi wants to kill Yang Fan!
Only Zhu Yi, who has blindly worshiped Yang Fan, would use this kind of destructive move without any scruples!

Countless fireballs covered thousands of meters of space, making people have no chance to run!

Of course, Yang Fan would not run away!

However, Zhu Yi's skill is indeed powerful, and Yang Fan's actual level is only Huang level, although his combat power has reached the prefecture level standard.

Faced with such a big move, it is obviously unrealistic to use "fire control".

Then, Yang Fan's heart skipped a beat.

In this case, the trick of using the new skills should be fine!

Then, I saw Yang Fan pointing at each other into a sword, slowly raised his hand, and pointed his sword at the endless fireball in the sky!

Yang Fan said a few words lightly!
In an instant, there seemed to be a sound of "Weng" in the whole space!
Endless murderous air began to spread!
In the air, streams of transparent sword energy continued to form around Yang Fan.

Soon, almost tens of thousands of sword qi covered thousands of meters of space around Yang Fan!
The tens of thousands of sword qi and the countless fireballs rushing down are facing each other far away, the fierce momentum and the scorching breath are equal to each other!
Zhu Yi in the air looked at Yang Fan who was surrounded by countless sword qi, and a hint of fascination flashed in his eyes!
"Brother Fan is really handsome..."

she murmured.

Maybe it was because of the distance, or maybe it was also because of the aura of the big move, Yang Fan's "Wan Jianjue" did not have much impact on Zhu Yi.

The falling momentum of the fireball in the sky is getting faster, the flame tail is getting longer and longer, and the momentum is getting more and more terrifying!
Yang Fan smiled lightly and said softly, "Go!"

In an instant, Wan Daojian became angry!
A stream of sword energy made ripples in the air to meet the fireball!

A sword energy passed through the fireball, and the fireball burst instantly, turning into a cloud of fire in the air!
Sword Qi passes through the fireball one after another, and each sword Qi can make a fireball burst!
All of a sudden, the whole sky seemed to be set off with fireworks, and there were fire clouds bursting from fireballs everywhere!
But the fireballs seem to be endless, even if they are destroyed all the time, there will be new fireballs to make up for them in the next moment!

Of course, Yang Fan's sword energy also seems to be inexhaustible. Sword energy continuously condenses and forms in the air, and then rushes towards the fireball!

Zhu Yi's skill is called "Meteor Fire Rain", which is one of the super high damage fire abilities!

In fact, it is not surprising that some supernatural beings will comprehend the same supernatural skills, especially for low-level supernatural abilities. Many people of the same department will comprehend the same supernatural skills.

Only those with high talents comprehend skills that are different from others and more powerful!

Few people can comprehend the same top supernatural skills!
But there are always exceptions to everything.

A hundred years ago, someone had comprehended the "Meteor Fire Rain". At that time, that supernatural being didn't know why he used this skill to forcefully destroy a city with a population of one million!

Such a frenzied behavior naturally caused a huge shock in the supernatural world!
Naturally, the end of that supernatural being is also very tragic!
It was also with this incident as an introduction that the "International Supernatural Alliance" began to formulate the Supernatural Person Act, and began to use coercive means to regulate the behavior of all superhuman beings in the world!

Of course, this ability was also recorded by the "International Ability Alliance" at the same time, and at the same time, it was classified as a "taboo ability!"

This is what Yang Fan found by chance at the headquarters of Xuanyuan Longwei. Unexpectedly, Zhu Yi, a girl, also comprehended this "taboo ability!"

It can be said that it is taboo, after all, its coverage area is too wide, and its lethality is too terrifying!
This skill, theoretically, as long as your spirit is not exhausted, it can be released forever!

It is indeed a perverted skill that can be called cheating!
Of course, this is also the case for many ultra-high lethal abilities among the sky-level abilities!

The supernatural skills that will be included as "taboo" by the "International Supernatural Federation" almost all have such a characteristic that they can theoretically be released endlessly!
The sword energy and the fireball were still colliding, Yang Fan frowned, knowing that unless Zhu Yi was subdued, this situation couldn't be stopped at all!
However, before subduing Zhu Yi's sister, Yang Fan has to test another skill!
Zhu Yi is relying on him to practice, and Yang Fan is relying on Zhu Yi to test new skills!
I saw Yang Fan still pointed like a sword, and then swiped towards the void!
All the sword energy suddenly trembled, and then began to follow some kind of mysterious trajectory!

Ripples continuously appeared in the air, and with the countless sword qi flying in a certain mysterious trajectory, it seemed to have some strange resonance!

For a moment, there seemed to be some kind of abnormal sound in the air again, and the next moment, the whole world seemed to resonate with countless sword qi, as if the air had become thicker, and the falling speed of countless fireballs began to slow down!
"Sword formation!"

Yang Fan's professional "Sword Cultivator" currently has three skills, "Sword Qi, Sword Formation, Ten Thousand Swords!"

Sword Qi is a single target attack.

Sword formation is obviously a control skill.

Wan Jianjue is naturally a group attack!

Yang Fan's sword formation was so abnormal that it actually covered the entire space of the "Boundary Stone"!
 The second update!
(End of this chapter)

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