Take the game to the city

Chapter 220 Phoenix Spirit Bodyguard

Chapter 220 Phoenix Spirit Bodyguard
Endless sword qi criss-crossed, and the entire space of the "Boundary Stone" was shrouded in fierce aura!
The speed of the endless fireballs falling in the sky has become slower and slower, and it seems to be frozen in the air from a distance.

In the air, Zhu Yi's whole body was stiff, only the huge fire wings on his back were instinctively supporting him.

The extremely fierce sword energy naturally enveloped her in the middle, and under the pressure of this terrifying sword array, she felt that the blood in her whole body was about to freeze!

She was sweating on her forehead and bit her lip.

"It's so uncomfortable, I feel like I can't support it anymore..."

Zhu Yisu clenched his fists and breathed extremely heavily!
Suddenly, she struggled to open her eyes, turned her head with difficulty, and looked deeply at Yang Fan on the ground!
"No! Brother Fan doesn't intend to kill me, but if I can't even overcome this difficulty, how can I be qualified to be his sharp sword!"

A trace of firmness flashed in Zhu Yi's eyes, and in his black and white eyes, it seemed that a hot flame began to spread!
She didn't see any movement, a transparent red shield appeared and wrapped her up!

Feeling the fearful aura of the sharp sword energy being cut off a lot by the shield, Zhu Yi breathed a sigh of relief!


Yang Fan nodded slightly when he saw that Zhu Yi was already enveloped in the fiery red shield.

It seems that I don't need to be particularly worried, after all, it is the "Yuan Ling Bao Physique", regardless of its will or talent, it is transcendent!
Then, he moved his sword finger and said lightly: "Mie!"

In an instant, Endless Sword moved!
The murderous aura between heaven and earth seemed to be real, and terrifying sword auras streaked across the air, distorting the entire space!

Countless fireballs instantly shattered, leaving behind an endless sea of ​​flames!
Under the terrifying power of endless sword energy, Zhu Yi was like a boat in the sea, crumbling to pieces!
The protective shields around her had already been shattered, and under the endless coercion, even her thinking began to stagnate, leaving only one thought struggling to support her!
Yang Fan's control over the sword array was excellent, and none of the countless sword qi touched Zhu Yi!

However, the killing spirit of the sword array is too heavy, Zhu Yike has never experienced blood and fire fighting, and it is difficult to resist this level of fear at the level of will!
And just when Yang Fan was about to undo the sword formation skills, Zhu Yi in the sky had a new change!

Hearing a clear cry that resounded through the heaven and earth, a huge bird-shaped creature made of flames appeared around Zhu Yi from the direction of Zhu Yi!
Yang Fan's eyes were filled with black mist, and he looked at Zhu Yi.

Under the observation of "Eye of Delusion", Yang Fan could clearly see the situation around Zhu Yi.

The fire bird flying around Zhu Yi is like the legendary "Phoenix" form!
The flames emitted by the phoenix were extremely terrifying. Wherever it passed, the air was scorched and distorted, and the surrounding sword energy was naturally silently melted away!
At this time, Zhu Yi's eyes were closed, his hair was flying, he was wearing a warm red shirt, with huge fire wings on his back, and firebirds and phoenixes were flying around, like a goddess of the Phoenix who descended from the sky!
"This skill is interesting! Judging by the aura of this big bird, it seems that it is not just as simple as a defensive skill!"

Yang Fan murmured with a faint smile.

"It seems that you can try it!"

Seeing that Zhu Yi's potential was further stimulated, he changed his mind.

I saw that Yang Fan's sword finger changed again, and the five sword qi in the sword formation shot at Zhu Yi with faint ripples in the air!
However, the five sword qi disappeared ten meters away from Zhu Yi!

Of course, it didn't disappear out of thin air. Yang Fan keenly noticed that when the sword energy approached Zhu Yi, the red shield disappeared in a flash!
Not bad!

