Take the game to the city

Chapter 350 You like him, it has nothing to do with me!

Chapter 350 You like him, it has nothing to do with me!
In fact, the black-robed old devil really wanted to kill the three of them, but he had a mission, so he didn't dare!
He can only capture alive, but his ability to capture people is only those few.

He is a black-robed old devil who is a half-step king at the pinnacle of a prince. It doesn't take much effort to kill three people. The higher the level of the ability, the greater the gap between high and low. It cannot be made up by guardians or even treasures. of.

But there is no way, the order is to capture him alive, and the three people in the Holy Land have come up with endless means to restrain him. Although he is very angry, he is helpless.

But now, he felt hopeful.

"Hei Pao, are you Mo Sha Sect really going to be an enemy of my Holy Land!?"

Shangguan Qingyun was so angry that she yelled at the black-robed old devil.

But at this time, his face was very pale, and he looked a little bit harsh.

"Jie Jie, this is a secret realm. Are you people from the Holy Land? How can this old man not know? Besides, the secret realm is mysterious and dangerous. Let alone you can't blame me, Moshamen, even if you have an accident, so what, because Soon your Holy Land will have no guts!"

The black-robed old devil took another step, getting closer to the three people in the Holy Land.

At this moment, the three of the Holy Land violently attacked again without warning!

A small red lotus quietly bloomed in front of the black-robed old devil. It was gorgeous and moving, but under this beauty, there was a strong murderous intent!
Although the black-robed old devil has been vigilant all the time, he never expected that Shangguan Qingyun would be able to separate the guardian at the princely level!

The red lotus is extremely hot, causing the surrounding space to twist violently.

"Damn, what is this?!"

The old devil in black robe was startled.

After the red lotus bloomed, the whole red lotus separated directly, and then turned into 36 lotus leaves. The lotus leaves were flying around, and some inexplicable force seemed to be generated around the black-robed old devil, which made him unable to move for a while, and at the same time, it was intensely hot. The power made him feel as if he was starting to burn!
"Do it, hurry up!"

Shangguan Qingyun spoke out with difficulty, his face turned extremely pale at the moment, and he used secret techniques to put great pressure on his body.

Suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood. The black-robed old devil resisted too much, and he suffered backlash.

At this moment, the black-robed old devil was already able to move. He didn't try to get out of the red lotus's confinement, but quickly took out the sun and moon bottle, ready to take away the red lotus.

But at this time, Zhu Renhan and Tuoba Gui, who had stored their energy for a long time, moved!

The Ice Sword with Candle Blade appeared again, and at the same time, a ray of cold air from the endless abyss behind him merged into the Ice Sword.

Then I saw him wave his sword, and the endless extreme cold filled the air.


The endless icy white mist that was so thick that it could not be melted enveloped the old devil in black robe, and frozen him in an instant!

The action of the black-robed old devil was frozen at the moment when he took out the sun and moon bottle.

Finally, a bright green light shot out from behind Tuobagui, and condensed into a small green sword above the head of the black-robed old devil.


The small green sword passed through the head of the frozen black-robed old devil from top to bottom. At this moment, the space seemed to freeze!


The black-robed old devil uttered an extremely shrill cry, endless black mist erupted, and all the confinement dissipated in an instant.




The three exhausted from using the secret method vomited blood and were instantly blown away.

Seeing this, King Liu Mian and the others immediately spread their elemental wings and flew up to try to catch the three of them.

However, as soon as they touched the three of them, they also vomited blood and flew upside down. Seeing that the situation was not good, Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling also spread their elemental wings and stepped forward, but they also vomited blood and flew upside down.

The power of the princely peak exploded with all its strength, and even if it was just the aftermath, few people could resist it at all.

But a few people helped the three people in the holy land also shared a lot, and finally let the three land safely.

The black mist dissipated, and everyone looked at the distance in horror, only to see that the black-robed old devil seemed to be intact except for becoming more embarrassed!

After forcibly enduring so many powerful attacks, he is still fine. Is the strength of the princely peak really so terrifying or even abnormal? !
Despair appeared in everyone's eyes!

Shangguan Qingyun and the others' faces were ashen, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!!"

The black-robed old devil smiled lowly, with madness in his eyes.

"Old man, I changed my mind!!"

"The old man wants...uh!"

Just when the old devil in black robe took a step, a sudden change occurred!
I saw the black-robed old devil's body froze, his hands and feet suddenly shattered like rotten wood, and then his body crashed down.

"how is this possible……"

The black-robed old devil was full of disbelief, only his body was left, but he still had a breath, the madness in his eyes was even worse, the black energy that had almost dissipated from his body exploded again, and merged into the bodies of the masked men surrounding him.

Just when everyone thought they could breathe a sigh of relief, they were awakened by wild animal-like roars.


All the masked men let out a shrill roar, and then saw that the masked men seemed to be unable to bear it, with black air all over their bodies, trembling and turning into black water, and the rotten smell scattered.

This weird and terrifying scene made the faces of some girls present change slightly.

Soon the masked men fell one by one, and in the end there were only five masked men standing.

It's just that the aura exuding from them is indeed extremely terrifying!
Princely peak!

The black-robed old devil struggled to the death and created five more princely peak powerhouses! !

The masked man didn't say anything, and directly attacked everyone at a very fast speed!
The masked men have no superpowers, but their bodies are extremely strong. Fortunately, they don't know how to move, they can only use brute force. The three men in the Holy Land confronted the three masked men. Although they were seriously injured, they could still dodge. Liu Mianwang and the two fought together. A masked man entangled, Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling dealt with a masked man.

They were all injured, so it was very difficult to resist, especially the two girls Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling. They were both only heaven-level, and their abilities were not powerful compared to others, so the pressure was extremely high.

Suddenly, Zhu Ling, who had been entangled for a long time, had a sudden change of spirit, and was immediately punched by the masked man!

Zhu Ling snorted and fell backwards.

"Zhu Ling!"

Ji Xinyue was startled, but this distraction was also hit by the masked man!
The masked man didn't stop to chase again, just when Ji Xinyue and Zhu Ling were about to close their eyes and wait for death, the sound of howling wind approached, and then a white figure rushed over, knocking the masked man back!

But because of his haste, he was also abruptly attacked by the masked man, and retreated muffled.

Ji Xinyue looked at his back complicatedly, and said softly: "Liu Mian, why do you..."

Liu Mian didn't look back, but said flatly: "We are a team, so naturally we can't do nothing!"

"Besides, I like you, it has nothing to do with you, you like him, it has nothing to do with me!"

Liu Mian's back was lonely, and he rushed forward again without saying a word.

At this time, everyone was exhausted, but the masked man seemed to be a never-ending machine, making people desperate.

"Brother Fan!"

Zhu Yi almost hugged Yang Fan's hand and begged. She saw Liu Mian, Ji Xinyue and others in danger several times and wanted to make a move, but Yang Fan ruthlessly stopped her.

Every time Yang Fan only has one sentence, "They are experiencers."

Zhu Yi didn't understand Yang Fan's strength. In fact, the whole scene was under Yang Fan's control. Liu Mian and others seemed dangerous, but Yang Fan would not put their lives in danger at all.

(End of this chapter)

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