Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 105 Forced to push "Concubine Chang Calm: Woman, aren't you afraid of death?"

Chapter 105 Forced to push "Concubine Chang Calm: Woman, aren't you afraid of death?" "

Feng Mandu's new work "Concubine Chang Calm: Woman, aren't you afraid of death?" "


Into the limbo?oh!Kill the whole family?oh!A concubine is so calm, which makes the emperor very unhappy, very unhappy.She should shed tears, cry out for grievances, seize the opportunity to seduce him, the leader of all gods, to save her life.But, damn it, she just glanced at him indifferently, "When will the emperor come to kill me? I prepared very early.

Wonderful trial reading:

Calm down!Watching a woman being humiliated ([-])

Red walls and golden tiles, jasper pillars, emerald floor, white jade bed...

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, looking at the palace in front of him, Qin Lan feels that the cost here is probably higher than that of jade.

After all, this is where the emperor slept.

Qin Lan floated around in the palace.

That's right, it's floating.Because, at this time, she is not a person, but a soul.

She was terminally ill and died in the hospital.After death, he came to this place.

Then, he followed the anxious woman who was lying on the dragon bed at this moment.

After her few experiments, she found that she could only move around the woman within a diameter of ten meters.

Unfortunately, the palace was too big, and she had no choice but to avoid it.

Fortunately, no one could see her, so she looked calmly.

The door was pushed open from the outside, and two palace maids knelt by the door with their heads bowed, followed by a row of eunuchs.

A man is walking inside.

Qin Lan recognized this person, he was the emperor of this country, named Su Mo, the woman lying on the bed, the man Hua Juneyue liked.

Hua June probably really likes this Su Mo, so even if he is the emperor, he has the Sangong Sixth Courtyard, countless concubines, and even her sister is his favorite concubine.

She still begged her father to send her up and become one of his wives....

Qin Lan didn't understand what Hua Junyue liked about Su Mo, but that was her business and had nothing to do with her.

Qin Lan watched Su Mo walk to the bed and slowly float to the farthest possible place from them.

She has no interest in enjoying live-action porn.


"Emperor, Your Majesty..." Hua Juneyue's exclamation sounded, Qin Lan subconsciously turned around, and then frowned slightly.

It's not an annoyance, it's just that the situation didn't develop as she thought, which surprised her a little.

I saw Hua June was lifted out of bed by Su Mo and fell to the ground. Originally, the layers of tulle wrapped around her body also loosened, revealing her shoulders like jade snow.

2~Calm down!Watching a woman being humiliated ([-])
Looking at the emperor again, he glanced at Hua Liuyue's jade shoulders with disgust on his face, and then stretched out his hand, and tore off all the tulle on her body.

Hua Liuyue knelt on the ground, folded her arms, looked at the emperor with a look of shame and shock, shyness and fear.

She liked him, no, she loved him, so she begged her father to send her to serve him.However, she never thought that he would treat her like this.

"The emperor..."

"Shut up." Su Mo glared at her viciously, and scanned her around. When he saw a bright red spot on her left arm, he paused for a moment, then turned away.

Hua Liuyue closed her mouth tightly, her body trembled slightly, it was severe cold at this time, although many braziers were burned in the bedroom, the chill still invaded her whole body.

Tears slowly condensed, because of his treatment like this, and even more because of the disgust in his eyes.

Seeing the tears on her face, the disgust on his face deepened, "Get out."

What Su Mo was referring to was the outside of the bed curtain, which was only half a foot away from the bed.Still in this house.

Hua June is the daughter of the mighty general Hua Qi. With Hua Qi around, he can't do too much. Today, he must recruit her. Although he doesn't want to touch her, she can only be in his arms. Spend in the dormitory.

Hua June can only be his favorite concubine, just like her sister, Concubine Xue, is his favorite concubine.

Su Mo didn't look at the naked woman crouching together outside the bed curtain.He lay on the bed, taking care of himself to rest.

During the day, he has to deal with state affairs and fight wits with the general and the prime minister, which has exhausted him physically and mentally, so he must take a good rest.

Qin Lan floated in front of Hua June, watching her go from heartache to heartbreak and then to death;
Looking at her eyes, from radiant to ashes;
Looking at her tears, one or two drops from the beginning, slowly formed a string, and finally became one, and then, slowly, another drop or two, until there was no more drop.

Watching her skin change from white to purple, from warm to cold.

Watching her trembling from the beginning, to trembling into a ball at the end, finally, she fell to the ground and passed out.

3~ calm down!Watching a woman commit suicide ([-])

One day, when it was gray, Qin Lan saw Su Mo wake up. When he woke up, he looked around first, and then looked at where Hua Juneyue was.

Seeing Hua Liuyue curled up together, lying naked on the ground, not knowing whether she was alive or dead, she became anxious.

In a blink of an eye, he came to Hua June and carried her to the bed.

When he found Hua June's nose, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then pulled the quilt to cover her up, before pronouncing the imperial physician.

The imperial physician was an old man with a beard. Su Mo didn't let him avoid anything, and directly pulled Hua June's hand out of the quilt, revealing half of his forearm.

The imperial doctor said that she had caught a cold, which was quite serious, and she had to take good care of it, take medicines and so on...

Su Mo was very upset, especially after the imperial physician left, he glared at Hua June angrily.

