Take the game to the city

Chapter 306 Broken

Chapter 306 Broken

Yes, but Zhu Yi is too strong!

Zhu Yi's talent is very terrifying. It can be seen from the fact that she raised her ability to the peak of the heavenly level in less than a month after awakening.

In the recent actual battle with Yang Fan, although she didn't make much progress, Yang Fan taught her the basic skills of how to see through the opponent's strength and weakness.

This benefited Zhu Yi a lot.

Yang Fan's ability to teach Zhu Yi naturally relied on the ability of "Eye of Delusion Breaking".

As far as it is now, Yang Fan can see through the opponent's strength and weakness even if he doesn't open the "Eye of Delusion Breaking" when he is facing a peak of heaven.

In fact, in the final analysis, although he learned this trick, the "Eye of Delusion Breaking" is of course indispensable, but also because Yang Fan has more actual combat, he has truly mastered the skill of seeing through the opponent's weaknesses over time.

This time I taught this skill to Zhu Yi, and Zhu Yi used it in no time.

Facing the field composed of five thunderballs, Zhu Yi didn't think too much.

From her point of view, since the source of power is these five thunderballs, then breaking them is fine!
It's just that if other people know Zhu Yi's simple idea, they will definitely scoff!

Who would have thought of this method?
If the five purple lightning balls were so easy to hit, how could the supernatural beings who were defeated by the lightning balls lose?

As the source of power output, the thunderball itself has a very strong defense. People who were trapped in the thunderball in the past have been greatly suppressed from using abilities to defend, let alone using abilities. I can try to break the thunderball in vain!
But why is Zhu Yi unaffected by the seal of the domain?
Almost no one noticed that just before Duan Liangcai's lightning domain was formed, Zhu Yi released a defensive ability!
Zhu Yi named it "Resist the Ring of Fire!"

Although the name of this trick is the same as the mage skill in an ancient online game, its power is much higher than it!
Although the ability level of this "resist ring of fire" ability is not up to the level of taboo ability, it is infinitely close!
"Resisting the Fire Ring" not only isolates all the power of lightning, but also greatly weakens the power of confinement!

Of course, this is also because Zhu Yi and Duan Liangcai's ability levels are equal, and this move has such a good effect. If it is a low-level player, even if they use this ability, they still can't resist the power of the Thunder and Lightning Domain!

Five terrifying pillars of fire collided with five thunderballs, and there was a stalemate. After a while, there was a sudden "boom"!
The two incompatible forces finally broke out in the collision!

The power of the ripples produced by this explosion is much higher than that produced by the first energy collision!
The Dong family behind Duan Liangcai was instantly overwhelmed by this energy ripple!
Even the middle-aged man in a black suit was pushed back several steps!

He looked at the center of the field, and the horror in his eyes couldn't be hidden!
Is this the power of the peak of the sky?
Moreover, this time it is only the force generated by the collision of two forces, and it has not yet reached the time of real explosion!
The power of the peak of the sky is really terrifying!

Although Fire Pillar and Thunder Ball are not taboo-level supernatural moves, they are infinitely close!

Yang Fan looked at the scene quietly. The surrounding original buildings were swept away by the ripples generated by two energy storms, and now they have turned into flat ground!

However, he didn't show much interest. After all, he had experienced a lot of real big scenes, and the people he fought against were at least heaven-level existences, let alone Zhou Yushu, who had directly entered the king-level, beating and maiming later!
At this time, Duan Liang had already discovered that Zhu Yi could resist his lightning field, and feeling bad, he immediately increased his control over the lightning field.


Numbing electric current sounded everywhere, and everyone could see that the intensity of the arc emitted by the five thunderballs was also getting higher and higher. Many arcs hit around Zhu Yi, but they were all covered by the fiery red shield around Zhu Yi. Cover to block.

At the same time, the five pillars of fire became more and more powerful!

Duan Liang is worthy of being a very talented supernatural being, and Zhu Yi's powerful Huo Zhu can only be in a stalemate with his Thunder and Lightning Domain at the moment!
But Duan Liangcai was very depressed at this moment.

Originally, he was very confident in this supernatural skill, thinking that he would definitely be able to win Zhu Yi this time, but he didn't expect that this girl who had just entered the peak realm of the heavenly level would be so tenacious. He played to the extreme, but he still couldn't help Zhu Yi!

As for Zhu Yi, although it is relatively easy for her to resist this lightning field, the current state is not the result she wants!
"The power of the five lightning balls in the lightning field is integrated. If you want to break through, you can only choose to concentrate on breaking one of the lightning balls. If one of the lightning balls is broken, the entire lightning field will no longer be stable. It has no power at all!"

Zhu Yi secretly thought.

This is the basic theoretical method that Yang Fan taught her to break the opponent's ability.

Of course, this is just a basic theory. In a battle of strength, one needs to make a careful judgment on the power distribution of the opponent's abilities, and analyze specific issues.

And this skill, Zhu Yi also learned it!

Suddenly, she noticed that the power of one of the thunderballs fluctuated slightly. Although the fluctuation was relatively subtle and only for a moment, she was still noticed by her who had been observing closely!

"It's now!"

With a move of Zhu Yisu's hand, the five huge pillars of fire erupted with strong power and began to merge with each other!
At this time, the world was already very dark, the sky was dark clouds, and the surroundings were surrounded by violent winds caused by violent energy. The world was in turmoil, which made the surrounding Dong family members tremble with fear!

This is the reason why supernatural beings, especially advanced supernatural beings, cannot conflict in the real world!

With such power, the aftermath of the energy generated by the fight between two high-level supernatural beings is enough to destroy a small city!
The destructive power is about the same as the taboo ability!
At this moment, Zhu Yi had already controlled the five pillars of fire to fuse together, and the tyrannical, hot, and violent pillar of fire hit the thunder ball discovered by Zhu Yi in an extremely violent manner!

The thunderball exploded!Countless electric arcs spread around, scaring Dong Jiasheng behind Duan Liangcai back tens of meters again!

But even so, they still felt a tingling pain on their skin from being hit by the force of lightning!
Yang Fan looked at the position of the thunderball that was destroyed by the impact of the fused fire pillar, and nodded slightly.

This girl Zhu Yi is indeed terrifyingly talented. She actually saw through the unstable nodes in the energy of the thunder ball, and then boldly merged the five pillars of fire.

This requires not only talent and understanding, but also great courage!

You must know that these five pillars of fire are for her to resist the field of thunder and lightning. If she misjudged or the thunder ball changes, it is very easy to send herself into a very dangerous situation!

(End of this chapter)

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