Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 123 How to take revenge?

Chapter 123 How to take revenge?
Chang Huan really couldn't figure it out, what was this girl doing?
"If you have the time, you should go and persuade your prince. I have stayed in Lingwang's mansion well. Why is he so crazy that he wants someone?"

Murong Xue was not polite at all, she was used to the life of the National Security Bureau, and she was never interested in talking to people she didn't want to talk to, or who she didn't think had much to do with her.

Seeing her indifference, Chang Huan rolled his eyes resentfully, then bowed his head in silence.

When the two walked back to Changxin Palace, Yin Yi was waiting at the door.

The young man who was used to wearing green robes changed into a dark blue riding suit for the first time today, looking really handsome and handsome.

"Get up!" He asked the person who came by with a faint smile, pointed to her body, and said, "Have you changed into new clothes? It seems that he is really careful, Mo Yunxuan actually left your clothes behind." See Murong Xue ignored it, and said again: "This suit is not bad, so after leaving the palace, do you want to sit in the carriage behind, or ride a horse with me?"

Without even thinking about it, Murong Xue said directly:
"I'm in a car!"

Then he looked at the servants waiting behind him, and actively urged:
"If you're ready, let's go!"

Yin Yi nodded and said nothing.

A group of people came out from the palace gate on the east side, and boarded the chariots and horses that had been prepared there earlier.

There was no one else in Murong Xue's carriage, which made her very satisfied.

For the people around Yin Yi, she is not very willing to have too much contact with them. Anyway, it is only a day and a half to be A Zhu. After today's winter encirclement, she still has to return to Ling Wang's mansion.

And as for the old man Lord Shuo...

She gritted her teeth in secret, closed her eyes lightly, and her brain began to work rapidly.

She said earlier that she wanted to avenge Murong Shuang, if she simply killed one person, she could at least come up with no less than two hundred methods immediately.

But according to the current situation, none of the two hundred methods will work.

(End of this chapter)

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