Yang Fan nodded, and then began to direct again!
This time, it is ten!

Ten sharp sword qi rushed towards Zhu Yi, but still did not arouse the slightest reaction!
A little tricky...

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows.

Then his sword finger changed again, and fifty sword qi rushed towards Zhu Yi with terrifying power!

However, it is still useless!
one hundred...

Three hundred...

Five hundred...

When the number increased to one thousand, the fire phoenix who had been leisurely surrounding Zhu Yifei finally responded!

I saw it gently flap its wings in front of Qiandao Sword Qi, and a halo of flames spread out in all directions!
In an instant, the flame halo shattered the thousand sword qi!
good!Yang Fan nodded again.

Although Qiandao Sword Qi only belongs to a very small part of the power in the sword formation, its power is not something ordinary earth-level supernatural beings can resist!
Then, Yang Fan activated the sword array again!
He wanted to see if he could try out the upper limit of Zhu Yi's guardian ability and his own sword formation!
Thousands of sword qi criss-crossed, and the extremely fierce aura pressed towards the fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix was not to be outdone, with a cry and a flap of its wings, a stronger ring of fire spread out. This time, the ten thousand sword qi and the ring of fire disappeared at the same time!

Yang Fan moved his sword again, and this time, the entire sword array began to work!
The reason why the sword array is strong is that after forming an array, the power is superimposed, and it can also use the power of heaven and earth to increase its power again!

Countless sword qi enveloped the phoenix, with a destructive aura!
The fire phoenix also seemed to have a spirituality, making a shocking cry, and the air around it seemed to start to burn, turning fiery red!
The space is distorting, this scorching flame seems to be able to burn even the space!
The sword qi staggered, constantly disappearing in the flames, and the space trembled, as if it might not be able to bear it in the next moment and collapsed!
In the end, it was Yang Fan who canceled the sword formation on his own initiative!
Zhu Yi's guardian ability is very powerful, unless it is a life-and-death battle, the two of them can only be in such a stalemate!

Yang Fan did not use the real power of the sword array, because the strength limit of both sides has been tested so far.

The fire phoenix is ​​still flying around Zhu Yi in the sky, but it can be clearly seen that the flames are much dimmer than before.

Zhu Yi still had his eyes closed, but his face was obviously much paler.

The sword formation disappeared, as if the fire phoenix also knew the danger was over, and slowly disappeared into the air.

At this time, Zhu Yi slowly opened his eyes.

She looked around in a daze, and found that she was naturally in the air!
He turned his head to look at Yang Fan on the ground, and seeing Yang Fan smiling and waving at her, she controlled Huo Yi to land slowly.

Standing on the ground, he and she felt dizzy as soon as they put away the fire wings!
Yang Fan, who had been watching Zhu Yi not far away, saw that she was shaking, and appeared next to her in an instant with a movement of his feet, and supported her in time.

"how do you feel?"

Yang Fan supported Zhu Yi's back with one hand and asked with concern.

Seeing Yang Fan approaching so close and feeling the strong and warm hand on his back, Zhu Yi blushed unconsciously, and said softly, "It's okay, just a little dizzy."

Yang Fan observed Zhu Yi, and saw that she was caused by excessive energy consumption.

He held the "Boundary Stone" in his hand, and the surrounding environment changed instantly when his heart moved!

The house that was razed to the ground by the huge force was directly restored, and Yang Fan and Zhu Yi appeared in the room again.

Asking Zhu Yi to sit on the sofa, Yang Fan turned over his hand and took out a fruit that looked like a peach for Zhu Yi.

"Eat it and feel better!"

Yang Fan said.

Zhu Yi took the fruit and took a bite.

In an instant, she felt a sweet and fragrant taste filling her entire mouth!
Unconsciously, she had already eaten the whole fruit!
Yang Fan watched Zhu Yi's face quickly turn from white to rosy, and he was completely relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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