Take the game to the city

Chapter 374 Grievance

Chapter 374 Grievance

"You, why are you helping me like this?"

Liu Mian's change is too great, after all, Yang Fan is Liu Mian's love rival in essence!
"I said, everything I do is for you, I can't get you, that can only help you get happiness!"

At this moment, Liu Mian's face returned to calm, and his tone was flat.



Ji Xinyue gave Liu Mian a complicated look, and left slowly.

After Ji Xinyue left, Liu Mian stood quietly in the yard, looking up at the sky, still calm and not knowing what he was thinking.

Yang Fan followed Wang Gan and brought Yang Keke, Zhu Yi, Ji Ranran and Xiao Luoli to the capital.

With so many people, in the eyes of outsiders, they can definitely be regarded as dragging their families.

Wang Gan was also a little speechless.

"Xiaofan, you said it's fine for you to come alone, why bring them here?"

"Naturally, they also came here to see the world. After all, they are all from the countryside, and they haven't seen the scenery of the capital much."

Yang Fan replied quite naturally.

Wang Gan was speechless again.

He yelled in his heart, "Isn't that what I asked, okay? You don't know why you came to the capital? With this big group of women, plus a little loli, do you think it's a tourist or a play? Home??"

However, Wang Gan did not vent the depression in his heart after all, but his expression was silent, as if he was constipated.

"What's up with him?"

Seeing Wang Gan's appearance, Ji Ranran quietly asked Yang Fan.

"I don't know, maybe my uncle is here."

Yang Fan answered casually.

Wang Gan: "..."

The few people did not use their abilities, but arrived in the capital by plane.

The weather in the capital is not very good, it's a little gray, and the air doesn't smell very good, or the air in the secular world of China doesn't smell very good.

This is the most important drawback caused by the modernization process going too fast, and it is also an inevitable link in the modernization process.

The last time Yang Fan's people came here, they didn't take a closer look at the airport in Beijing. The airport in Beijing is very large, and as an international metropolis, there are also a lot of blond and blue-eyed foreigners here.

Yang Fan and the others are quite conspicuous among these people, because although Yang Keke and his daughter are not top-notch in appearance, they still have a particularly outstanding temperament in the crowd because of his own strength, um, of course The most conspicuous thing was the little loli who was held in Yang Fan's arms. After all, the little loli was so delicate, and her expressionless face gave her an inexplicable attraction.

Wang Gan looked at Yang Fan who was also working out with a mocking look, as if he was saying: I told you to let these girls come over, especially a little lolita who has become the focus of everyone's attention now!
However, Yang Fan still did.The face is calm and not troubled by the eyes of these people.

And Yang Keke's daughters also showed that they didn't care, because after all, in school, after Yang Keke received the inheritance of the saint, she received more attention, so she was used to the eyes of people around her.

As for Ji Ranran and Zhu Yi, not to mention, since they have received enough attention before because of their natural obsession, and Zhu Yi was even given the title of "female tyrannosaurus" before school, which made people The color of the talk changed, and there were a lot of eyes.

"Would you like to go to Liu Mian's house first and discuss the countermeasures?"

Wang Gan asked Yang Fan but he didn't invite him to his house, but in fact, the old man of his family kept urging him to invite Yang Fan to his house after hearing about Yang Fan's deeds and strength. In fact, Wang Gan also knew that the old man didn't believe it. Wang Qian also wouldn't believe that a young man in his twenties would have the ability to instantly kill an emperor-level powerhouse.

It's just that the facts are there, and no one can't believe it.

He knew what the old man meant and thought, but he had nothing to do with inviting Yang Fan to let the old man test it out. Besides, he knew at that time that Yang Fan was living a corrupt life at home, so how could he be making fun of himself.

It is well known that Yang Keke is not Yang Fan's biological sister.

"No rush, let's talk about it after we settle the matter."

Yang Fan said.

"……All right"

Wang Gan knew that once Yang Fan made his decision, he would not change it.

Several people left the airport, and the car arranged by Wang Gan was already in place.

Just when everyone was about to get in the car, a very luxurious sports car stopped beside them.

In the suspicious eyes of the crowd, only a well-dressed young man appeared in the eyes of the crowd.

At this time, two luxury cars came behind the man, and a few people also came down, and they seemed to be quite expensive, but they all gave in to the man with flattering eyes.