"Troublesome woman."

Immediately, he called the servant outside, "An Hai."

"The slave is here."

"Find two reliable maids to serve Yue Guifei."

An Hai was startled, and immediately agreed, "I'll do it now, my servant."

The emperor speaks succinctly, but these servants dare not think succinctly.

The emperor's simple sentence showed two meanings.

The first one, of course, is the third young lady of the Hua family, from now on, she will be Concubine Yue, of the same rank as her sister Concubine Xue, and they are all ordinary figures in the palace.

The second thing is that this month's concubine's illness must not be known to others.

It's not a day or two for An Hai to serve the emperor. How can he be ignorant to get into the position of chief executive?

How could he fail to see that the emperor had scruples about the general of the flower cavalry?General Huaqi controls the country's military power, any emperor here will be uncomfortable, isn't it...

These two noble concubines of the Hua family, whether they are real or not, are the emperor's favorites... As for their results, everything will be decided after the emperor has the general power in his hands!
Qin Lan was floating around in the bedroom.Two little maids, one named Lan'er and the other named Lu'er, were waiting for Hua June to take the medicine.

Until the whole bedroom was really exhausted, Qin Lan simply lay down beside Hua June and looked at the two little maids.

4~Calm down!Watching a woman commit suicide ([-])

The two court ladies are not very old, about thirteen or fourteen years old, Lan'er is outgoing, chattering non-stop, Lu'er is more introverted, blushes whenever she speaks, even when talking to Lan'er.Probably, the two people are not familiar with each other.

Hua June didn't wake up until night.

As soon as she woke up, the emperor ordered her to be concubine Yue, and at the same time gave her her own sleeping hall, "Qinglian Hall".

When she heard about Qinglian Temple, Hua Juneyue didn't respond, but Lan'er and Lu'er looked at each other in disbelief.

Seeing their reactions, Qin Lan also became slightly curious.

"Could it be that Qinglian Hall is some kind of extraordinary place?"

Hua June didn't seem happy, she lay on the bed in a daze, even the imperial decree was received by Lan'er.She never even glanced at it.

Surprisingly, at night, Su Mo still slept in this bedroom, but he kicked everyone out as soon as he came in.

He pushed Hua Junyue inside, and he lay on the outside until dawn.

Hua June didn't speak, so Su Mo naturally ignored her.

After three days like this, Hua June's illness recovered a lot. Everyone in the palace knew that Hua June had received the emperor's favor... After that, Hua June was able to move to Qinglian Hall.

Qin Lan has been silently watching all this.

Watch Hua June turn to ashes with full of love, see Su Mo's indifference, see his merciless sympathy.

And Qin Lan finally knew why Lan'er and Lu'er had such expressions when they mentioned Qinglian Temple.

In the palace of this country, there is no cold palace.However, the treatment in the Qinglian Temple is the same as the treatment in the Leng Palace that Qin Lan knows.

It is said that in this Qinglian Palace, I don’t know how many people’s bones are buried, not only those concubines, but also the prince’s. The younger brother of the current Emperor Su Mo was Qinglian who was in this Qinglian Palace when he was nine years old. drowned in the pool.

Therefore, the emperor and the empress dowager are very taboo here, and on weekdays, no one dares to mention it in front of them.

It is conceivable that the emperor and empress dowager would never step here, and those concubines who were trying to compete for favor would naturally not come to this place where the emperor would never appear.

5~Calm down!Watching a woman commit suicide ([-])

It doesn't matter whether it's true or groundless, it doesn't make any difference to Qin Lan.

For Hua Junyue, it is actually no different.

Because, her heart died, although it was only once, but it was enough to break the heart and body of this spoiled and gentle weak woman who could break her even in the wind.

Qin Lan didn't know her for a long time, but she already knew this little woman well enough.

So, when she saw Hua June crying all night with a jade pendant that came from nowhere, she was not surprised at all.

Therefore, when she saw Hua June finished crying and hanged herself with a belt, she was also very calm.

She found a very good angle, watching the only time in her life and after death that she hanged herself.She should appreciate it carefully, this kind of play, this kind of angle, is something that can be met but not sought after.

Even when she saw Hua June's soul floating out of that body, she was still very calm.

She asked Hua June very calmly, "Are you comfortable?"

It's a pity that she is calm. Hua June is not calm. When she saw it, she immediately screamed...

Qin Lan floated far away to avoid her screams.But I saw two people coming.Holding a booklet, he took a photo of Qin Lan and Hua June.

Then, the mutation occurred.

Hua June, in front of Qin Lan, turned into a ray of white light and disappeared.

But Qin Lan felt that he suddenly weighed a thousand catties, and could no longer float up, but fell straight down.

When she realized what was going on, she suddenly discovered that she was no longer that formless wandering soul, but a living person with a body and a form.

She, borrowing Hua June's corpse, came back to life.

No panic, no surprises.He just opened his eyes and looked at the round stool in front of the bed that was kicked down, at the white silk that was broken in two, at Lu'er who was crying into a ball, and at Lan'er with a very ugly face.

He looked at Su Mo who was standing in front of the bed with an angry look on his face.

"You want to die so much?" Seeing her waking up, Su Mo immediately had a storm on his face. At the same time, he quickly reached out and grabbed her chin.

(End of this chapter)

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