Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 124 The Emperor and Concubines Are Here

Chapter 124 The Emperor and Concubines Are Here
Although the idea of ​​moving the capital to the south has been suppressed as the Eastern people became more and more accustomed to the cold, they did not forget the original skills of their own nation.

Horses, bows and arrows are still the capital that the royal family of Yanchi Kingdom relies on most and is most proud of.

Today's hunting trip was lively, so many people came that made Murong Xue a little speechless.

Originally, she thought it was just a leisurely entertainment for the royal family, but when she saw that the emperor was present with a lot of concubines in grand costumes, she realized that she really underestimated this winter encirclement.

Old Shuo Wang was naturally among them, when Murong Xue saw her, she was glad that she chose to stand by Yin Yi's side.

Because the old man's eyes were looking at her, and after seeing her, he still let out a greedy light.

This Mu couldn't escape Yin Yi's eyes, he took a step forward to protect Murong Xue behind him, then smiled at Old Shuo Wang and clasped his fists as a greeting.

After the emperor and his concubines sat down in front of the main stage, the important officials living below immediately bowed three times.

The sound of long live, long live, long live, soared into the sky, which was really shocking.

This was the first time for Murong Xue to experience this kind of royal pilgrimage personally. She could continue to keep calm, but the shock still hit her physically and mentally.

She thinks this is like a large-scale brainwashing, telling people from the first generation, I am the right, I am the emperor, if you want to worship me, you can't turn against me.

So day by day, year by year, the same truth was repeatedly instilled in this way. Gradually, people felt that life should be like this, and the world should be like this.

Just like when they first entered the National Security Bureau, the dignified ideological education was to forcefully inject the ideas formulated by the leaders into their brains, making them machines loyal to the country.

(End of this chapter)

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