When the man saw Yang Keke's daughters, his eyes flashed with astonishment. After all, Yang Keke's femininity was too unique. He first whistled at Yang Keke's daughters frivolously, and then turned his eyes to Wang Gan. He didn't even look at Yang Fan, and just ignored Yang Fan.

Yang Keke and the girls glared sullenly at this well-dressed man, loathing his frivolity.

But the man was obviously very thick-skinned, he didn't care at all, and even gave them a wicked smile.

"Who is this guy, he's smiling like a fool!"

Ji Ranran said with a speechless expression next to Yang Fan.

"do not know."

Yang Fan doesn't care, after all, if an ant is slapping its teeth and claws at you, would you think it provoked you, and then angrily trample him to death?

Yang Fan wouldn't, because the little ant died as soon as he vented his anger.

But at this moment, Yang Fan was not in the mood to worry about this little ant.

And Yang Fan could tell that Little Ant knew Wang Gan, but they didn't seem to have a good relationship.

Little ant, oh no, it's the man who obviously heard Ji Ranran's words, and almost sprained his foot. It took a lot of effort to calm himself down. After all, he is a heaven-level intelligence person, no matter how soft Ji Ranran speaks, he can't can hear.

He turned his head and looked at Ji Ranran's enchanting figure, with a trace of fire in his eyes, and then he showed a row of teeth, smiling very maliciously.

When I get you, let's see how your mouth keeps talking!

Ji Ranran also looked at the man without fear, and then smiled lightly, the extreme temptation of her natural charm was instantly exuded!
The man's eyes instantly became obsessed.

"This guy is so stupid, haha!"

Ji Ranran whispered in Yang Fan's ear with an interesting smile.

Yang Fan smiled helplessly, but this man's attitude is very dishonest, so it's better to teach him a lesson.

However, when the man showed an obsessed look, a light flashed on his body, instantly counteracting Ji Ranran's charm.

Seeing that the dog legs around him still showed obsessive expressions, they angrily reprimanded each of them at the same time: "Wake up for me!"

Maybe it's the effect of the treasure on his body, every dog ​​leg kicked by him often wakes up, and then glances at Ji Ranran in horror, and dare not take a second look.

The man also stared at Ji Ranran gloomyly, and said slowly: "Stinky bitch, how dare you use charm on me!"

His name is He Gang, and he is from a supernatural family. Of course, he used to have another name, Wang Gang.

Regretfully, Ji Ranran withdrew her charm power, ignored He Gang, and just curled her red lips and muttered: "I want to make this fool look ugly, hey, I'm still too weak!"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Yes, Auntie, you are too weak, but you are too lazy and unwilling to practice hard. This kind of situation will happen sooner or later."

"Cut! Cultivation is so boring, I'm usually very busy!"

Ji Ranran rolled her eyes and said.

"Yes, yes, very busy, busy shopping, doing nails, and doing beauty treatments!"

Yang Keke interrupted with a sneaky smile.

"Little girl, if you dare to tear down the stage, seek a fight!"


Yang Fan and his group were joking and joking here, but He Gang, who was left on the sidelines, was upset!

"Stinky bitch from Tianmomen, you are deaf, right? I am asking you something!"

And just angry.

As one of the largest supernatural organizations in the supernatural world, Tianmomen's disciples are all practicing charm, and the most important thing is that all of them are women.

The Tianmo Sect's influence is not very large, but one of their biggest advantages is that they always let female disciples go to other organizations to hook up with male disciples. Over time, although their superficial power has not expanded, their connections are extremely extensive secretly.

Usually, other forces and everyone are not willing to make enemies with the Tianmomen, except for the last resort. After all, the Tianmomen is like a hornet's nest, stabbing one can drag a large number of people.

Although He Gang is in a supernatural family, Suotai's supernatural family has a lot of vision. Among all the forces in the Huaxia art world, there is no so-called leading force, but the supernatural family that He Gang belongs to has a long history and With a profound background, there is already a faint shadow of becoming the largest force in the world of supernatural powers.

Therefore, facing the Heavenly Demon Sect, which is not easily provoked by ordinary strength, He Gang also dared to reprimand him like this, because he had such confidence.

