Chapter 349

The black-robed old devil was too arrogant, he was startled, and didn't notice the trick for a while.

"It's now!"

Tuobagui and Zhu Renhan looked at each other, Zhu Renhan nodded slightly, his eyes flashed with brilliance, his right hand was held empty, and endless cold energy gathered, forming an extremely tough sword of ice!

With a thought in his mind, white mist rose around the trapped black-robed old devil, covering it with ice in the blink of an eye.

However, before he could move his lower body, he heard a "bang", and the frozen black-robed old devil broke free!

At this moment, the black-robed old devil is no longer calm just now, and his hair is a little messy, looking a little embarrassed.

The blackness all over his body seemed to turn into substance, his face was stern and ferocious, and he glanced at the three of them coldly.

"good very good!!"

The black-robed old devil said two good words in succession, his voice even sharper.

The three guardians of the Holy Land were indeed extremely powerful. Even though they hadn't fully mastered it, it was difficult for him to break free after being hit, and he had to explode his strength to come out.

He felt insulted.

"Give me death!!"

The body of the black-robed old devil shook, and three solid black threads shot out like lightning, entwining the three people in the Holy Land in the air.

The three of them trembled, their respective powerful guardians shook the black thread, and then took a step back, staring at the black-robed old devil vigilantly.

"Jie Jie! As expected of the ultimate guardian, he easily broke free from the old man's soul chain!"

The black-robed old devil raised his legs and stepped on the air, forming a circle of black ripples in the air with each step, slowly rising to the same height as the three of them like walking on a ladder.

The princely and powerful can already use the law of elements to walk through the air.

The three of them remained expressionless, just staring at him closely.

The old devil in black robe didn't care either, instead he became calm now.

"You are not the old man's opponent, as long as you hand over the guardian, the old man will let you go, how about it?"

The old devil in black robe said slowly.

Seeing that the three still did not answer, he continued: "You have been contacting Shimen, have you ever been in touch?"

Seeing the changes in the faces of the three of them, the black-robed old devil showed a sinister smile.

"The secret realm here has been restricted by my Demon Shamen. If you are obedient, there is still a way to survive, otherwise... Jie Jie!"

However, the three looked at each other, but without warning, they shot again at the same time!
The red lotus bloomed again, this time it turned into a huge fire bird, exuding scorching heat and rushing towards the black-robed old devil.

The wood spirit swings lightly, turning into an endless green glow.

The cold air was bitter, and a huge ice dragon roared towards it!

"You dare!"

The black-robed old devil screamed sharply and angrily. He wondered whether he was getting old, or the little guy was more cunning now?

He thought that verbal attacks could deter the three of them, but he didn't want them to be at ease!
The three guardians of the Holy Land were extremely powerful. Even though the black-robed old devil had extraordinary strength, he was overwhelmed by the hasty counterattack.

But he is worthy of being a strong man who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and he quickly stabilized under the fierce attack of the three people in the Holy Land.

The three people in the Holy Land fought more and more frightened. The name of the black-robed old devil really lived up to its reputation. They almost tried their best to touch each other but they couldn't touch each other.

They knew that the black-robed old devil's ability was very strange, and it belonged to the dark system. The dark system's ability has a characteristic that it can corrode the target's ability and body. At this moment, they have already felt the strangeness of their ability and body.

Of course, this is not the most troublesome thing. What is really troublesome is that there are endless treasures on the black-robed old devil. It seems that they are completely aimed at their protection. Every treasure can hardly restrain their protection, making them almost They all returned in vain. If this continues, they will all be consumed to death without the black-robed old devil taking action!

How to do? !

The faces of the three were extremely gloomy. This was the first time they had encountered such an embarrassing moment since they became famous!

"Jie Jie! Little dolls, have played enough, since this is the case, it's time to change the old man!"

The black-robed old devil waved his hands fiercely, and countless black threads spewed out, tightly entwining the three people in the Holy Land in an instant.

He is now sober. Although he really wants to kill the three of them, but thinking of his mission, if he is so willful, he will have to be buried with the three of them in the next moment.

Countless silk threads carried a powerful confinement force, making the three of them unable to move.

"Three thousand soul silk!"

The three people in the holy land immediately knew that the ability to trap themselves was the famous trick of the black-robed old devil. The three thousand soul silks contained the characteristics of soul, spirit, and dark corrosive elements, which were extremely powerful. Target abilities and body and extract soul abilities!
The trapped people basically escaped death!
Feeling that almost all their energy was being lost, the three of them knew that they could no longer wait.

"Jie Jie! Don't worry, little ones, I don't dare to kill you, I have already sent a message to His Majesty, you can be proud to make the final contribution to the great cause of my demon sect!"

The old devil in black robe said with a sinister smile.

"Hmph, dreaming!"


Three thousand soul threads were instantly broken.

"What?!" The black-robed old devil looked at the three of them in shock.

I saw Tuoba Gui holding a token in his hand, the token exuded golden light, covering the earth with endless majesty.

The Emperor's Top Grade: Order of the Heavenly Master!
"You Kunlun are so willing to spend their money, you even gave you the order of the celestial master!"

The black-robed old devil's face was extremely gloomy, angry and helpless, Tianshi Ling claimed to restrain all dark elements, and even he felt uncomfortable now, it was because Tuobagui was not strong enough, so he could only mobilize Tianshi Ling Wan With one-tenth of the power, this is one of the treasures of the Kunlun Holy Land. Who the hell is this little guy!

Shangguan Qingyun and Zhu Renhan looked at Tuoba Gui, and they were also puzzled. The Celestial Master Ling was very famous. After all, now that the evil way is rampant, the Celestial Master Ling has made a lot of contributions.

At this moment, Tuobagui's face turned pale, blood spit out his mouth, his figure was crumbling, and the shining golden light of the Heavenly Master's Order dimmed instantly.

Shangguan Qingyun and Zhu Renhan were startled, they hurriedly grabbed Tuobagui, they tested his body, their faces were solemn.

In fact, it is normal. From the beginning to the present, they have been consumed, and they have been corroded by the black-robed old devil's ability. They have already been empty inside, and the minimum requirement for the use of the Celestial Master Order is the emperor. Forcibly propelling it is already a great burden, not to mention that he is still propelling it with his injured body, and he is already super talented if he can last for five seconds!

"Jie Jie Jie..."

The black-robed old devil laughed out loud, only then did he realize that these little fellows were not strong enough to continue to inspire the power of the Heavenly Master's Order at all.

"Little dolls, do you have any means to use quickly!"

The black-robed old devil slowly approached the three of them, his eyes were stern, thinking that he couldn't kill them, but at least he had to teach them a lesson.

On the ground, Liu Mian Wanggan attracted all the masked men over because of the great momentum created by the three people in the Holy Land, and there was no one on their side.

The masked man couldn't fly, he just kept hovering under the old devil in black robe.

Everyone looked at the three people in the sky worriedly, seeing that Tuoba Gui was injured, they were even more worried, but they couldn't intervene at all.

 I'm going to die again, hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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