270 Union
Liu family.

The turmoil was approaching, and Liu Mian was naturally called back to the family.

He wore a white shirt that had never changed since ancient times, his face was calm and handsome, and his gestures and gestures were overwhelmingly noble.

The men dressed in black were standing in front of him and reporting what happened in Huaxia recently.

The intelligence network strength of each of the five major families is strong, and Longwei naturally knows the situation of Yang Fan and others in the trading market.

"This guy is quite capable of tossing!"

Liu Mian took a sip of tea lightly, with a smile in his eyes.

It is true that he and Yang Fan are rivals in love, but they also cherish each other. Yang Fan looks ordinary on the outside, but what he does is not simple.

The most important thing is that Yang Fan seems to be indifferent to everything and has a peaceful personality, but the arrogance and self-confidence in his bones are very appetizing to him.

"The Zhou family wants to marry the Dong family?"

"Yes, the two have been discussing this matter recently!"

The men answered.

"Do you know what the Dong family girl thinks?"

The men froze for a moment.

Liu Mian smiled.

"It must be because he didn't want to. His sister didn't like Zhou Yushu when he was in school, and that guy even warned Zhou Yushu many times!"

The men were silent.

Liu Mian put down the teacup, and gently rubbed the edge of the teacup with his slender fingers.

"Zhou Yushu is also a young genius, but this time he really made a bad move. Go ahead and tell Zhou Yushu that he can't move the girl from the Dong family."

Wang family.


Wang Gan slapped the table hard with his big hand, and the whole table trembled under the tremendous force.

"Damn it, Zhou Yushu's dead face was kicked by a donkey? That guy's woman, bah! How dare my sister move?"

They are all young geniuses, without a bright mind and high understanding, it is naturally impossible to have the current strength. Even Wang Gan, who seems to be simple-minded, is only rough on the outside, but shrewd on the inside.

Zhou Yushu had been entangled with Yang Keke in school before. This time Yang Keke just returned to the Dong family, and the Zhou family was planning to marry. The Dong family is only a second-rate family, and the marriage of the Zhou family will not benefit much.

Therefore, the leader of all this is obvious!
Wang Qian had the deepest impression on Yang Fan, not only when chatting together, the younger sister on the left was smart and the younger sister on the right was cute and considerate. Although Yang Fan pretended to be indifferent, which one of them was not shrewd?I have already seen through Yang Fan's sister control attributes!

Especially when it was clearly Zhou Yushu who tricked Yang Fan's sister out, but because he felt that Yang Fan had robbed Zhu Ling, he intentionally and vaguely guided Yang Fan to tie Yang Keke.

And the shadow caused by that experience still exists in Wang Gan's heart until now!

The original Yang Fan was unable to cause substantial harm to him. After all, his body was very strong, but Yang Fan's ability was very strange. Although he couldn't hurt him, it caused him great pain!

And Yang Fan's speed is too fast!
He thought, if he didn't take the initiative to admit defeat that day, he would probably be tortured crazy by Yang Fan!

From then on, he knew how important Yang Keke was to Yang Fan!
Now Zhou Yushu, an idiot, dared to attack that guy's sister, really felt that he didn't die fast enough?

"Go, warn that dead face, if he dares to touch Yang Keke, I will be the first to let him go!"

Wang Gan snorted coldly and said to his subordinates.

Zhou family.

"Ji family, Zhu family, Liu family, Wang family..."

"Are these families planning to join forces to deal with my Zhou family?"

Zhou Chuang, the Patriarch of the Zhou family, turned pale.

This is the meeting hall of the Zhou family, with Zhou Chuang as the main seat, and the core members of the family from left to right. They have high positions and powers and control many resources of the family.

"Patriarch, I don't think their purpose is to target the daughter of the Dong family, but to use this to target our Zhou family! We have been developing in a low-key way because they have never united, and it is precisely because they have not united that we can have room for low-key development. ! This is a conspiracy, if we refuse, they must have an interface against us!"

It was an old man who spoke. He is an existence at the level of the head of the family and an elder, and the right to speak is very important.

Others who were attracted by the elder's words nodded their heads. No one would think that the purpose of these people coming to warn was really just for a girl.

"Do you think they know the purpose of our marriage with the Dong family?"

A member on the right suddenly spoke up.

The crowd fell silent for a while.

"What we have planned has a lot to do with it. Although the body of pure silver is important, it cannot destroy the event we have planned for so long, even if there is a slight possibility!"

Zhou Chuang looked around at the crowd, and finally spoke slowly.

Everyone was silent again, and the Patriarch's speech was naturally decided.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Zhou Yushu, who was on the lower left of Zhou Chuang, and sighed in their hearts.

Cooperating with the "Body of Pure Silver" can quickly improve the ability. Zhou Yushu is only at the peak of the Xuan level now, and if he misses this time, the chance of advancing in the future will be even slimmer!

Zhou Yushu's face was gloomy and cold at this time, and the people around him could feel the coldness emanating from him after a few steps!
But Zhou Yushu was not as angry as the people around him thought.

The "body of pure silver" is all nonsense, it's just an excuse he made to marry Yang Keke!

Although he was surprised that there really was a "body of pure silver" in this world, he was certain that it would never be Yang Keke!

Because when the Dong family appraised Yang Keke, Yang Keke was simply an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary!
Before the meeting ended, Zhou Chuang glanced at his son and found that he was still extremely cold, so he sighed helplessly in his heart.

He knew that his proud son had genuine affection for the Dong family girl, but in front of the great family business, all personal feelings had to be put aside!
Zhou Yushu's room.

"Hehehe... Hahaha... I really have a big face, I can let this group of people come together to warn me!"

Zhou Yushu sat on the chair and suddenly laughed nervously in a low voice.

"Why didn't you see Xuanyuan Longwei coming to warn me? Isn't that kid from Longwei?"

Zhou Yushu looked gloomy at his subordinates who were trembling in front of him, and said slowly.

"Young...young master, Xuanyuan Longwei just asked someone to bring a message..."

The subordinate said nervously that he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Zhou Yushu.

Zhou Yushu's tyranny is well known in the Zhou family. If he disagreed with him, he would kill his subordinates. If he hadn't been very generous when he was in a good mood, and his attitude towards them could even be said to be approachable, these people would have left long ago!
After his subordinates left, Zhou Yushu sat silently, his fingers unconsciously rubbing the black bracelet on his right hand, expressionless.

After a long time, his eyes finally moved.

He lowered his head slowly, looked at the black bracelet, and muttered to himself.

"Very good, you are all here, very good! Do you really think that I, Zhou Yushu, are easy to bully? You forced me to!"

There was a ferocious arc on the corner of Zhou Yushu's mouth, and a look of madness flashed on his face!

"Brother, you haven't sent me a video for a long time!"

On the other side of the screen, Yang Keke pursed his lips and said angrily.

Yang Fan smiled helplessly, this girl, the video I sent her just yesterday, actually talked for a long time, don't we two be in the same dimension?

"I don't care, I just feel that time has passed for a long time!"

Yang Keke rolled her eyes coquettishly.


Yang Fan touched his nose, well, everything my sister says is right.

(End of this chapter)

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