Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 125 The Emperor Appreciates the Sunset Bow

Chapter 125 The Emperor Appreciates the Sunset Bow

"What are you thinking about?" Just as she was thinking, she suddenly felt that someone was grabbing the clothes on her shoulders and lifting her up.

She was stunned, turned her head to look, and saw that Yin Yi was looking at her wonderingly, and the strength in her hands increased a little, until she was completely standing, and then helped her smooth the clothes again, and let go of her hands go.

Only then did she discover that the courtiers had all returned to their original places after the emperor called Pingshen, and her movements were really a bit too slow.

"Don't make things difficult for me again." Yin Yi lowered her body, leaned closer to her ear, and whispered: "Endure this winter siege, and I won't keep you anymore. Are you willing to come back to Dongsheng with me?" , I will take you with me, and I will not treat you badly from now on. If you want to go back to King Ling..." His eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Dongfang Ling who was standing opposite him not far away. Sigh - "Then go back!"

Murong Xue blinked, she could hear a bit of loneliness from Yin Yi's words.

Puzzled, he half-raised his head and looked around, but this movement happened to meet his face which was approaching him.

The tips of their noses bumped into one place, and the breathing of each other became so close and within reach.

Yin Yi didn't move, but Murong Xue jumped away.

Not only did she jump away, but she subconsciously glanced in the direction where Dongfang Ling was.

This glance just collided with that angry gaze, adding to her embarrassment.

Fortunately, Emperor Wu had already opened his mouth at this time, and resolved the embarrassment in a timely manner.

But hear him say—

"The encirclement of Yan Chi Dong has remained unchanged for a hundred years! Today, my royal family's relatives, dignitaries, court and field officials are all gathered together, and I will specially give this imperial sunset bow as a reward to today's leader!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of voices below, and everyone salivated at the bow that Emperor Wu was holding up high.

Those who understand its value can't help but be speechless, secretly lamenting that this year's Dongwei Emperor really attaches great importance to it, and even rewarded this sunset bow!

(End of this chapter)

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