Take the game to the city

Chapter 269 Knocking Mountains and Shocking Tigers

Chapter 269 Knocking the Mountain and Shaking the Tiger (I wish everyone a happy National Day!)

Deng family.


Patriarch Deng Linqi's chest heaved violently, his pupils were red, and he kicked the reporting subordinate away!
"You bastard, you're so audacious!"

He couldn't help being angry. In one day, the heaven-level peak priest who had been hired at a huge price fell, and even his two sons are now unconscious!

When he saw the miserable appearance of his two sons mummified in the private hospital, he was really distressed and angry!

He was so angry, he was going crazy!
"Check it out for me, check it out hard! I have to find out those bastards before tomorrow, especially that woman!"

Deng Lin's voice became hoarse because he was too angry.

"If you can't find out, you don't have to come back!"

Deng Lin glared at his subordinates, and said slowly and gloomyly.

The subordinate kneeling on the ground trembled violently, and quickly promised to find out.

After all, they know their origins, so it won't be too difficult to find out.

As his subordinates left, Deng Lin slowly sat back on his seat, his face twitched, and his fists suddenly hit hard, making a scalp-numbing "click".

Yang Fan and his three daughters sat in the special car sent by the "Wang Ting".

Linglan had already been picked up by Longwei's people, which also made Yang Fan lament Longwei's powerful intelligence capabilities.

"Brother Fan, although we didn't kill the enshrined members of the Deng family, they also caused conflicts because of us. Will the Deng family blame us?"

Li Qian said to Yang Fan.

Zhang Yi and Zhu Yi also looked at Yang Fan with worry. They were not worried about comforting themselves. They just felt that this matter was all because of themselves. Doom!

Although "Wang Ting" dominates the shopping mall in Province H, it is too weak in the face of the Supernatural Association behind the Deng family!

Yang Fan smiled and said casually: "The Deng family can't do anything to us, and the Ability Association won't make things difficult for us!"

The three women were amazed by Yang Fan's confidence, but affected by Yang Fan's strong confidence, they couldn't help but relax a lot!

At this time, Yang Fan's cell phone rang.

He looked down and saw that the note was "Silly Girl". Without hesitation, he hung up the phone.

But soon the phone came again, but Yang Fan let it ring and didn't answer it.

Yang Fan knew who this silly girl was calling on behalf of at this time, so he didn't bother to answer.

The phone call stopped after a long time. Yang Fan waited for a while, but the other party had obviously given up.

But the next moment, Yang Fan received a message on his phone.

"Yang Fan, why don't you answer the phone? I know you're here!"

"I don't want to take it."

Yang Fan replied.

On the other end of the phone, Bai Zhi became angry for a moment, she stomped her feet angrily, and snorted, "This bastard!"

Taking a breath, she bit her lip and moved her slender hand quickly on the phone screen.

"You seriously injured the two young masters of the Deng family. This matter caused a lot of trouble in the Supernatural Association. Although they were also at fault, it seemed too much for you to seriously injure them. Longshou said that you don't have to take the responsibility. What responsibility, but I still have to apologize and express my opinion!"

"Don't go."

"Hey! This is your fault. Most of the responsibility will be erased by you. You only need to apologize, and you won't lose anything!"

"I don't bother them and they should be thankful. My apology, they can't afford it. Don't say that Long Wei doesn't know what I have. I can go if you really want to, but if there are any consequences, don't blame me for my lack of weight. "

When Bai Zhi saw this message, she was not angry and just fell silent.

Yes, Yang Fan has the confidence!
Long Wei has counted how many contacts his "Wang Ting" has expanded through the two miraculous pills, "Beauty Pill" and "Longevity Medicine".

Yes, it has always been said that supernatural beings are above ordinary people, but in fact supernatural beings can only be said to be attached to ordinary people!
After all, supernatural beings also need to eat, drink, and scatter, and they also need the material life provided by ordinary people!
Dragon Guard Headquarters, Dragon Head Office.

"Sure enough, he really refused!"

Long Shou smiled wryly.

Bai Zhi looked at Long Shou dissatisfied and said, "Uncle Long, since you expected that he would not agree, why do you still need me to persuade you?"

"Although this is the case, I still have to try it, but think about it, a young man like him is just at the age of pride and strength, and the main fault is not him. It's just like this, things are a little troublesome... ..."

Long Shou said helplessly.

Bai Zhi blinked and said, "Uncle Long, don't you have a good relationship with Uncle Ximen Lang, the president of the Supernatural Association? Isn't this a matter of his words?"

"Deng Lin made a big fuss about this matter in the Ability Association, and Ximen Lang didn't say anything. If he makes a decision forcefully, it will easily cause turmoil in the Ability Association!"

Longshou sighed.

After a while, he suddenly laughed.

Bai Zhi looked at the dragon head inexplicably.

"But that's good too. The Deng family has really been too jumpy recently. It's a shock to let them suffer this time. The Zhou family wants to release these people as cannon fodder and watch the fire from the other side. It's not so easy! This incident also made me wake up. We backed down too much!"

There was a gleam of light in Longshou's eyes.

"Then...Sister Linglan..."

"Linglan, let her have a good rest. An old guy at the peak of the sky is actually bullying the small. I haven't asked them about this. They still have the guts to trouble us? The end of the Holy Emperor is approaching, and some ghosts and snakes Jumped out, if we can't suppress it forcefully, when the foreign enemy doesn't come, we will be in chaos first!"

Ji family.

With a slight smile, Ji Xinyue thought to herself, sure enough, the place where you appear will not be peaceful!
Then she looked at the bodyguard in front of her, this is the supernatural person sent by the family to protect her, the peak of the prefecture level.

"I heard that the Zhou family is planning on Yang Keke?"


The bodyguard has a stern face, a tall and straight body, and is meticulous. He was also sent by Ji Xinyue to collect information. Yang Keke's information is the first. Although Yang Keke has changed his name, the bodyguard knows.

"You go to Zhou's house and tell them that Yang Ke is not something they can get their hands on! If they disagree, then..."

Speaking of this, Ji Xinyue's eyes rarely flashed a cold light.

The Zhou family's ambitions are well known, if they don't agree, the Ji family will have an excuse to take measures!
Zhu family.

Zhu Ling said coldly in front of Mr. Zhu: "Grandpa, the Zhou family wants to have an idea of ​​Yang Fan's younger sister. I think we should warn you..."

(End of this chapter)

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