Chapter 373

Wang Gan said with a wry smile.

"Do you want revenge?"

Yang Fan said suddenly.


Wang Gan was stunned again.

In fact, in his opinion, Yang Fan is the one who should not be involved in this troubled water. After all, Yang Fan is not a person with supernatural powers, nor is he a member of the family, and he is also on good terms with the legendary heirs of the Holy Land, and he is entangled in such common things as them. The children of my family are different, they have to be too chic.

As long as Yang Fan doesn't provoke too powerful beings casually, according to Yang Fan's strength and his connections, he can really live a very chic life!

"What kind of revenge? In fact, it's just an old story. I've already seen it. This time I'm upset. I just feel that those people respect us, the secular world. In fact, it's not a big deal. , I just have this temper, I'll be fine after a while!"

Wang Gan waved his hand and said with an open-minded look.

But Yang Fan's current strength and how strong his abilities are are not comparable to Wang Gan!
Although he didn't have the ability to detect Wang Gan's lack of intentions, he could still feel the unwillingness in Wang Gan's heart, and he could naturally conclude that Wang Qian could not be as open-minded as he appeared on the surface.

"Actually, to be honest, I am also a little curious about what the martial arts competition held by the Temple of Destiny looks like, but I don't mind going to see it."

Yang Fan took a sip of wine and said flatly.

Wang Qian raised his head fiercely, and stared at Yang Fan in a daze.

Although he seems to be impulsive and single-celled, anyone who knows him knows that he is actually rough and fine.

Therefore, it was more because of him that he could not guess that Yang Fan was going to participate in the competition held by the Temple of Destiny!

You must know that with Yang Fan's strength, if you go there, there will be no challenge at all!
After all, although it is said to be a world-level martial arts competition, in fact, the highest level may not have a genius that surpasses a prince!

You must know that the improvement of abilities is not as easy as imagined!

Although many geniuses also have talents, the world's resources are not as rich as imagined, so even if those with supernatural abilities are very talented, it is still very difficult to improve their abilities.

And if Yang Fan proposes to the Ability Association to participate in the martial arts tournament of the Temple of Destiny, then it is conceivable that as long as Yang Fan shows his strength, then the Ability Association will definitely agree to Yang Fan's participation!

But Wang Gan knew better that, with Yang Fan's temperament, he had no interest in this level of martial arts competition.

Yang Fan has always liked to keep a low profile, and he would never let himself be in the limelight just to see what the martial arts conference held by the Temple of Destiny looks like. Fighting Conference!
"Actually, Xiaofan, you really don't have to..."

Before Wang Gan finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Yang Fan.

"It's okay, of course you guessed right, I really don't have much interest in martial arts competitions, but what I'm really interested in is the Temple of Destiny, so I will definitely go to this martial arts conference, even if it's not for you."

Yang Fan said.

"But this time you have been treated unfairly, so I have to seek justice for you!"

Yang Fan continued.

"Xiaofan, do you know what kind of forces the Ability Association used to be?"

Seeing Yang Fan's serious expression, Wang Gan knew that he was indeed planning to go, so he stopped dissuading him, but after thinking about it, he still had to ask some questions, or let Yang Fan know something.

He knew that although Yang Fan was powerful, he actually didn't understand some basic knowledge of the supernatural world, as if he had been practicing in the mountains before.

"What power?"

Yang Fan drank his wine and looked up at Wang Gan.

In fact, Yang Fan doesn't care about any power, he has too many cards, and there is almost no one or power in the world who can stop him.

"Xiaofan, you should know that our world is divided into two levels, the secular world and the supernatural world, right?"

Wang Gan asked.

"Ok, I know."

Yang Fan nodded.

Wang Gan organized his language and continued.

"Then, you should also know that there are some pure supernatural organizations and supernatural families in the supernatural world, right? Those supernatural organizations and supernatural families are extremely powerful, and have a long history and profound background. They are not at all in the secular world like ours. The family can be compared!
Therefore, it is not the Yiren Association that really controls the Huaxia art world, but these big families and powerful forces. In fact, it is not just the Huaxia art world, even the art world in other countries in the world is like this. The control of supernatural organizations and families can even be said to have formed a unique set of rules for the supernatural world! "

"and then?"

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows.

