Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 106 The plan of revenge

Chapter 106 The plan of revenge

"Hey!" Dongfang Ling shook his hand, "It doesn't have to be necessary to take her! There are so many servants around me, why do I have to take her?"

"But there are few people around me!" Yin Yi answered naturally, "Look! I'm a guest in Yanchi, and I usually don't bring anyone with me except Chang Huan when I go out. I just accepted a pearl, how could I not bring it with me?" around."

The two talked to each other, Murong Xue seemed to be calm, but her mind had already started to stir.

What Yin Yi said was right, if she didn't appear by his side tomorrow, the old Shuo Wang would inevitably feel suspicious.

Even if he didn't dare to say anything because of Dongfang Ling's face, it's hard to guarantee that he will speak out in the future to reveal the news.

Her identity is a taboo topic, and there is still Jin Lin in the palace watching, if a Shuo Wang is involved at this time, it is really not a good thing.


She thought about it.

Winter Wai? --very good!
hunting? --good!
She, Murong Xue, will avenge her revenge, it seems that even God is helping her this time.

Shuo Wang!

She clenched her fists tightly, and Murong Shuang's miserable face was still vivid in her memory.

She is a sister, and she has to avenge her sister's revenge.

What's more, she really wanted to go back to that palace, because she threw something into the frozen lake, and she had to find a chance to take it out.

"My lord!" The man suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Dongfang Ling. "Let the servants go with His Royal Highness Yin! At any least to avoid tomorrow's winter encirclement."

Dongfang Ling frowned, and swept Murong Xue sharply, the message in his eyes was clearly:

"What are you messing around with!"

Murong Xue shook her head lightly, moved her lips wordlessly, and wanted to say something, but glanced at Yin Yi from the corner of her eye, and then gave up.

"His Royal Highness Yin is right," she continued, "it's really easy for the old prince Shuo to see the clues. Nu... Xue'er is just a slave, and she doesn't want to cause too much trouble for the prince. Therefore, the prince Let the servants go down with the Yin Palace."


Today's update is complete, thank you for your support to Nini. For those who like to read the conclusion, I recommend you to watch the first two parts of Nini's "Secret Agent Series": "Secret Agent 1: Feng Laiyi" and "Secret Agent" 2: My Concubine Is an Agent", all of them are finished texts, you can enjoy watching~!

(End of this chapter)

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