Take the game to the city

Chapter 305 Lightning Field

Chapter 305 Lightning Field
A hot wind suddenly blew up in the entire world of "Boundary Stone", and the wind was mixed with the power of lightning!

The transformed buildings around were torn apart by the impact, the trees were toppled here and there, a large piece of concrete floor was lifted, and the sky was full of dust.

The power of the peak of the sky level is so terrifying!
"Fuck, is there such an operation?"

At this moment, Duan Liang was obviously stunned for a moment. He hadn't expected Zhu Yi to attack against attack at all.

Originally, according to his thinking, although this move was not a top-level supernatural move, the super lethality of the lightning talent was enough to make it as powerful as the top moves of other supernatural powers.

If this trick is resisted by Zhu Yi, Zhu Yi will definitely feel uncomfortable, and then he persuades him softly, showing his warm and masculine side again.

If the other party doesn't listen, then the next move will definitely make the other party lose, and then they can justifiably ask Yang Fan for her!

However, it made him a little embarrassed that Zhu Yi didn't follow the routine at all.

Behind Duan Liangcai, the members of the Dong family waved their hands and opened up the thick smoke around them.

At this time, their hair was almost standing on end. The power generated by the collision of the two abilities just now was not small. Although it was just the aftermath, it also made them feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, the tallest of all of them is just a middle-aged man in a black suit who is acting as the head of the family, at the early stage of the heavenly level.

The rest are at most prefecture-level, and more are yellow-level.

They looked at the scene shrouded in smoke and dust in horror, speechless for a long time.

Is this the power collision of the peak of the sky?horrible!

Just the aftermath of the force collision made them so embarrassed, if they got closer, wouldn't they be instantly killed? !
Everyone stared wide-eyed at the center of the field, wondering if that beauty still blocked it?

When the smoke and dust cleared, everyone was amazed that the two of them were still standing there, their positions hadn't changed, and their bodies were still spotless.

Could it be that the first trick was just a test?
Such a thought flashed through everyone's mind.

On Yang Fan's side, the smoke and aftermath of power were blocked by invisible forces before they were 30 meters away from Yang Fan.

"Brother, can sister Zhu Yi resist Duan Liangcai's three moves? If she can't stop brother, will she make a move?"

Yang Keke asked curiously.

Yang Fan laughed at Yang Ke, and said, "Zhu Yi won't lose, unless Duan Liang can raise his supernatural power level to break through the peak of the heavenly level!"

Zhu Yi's phoenix guardian ability is invincible in the same class. Even his own sword energy that can instantly kill the peak of the sky can't break through her defense in a short time. One can imagine her defense. How powerful it is!
Unless Duan Liang can use power beyond the heavens, he will not be able to break through Zhu Yi's defense even if he uses taboo abilities.

And if Duan Liang really breaks through the sky level...

"If he dares to use power that surpasses the heavenly level, then he will seek his own death!"

Yang Fan said casually.

Yang Keke nodded, looking at Duan Liangcai with pity.

Although Duan Liangcai complained in his heart, the game still had to continue.

Although he really wanted to say that Zhu Yi had fouled, he didn't mention that he must resist the other party before. Now he is not only suspected of cheating, but may even be considered by others as having no confidence in himself!

He is unwilling to show his timidity in front of so many people!

"The beauty is a bit strong, but I will be serious next time. If you feel that you can't resist, don't hold on. I don't want my wife to get hurt!"

Still thinking about taking advantage of him, Zhu Yi's eyes became colder!
"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up if you want to make a move!"

Zhu Yi shouted coldly.

Duan Liangcai was not angry either, the more personality Zhu Yi had, the more he liked it.

Then he got more serious.

I saw him waving his hands, and the surrounding lightning elements began to gather.

Zhu Yi's face was serious, ready to fight.

She could feel that she was surrounded by a large amount of lightning, and the electrostatic field generated by the flickering lightning made her hair start to fly, and at the same time, her skin began to feel a tingling pain.

Duan Liangcai continued to wave his hands. The next moment, he clenched his hands. In an instant, five washbasin-sized thunderballs appeared not far from Zhu Yi!
The five thunderballs slowly revolved around Zhu Yi, and the lightning around Zhu Yi became more and more. At the moment when the thunderballs formed, Zhu Yi felt that his body began to become heavy, as if he had fallen into another space Same!
"Beauty, you can think that this belongs to my lightning domain. This domain not only doubles the power of lightning, but also has a confinement effect!"

Duan Liangcai explained on the side.

Zhu Yi didn't speak, and the fire abilities around him began to riot.

Duan Liangcai's supernatural skill is really powerful, it has double effects, it can indeed be called a "field"!

But Zhu Yi didn't panic in the slightest. She had never met an opponent of the same level since she broke through to the peak of the heavenly level. She was very excited that this time she would have the chance to actually fight!

She had fought against Yang Fan a lot before, but the difference in strength between her and Yang Fan was too great, and the effect she got was not very obvious.

I saw Zhu Yi's heart move, the huge wings of fire behind him stretched out, and the powerful momentum radiated, even making the movement of the five thunder balls around slightly stagnant!
The next moment, a scorching breath erupted from below, and five huge pillars of fire shot up into the sky!


The pillar of fire collided with the thunderball, and a huge wave erupted!

The faces of the members of the Dong family behind Duan Liangcai also froze at the same time. They had seen such a powerful ability trap Zhu Yi, and felt that it was a matter of time before Zhu Yi lost this time, but they didn't expect that Zhu Yi would still be there. The ability to fight back!
The middle-aged man in a black suit frowned, Zhu Yi's strength was somewhat beyond his expectations.

At the previous moment, like everyone else, he believed that Zhu Yi's defeat was a foregone conclusion.

Unlike others, the reason why he is so sure is because he was lucky enough to see a strong thunder master perform a similar ability.

The person who was trapped in this lightning domain that time was a wind-type superpower. He watched with his own eyes that the wind-type strong man whose strength was no less than that thunder-type superpower was tortured by the thunder in the lightning domain. Dying!
Therefore, the middle-aged man guessed that the confinement effect of the Thunder and Lightning Domain could not only confine the body of a person with supernatural powers, but even suppress supernatural powers!
However, seeing Zhu Yi's strong counterattack, he began to wonder if the so-called Lightning Field was just a vain name?

Or, did this sky-level peak powerhouse let go?Or simply say that he is not proficient in controlling this ability at all so that he can give that girl an opportunity?
However, the middle-aged man didn't know, his guesses were all wrong!
Duan Liangcai did not say that he was proficient in the field of thunder and lightning to the level of a master, but he definitely mastered the basic essence of it, and releasing water is even more nonsense!
The reason why Zhu Yi can fight back is because she is too strong!

(End of this chapter)

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