Seeing Yang Fan's indifferent look, Wang Gan was speechless for a moment. Is it because this guy is too powerful or because he really doesn't understand the horror of these supernatural organizations and family forces?

"Then, that is to say, if any of us supernatural beings in the secular world try to challenge the rules set by their powerful families, they will be severely sanctioned by them! At least the ability will be abolished, and at worst, they will lose their lives! "

Wang Gan said angrily.


Yang Fan still had a flat face.

Yang Fan's flat expression made Wang Gan go crazy!

"Oh what do you mean?"

Wang Gan always felt that Yang Fan didn't understand the situation clearly.

"I just know."

The inexplicable Wang Gan of Yang Fan's family.

Seeing Yang Fan's innocent look, Yang Keke's daughters who were watching beside him almost burst out laughing.

It was Wang Gan's turn to be a little confused, he looked at Yang Fan and Yang Keke and his daughters a little confused.

"what happened?"

Wang Gan asked confusedly.

Was it funny that he couldn't figure out what he was saying?Why are they smiling so happily?
Seeing Wang Gan's dumbfounded appearance, the girls laughed again.

After all, Wang Gan was still very tall and burly, but his confused expression at this time made the girls feel a bit of contrast.

"It's nothing, I understand what you mean, but to be honest, I don't pay attention to those families. I appreciate your kindness, but you don't need to worry. I said that I will seek justice for you and Liu Mian. , I naturally have to keep my word."

Yang Fan also looked at Wang Gan with a smile and said.

In the end, Wang Gan accepted Yang Fan's words, because he thought he knew Yang Fan well, and knew that the other party would never make promises for no reason, and would not do things he was not sure about.

In fact, the most important thing is that Wang Gan is very suspicious that Yang Fan is actually backed by a powerful force. If he is not allowed to tell him that an ordinary person suddenly grows into a powerhouse beyond the legendary emperor in just a few months, Wang Gan must Will slap it, and then scold, "Are you fucking kidding me!"

Not to mention that Wang Gan thinks so, even Liu Mian and others think so.

Liu family.

"Xinyue, so Yang Fan will definitely make a move!"

Liu Mian poured a cup of tea for Ji Xinyue who was sitting opposite, and said lightly.

He told the training month about his guess, talented person, with Wang Qigan's personality, he will definitely go to Yang Fan, maybe not necessarily ask him for help, but he is definitely sure to ask him for a drink.

And Yang Fan is also a person of loyalty, so he will definitely ask Wang Gan what happened to him, and then he will never sit idly by when he knows what happened to him before.

It has to be said that Liu Mian's analysis and guessing of people's hearts is indeed top-notch, and he guessed almost all the processes correctly.

"So you use Wang Gan to find Yang Fan and ask him to fight against those big forces above?!"

Ji Xinyue showed sullen anger for the first time.

Seeing that the goddess in his heart has always been in front of him without false words, but once it involves Yang Fan, he will immediately have emotional fluctuations, and there is a complex look in his eyes.

Spare tire?
It turns out that I will also become a spare tire!
No, maybe it's not even a spare tire, because she has never expressed emotion to herself!
Liu Mian smiled wryly in his heart.

"Not to use, Xinyue."

Liu Mian explained.

"With Wang Gan's temperament, he must go to Yang Fan, and I have never contributed to the flames. Besides, I can't persuade him even if I try to persuade him."

Ji Xinyue was silent.

In fact, several of them are children of big families in the capital, so it can be said that they belong to the same circle, they usually walk around a lot, and they have some understanding of Wang Gan's personality.

"But it's too dangerous. I know Yang Fan. He regards you as brothers, and he will never ignore you!"

Ji Xinyue said, looking a little nervous.

understand him……

So you know him so well, what about me...

Liu Mian took a sip of wine to cover up his emotions.

"Liu Min, you should already understand my emotional destination, and I understand your feelings, but we are really not suitable!"

Ji Xinyue hesitated and said.

She met Liu Mian on the road today. At that time, Liu Min wanted to invite him to Liu's house. Originally, Ji Xinyue wanted to refuse, because she knew Liu Mian's feelings for him, but she already had a belonging in her heart. , It's not good to always go to Liu Mian's house.