In fact, he didn't know that Ji Ranran was not a member of the Tianmomen, and he would never have thought that there would be other people practicing charm skills besides the Tianmomen, and they were even more talented than the masters of the Tianmomen. Even the sect master doesn't have a natural charm. !
"Hey! Who are you talking about? Before you tell others, please take a piss to see what kind of virtue you are, and what about the peak of the sky? No matter how high the level is, the one with the same poor character is a scumbag!"

What Ji Ranran said was merciless, and when he just heard it, his face turned red and white, and he wished to kill Ji Ranran with a palm!

"Little girl, you are too presumptuous! Do you know who this is? What is his background? Tell even your sect master of the demons to be courteous to us and his senior brother, let alone you The little demon girl of the Heavenly Demon Sect!
If you are sensible, hurry up and kowtow, and then wait on us and Senior Brother Gang on the bed. Maybe we and Gang Yong will be able to talk to your sect master after we feel better, and let you go, otherwise you will Wait to accept your punishment from your sect master! "

One side and Kang's dog-legged son suddenly jumped out and said to Ji Ranran.

"Tch, crazy!"

Ji Ranran ignored them, and instead acted like a baby to Yang Fan: "Xiao Fan, look, they are bullying my aunt!"

Yang Fan smiled and said: "I saw it, break their dog legs later, let them kowtow to my aunt!"

Over there, He Gang finally noticed Yang Fan, he squinted his eyes and asked, "My friend, who are you?"

I can't help but be cautious. After all, there are still some people in the world of supernatural powers who are naturally unable to awaken supernatural powers, but they are extremely noble. Their own strength may not be able to threaten any supernatural beings, but many times, they only need one sentence , can decide the life and death of many ordinary supernatural beings and even some strong ones!

Don't look at the dog legs around him who praised him so highly just now. In fact, most of them are blowing bubbles. It's true that he is a disciple of the strongest supernatural family, but he is definitely not as valued as the dog legs said. After all, he His talent can only be regarded as above-average in the family, and there are still many monster-like geniuses lying in front of him like a mountain, so he can only look up.

If you provoke ordinary people, the family will wipe his ass for him, but if you really meet someone with a strong background, his family will definitely kick him out immediately to prevent disaster!
In these years in the family, he has seen too many such situations!

So if you want the family to continue to be her shelter, you must keep a low profile outside, otherwise he will die sooner or later without a place to bury him!

That's why he has developed a cautious character, otherwise he knew that he would have been left to fend for himself without knowing which Ge Cu he was assigned to.

He Gang thought that his tone and attitude had been lowered, but unexpectedly Yang Fan just glanced at him and ignored him!
"How dare you ignore me!"

He Gang almost exploded with anger. In fact, when he first looked at Yang Fan's clothes, he could guess from his appearance that Yang Fan was not from a certain family in the supernatural world. From his point of view, he might just be the concubine of the demon girl from the Heavenly Demon Sect who came by when she was bored. , but because of his cautious nature, he wanted to test it out without knowing it, but Yang Fan's performance made him no longer decide to test it!

"He Gang!"

At this moment, Wang Gan, who had been doing background work for a long time, finally spoke.

In fact, from the beginning, until Ji Ranran used the charm on him, the whole process was quite fast, and Wang Gan didn't even have time to react before it happened.

Besides, He Gang's appearance has changed quite a bit from before, and Wang Gan was not sure at first, after all, the two of them hadn't seen each other for several years, so it's normal that they didn't recognize each other for a while, but Wang Gan knew it just after thinking about it , although he didn't recognize He Gang, but He Gang definitely recognized him a long time ago, otherwise he wouldn't have parked the car directly next to them!

Hearing Wang Gan's yell, and remembering his purpose of coming here just now, he stared at Yang Fan coldly for a while, and then said lightly: "Boy, you've got trouble, I'll clean you up later!"

Originally, he didn't pay attention to Yang Fan. After all, Yang Fan was just an ordinary person from the outside, and he couldn't get into his eyes at all. He just heard that Yang Fan, an ordinary person, dared to act like this in front of the demon girl of the Heavenly Demon Sect. When you run on him, then he will be upset!

You, the demon girl from the Heavenly Demon Sect, just said it, and I will naturally return it on the bed, but you, an ordinary man, is just a concubine recruited by the demon girl from the Heavenly Demon Gate, and you dare to provoke me, so naturally I can't spare you!

Then she turned her head to look at Wang Gan, but suddenly smiled.

But there is too much pride and arrogance hidden in this smile!

(End of this chapter)

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