Just looking at Liu Mian's expression at that time.She couldn't help being a little soft-hearted, after all, apart from the love between men and women, they can also be said to be playmates who grew up, and it is impossible for her to be truly unfeeling.

"Xinyue, when I knew your feelings for Yang Fan, I already knew that I had no chance, because I know you, you are very persistent in your feelings.

It's just that I want to say that anyone with a discerning eye can actually see that Yang Fan already has his own heart.

Yang Fan didn't even look at you and Zhu Ling in the different space before, so if you go on like this, you may end up with no results!

Yang Fan seems to have a lot of beauties around him, but he is actually a person who sticks to it. If you go on like this, the result will only be to make yourself sad! "

What Liu Mian said was cruel and realistic, but as Liu Mian said, she is a person who is very persistent in dealing with feelings. In fact, not only her, but also Zhu Ling and even King Liu Mian are like this. What I want, I would rather not have anything!

But so what?

Knowing what will change?
No, nothing will change.

She is still that Ji Xinyue, even Liu Mian.

If you can change it with just a few words, then Ji Xinyue is not Ji Xinyue.

Seeing Ji Xinyue's silent appearance, Liu Mian sighed secretly, and then said, "It is estimated that Yang Fan will follow Wang Qian to the capital soon, what are you going to do?"

Ji Xinyue glanced at Liu Mian and said quietly, "What should I do?"

Seeing a trace of loneliness in Ji Xinyue's eyebrows, Liu Mian burst into anger for some reason. He frowned and said in a deep voice, "He came here for our affairs. You have every reason to approach him. You Shouldn't you seize this opportunity?"

Ji Xinyue looked up at Liu Mian who was inexplicably angry, and a trace of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, everything I do is for you, I don't want to see you look so lonely!"

Liu Mian stood up, turned his back to Ji Xinyue, and said flatly.

Ji Xinyue was silent for a while, then shook her head slightly and said, "If he doesn't like me, then my approaching will only increase his disgust."

After hearing this, Liu Mian suddenly turned around and his eyes became sharp!

"Xinyue, when did you lose confidence in yourself? It's true that Yang Fan is powerful now, but look at those around him, such as Zhu Yi, who is better than you in that way? Why can she follow me? I checked Yang Fan's side, because she blocked a bullet for Yang Fan back then!"

"But I'm afraid you haven't thought about it. With Yang Fan's strength, a mere bullet can hurt him? Generally, we have the impression that a strong man of his level would not pay much attention to a beautiful woman like Zhu Yi, because as long as he Yes, there are a lot of women waiting to be delivered to your door! But look at him, he still accepts Zhu Yi, although he didn't show any tendency to like Zhu Yi, but Zhu Yi has more chances!"

"What does this mean? It means that Yang Fan is also a mortal, he also has the seven emotions and six desires of a mortal, and he also has the pity that a mortal should have! In fact, you can know it if you think about it carefully. After all, he was just an ordinary person a few months ago. It is impossible to completely change his mind. so fast!"

"Zhu Yi is desperate, but you also have your advantages. At the beginning, Yang Fan liked you very much, but the feeling gradually faded after he gained strength, but if you approached him actively, there is no way he would not accept it!"

Perhaps Liu Mian spent too much energy in saying these words, and even gasped a little after speaking.


Ji Xinyue was a little moved, she was sane, but emotionally no one can be truly sane, especially when she meets someone she loves!

So even with her calm mind, she was a little hesitant at the moment, worrying about gains and losses, without the usual wisdom and elegance.

"No, but when will you wait? He still has the mentality of a mortal, but with his genius, he will soon become stronger, and there is no guarantee that he will maintain this mentality in the future!
Because the distance between you and him will be getting farther and farther!Only by his side can you have the opportunity to grow up with him and keep up with his footsteps. Just look at Zhu Yi, she has also changed from an ordinary person to a strong man in the middle stage of a prince, and her strength has been completely thrown away Us, what are you still hesitating about? ! "

In the end, Liu Mian even hated iron for being weak!


Ji Xinyue is smart, so she naturally knows what Liu Mian said. In fact, with his intelligence, it is impossible not to see the essence of it, but this is the so-called fan of the authorities. She cares too much about Yang Fan, so she can't see through many things.

Now being pointed out by Liu Mian, she naturally has her own plan.

(End of this chapter)

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